The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1376: Void Scorpion's first battle

"What kind of thing is this? Isn't it a god's evil, **** it? How can there be so many god's evil in this kind of place."

As soon as he came out, the fire **** spirit who hadn't waited for his anger to dissipate, he saw what was attacking him. But this thing was different from what he thought. He thought he was being attacked by other gods.

In such remote places, there are generally few gods and not too many planes, so it is very safe.

But such a place will also not be a breeding ground for gods. He had heard of God's evil, but he only saw it once, and he still saw other people fighting. This is the first time I have encountered it.

But this time there were six all at once, and each of them was so powerful. From their attacks, this threat can already be felt. What exactly is going on.

Before he could think clearly, the attack of the six void scorpions came again. Red lights shot straight at him. Although this is red light, it has nothing to do with flames, just because the light itself is red. This particular attribute, even Chi Nan didn't figure out what it was.

This is a special weapon naturally evolved from the void plant that I planted, and it is also used to protect myself.

Now it has been used for attacks, coupled with special magic patterns and runes for strengthening and stabilization, even Chi Nan is very satisfied with the strength he has exerted. "Very good. The strength of these scorpions is really good. If you add the new homeland mother tree to increase, you will definitely not be worse than the lower gods at the peak level."

Looking back, Chi Nan said to the others: "You have to hurry up and improve your strength, you can't pull it down too much."

Hermilla rolled her eyes and said, "My lord, what you said is too light. It's good to say that we are gods. As long as we have enough resources and time, there is no problem in reaching the middle god, but other people won't work."

Sophia also nodded and said, "Yes, other people are different from you. They not only have to gather the godhead to comprehend the law, but also supplement and perfect some of the deficiencies in their law and priesthood. These are not trivial things."

Chi Nan understood at once that these little things that he usually didn't care about were the biggest problems that restricted his promotion to other gods. Even if the foundation is very solid at the beginning, there is still a gap.

I am afraid that it will take some time for the gods of my subordinates to truly reach the middle gods. It seems that within a certain period of time, besides his own gods, there are only four outsider gods in the mid-level gods under his own combat power. These gods, Chi Nan can only say that they can be used, but he will never completely believe them.

Before I knew it, Chi Nan seemed to have difficulty completely trusting except for the existence that he absolutely controlled.

Chi Nan also knew that this had its own problems, but this kind of problem could not be solved after he realized it. Forget it, let's continue to train your own subordinates, your absolute subordinates are really strong.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan continued to watch the battle in the screen. In the void, six void scorpions continued to attack from a distance, and the flame gods did not dare to leave their own kingdom, so they could only see tricks. A long-range attack in the air, or a defense against the opponent's attack, suddenly, the light in the void flickered abnormally.

It's just this weird attack mode that makes the flame gods very uncomfortable. Even though he has the powerful strength of more than six void scorpions, he can still only watch the opponent attacking himself, but he can only defend.

Every time he counterattacked, he was dodged far away without waiting for a hit. The speed of the attack of the gods is correct, but the speed of the void scorpion is also not slow. Finding an opportunity, the flame **** really hit a scorpion.

Only the next moment, the flame **** became depressed, because his own flame burned on the scorpion, only turning the scorpion's skin black, without substantial damage. Chi Nan felt clearly that there were actually some scars inside the scorpion. It was only because the skin was too resistant that it would behave well.

The resistance of the leaf tissue of the void plant to the divine power is really terrifying. But in this case, the internal structure and defense of the scorpion need to be strengthened, and it is a little bit worse after all.

As the battle continued, the six scorpions continued to absorb the power of the void and attacked continuously, using this method to consume the crystallization of the divine power of the flame **** from a long distance. After all, the flame **** did not go to the central plane to develop.

In such a remote place, even if you can grow to this level, the background is not enough. Chi Nan had already noticed that this **** was also very cautious when attacking, and was always preserving his strength.

In this case, either the **** wants to hold back a big move, or the reserve of divine power is not enough. It seems that this guy has used all his divine power reserves to improve himself. For such a long time to fight, there was not even a **** sent out. Even if you don't dare to leave casually, there is always no problem with God.

"You, you are not gods at all, who are you sending them? I have no grievances with you, why are you attacking me." After fighting for a long time, the Flame God finally found that something was wrong.

Even if I have only seen God Sin once, but as a god, I will never forget the feeling of God Sin.

Although these six void scorpions are as weird as gods, they are not the same thing with gods after all. In the beginning, it was only preconceived notions that affected him, how could he not see it now.

Since it is not a god, there is such a powerful attack power, how could it not be manipulated by humans.

At least he himself had never heard of any powerful race in the void that would pose a threat to the gods. For a long time, the only thing that can pose a threat to the gods is the gods themselves, except for the evil.

Even the Demon God of the Abyss is itself a part of the gods. It's a pity how could six void scorpions answer him. The answer to him was just continuous attacks. Under this kind of blow, the Flame God soon became somewhat unbearable.

Chi Nan saw at a glance that the kingdom of the flame gods was dimming at a speed that was indistinguishable by the naked eye. "This is, are you extracting the power of your own kingdom of God? It seems that he really doesn't have any divine power crystal reserves." Chi Nan smiled slightly. He knew that this battle was stable, and the most important thing was the battle of Void Scorpion. which performed.

At this time, the flame gods were also learning about these void scorpions through the Pantheon.

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