The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1397: It's a big piece of fog

"This power, this is definitely not the power of the upper gods, it is the power of the main gods." Chi Nan felt the magnificence in this power, the majestic power that made him feel insignificant, definitely not the upper level. God can send it out.

Looking at the respectful eyes of the guys around, Chi Nan knew that he was right.

Some gods even knelt down. The main **** is just like the **** in the eyes of mortals to ordinary gods. That kind of ubiquitous pressure, many ordinary gods simply cannot bear.

Looking around, Chi Nan found that he was doing pretty well. From this performance, we can basically see the strength of their respective strengths. The demon incarnation of oneself feels a lot more pressure than oneself.

The performance was not very good either. Chi Nan did not deliberately perform. After all, he was standing on the bright side. The better the performance, the less no one would dare to trouble himself. Sure enough, many people are also observing themselves.

After seeing Chi Nan's performance, some were surprised, some disdainful, and some sneered, and most of them were expressionless and didn't know what they were thinking. There is no easy way to be a **** for such a long time. Chi Nan was also expressionless, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

"The closer the central plane is to the central area, the stronger the barrier of the plane will be. When this place is reached, ordinary people can no longer enter at will. Only the main **** can open a space door in this place."

"Yes, it's amazing that the space channel can exist for two years at once."

"I don't know when I will have such power." Another divine inspiration sighed.

The person next to him looked disdainful: "It's you? I want to be the main god, it's just a dream. It's a great fluke that you can become a middle god." This guy's priesthood is not too high.

"Hmph, who said that I can't be the main god. I have a clergyman, but there are rules and magic drills. Maybe I will get it someday. It is possible to explore the ruins this time."

"The law of the magic drill? That is good, but the law of the magic drill is too few, where to find it. Besides, even if you find it, you are sure it must be suitable for you, and you will surely be able to complement your priesthood to perfection."

Many people still dismiss this statement. Chi Nan was astonished in his heart. This was the first time he had heard of what the law **** drill was, and it seemed to have something to do with becoming the main god. For a long time, supplementing the laws and fulfilling the priesthood has not been done by relying on self-understanding, or by using a large amount of divine power to assist in the deduction.

After many people reach the bottleneck, there is no way to go further, and the deduction can even easily enter a dead end. I haven't had this trouble since, and I can't calculate it even if I want to, but it doesn't mean I don't know.

This rule of magic seems to be a very simple thing. Perhaps, I can collect more. I can't use it, but my subordinate spirits can still use it.

Even if they are gods, although they can use their own power to improve their level, they still need to keep up with their understanding of the law, otherwise they will not be able to exert too much power. This method may also be good.

With the rapid increase in strength, Chi Nan has gradually discovered that Hemila and the others are gradually unable to keep up with themselves in the understanding and use of the law. Compared with the gods of the same level, their combat effectiveness is simply not good.

Just when Chi Nan was about to continue listening to what they said, a huge roar sounded, and the space channel was completely opened. At the next moment, Chi Nan saw a few phantoms instantly entering the space channel.

"What is that? I can't see clearly, it's very fast. Could it be that the incarnations of other main gods have entered?" Chi Nan could only think like this. Looking around, there were only a few people like him, with thoughtful eyes. The others did not see it at all. No one can think of anyone other than the Lord God who can show such a speed.

With the participation of the Lord God, it means that this time the action is much more dangerous than I thought.

I hope I don't become the prey of others. Chi Nan has already thought about what will happen after entering. But now there is no time to think about it, and everyone has entered it.

Entering along the passage, although Chi Nan and the demon incarnation entered separately, they all entered in the same batch. When other gods saw this scene, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and no one would have thought of the relationship between the two.

After entering the passage, Chi Nan found that he was separated from the clone of the demon incarnation. After some induction, Chi Nan felt that the demon clone was very far away from him. At this distance, it is not easy to communicate with each other.

"It seems that we still have to meet the demon clone first, otherwise it will be too unsafe here. But what is this place, why is such a big fog?" Chi Nan looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise.

After entering here, Chi Nan found that there was a thin layer of mist around him. Although it is not very thick, it is hard to see if it is a little farther away. Unleashing his spiritual power, Chi Nan was surprised to find that his perception could not penetrate these mists, even closer than the distance directly seen with his eyes.

"This is the prohibition left by the God of the can actually have such a big impact on me, not let me see it, nor let me perceive it, but it's the same if you want to come to other people, although more It's troublesome, but it's also a lot safer."

I came here alone, and there weren't as many people under those large gods, this kind of environment was more powerful for me. Regardless, first merge the demon clones, and then slowly explore.

In this fog, no one knows what will be. Chi Nan thought and walked forward. After a while, Chi Nan encountered a section of the city wall. Go around and move on.

This city wall is just a single wall, nothing special. However, Chi Nan found that the more we progressed, the more weird walls we would encounter on the road, which seemed to be a maze.

"The fog plus the maze, this is not done deliberately, right. What the **** of the fog is hiding, is it an experience for later generations." Chi Nan thought strangely. There are many gods, and there are all kinds of them. It is not impossible to create a relic of experience in this way, but it is a bit strange to place it in the center of the plane.

It's not easy for people to get here. Those who can develop in the center of the plane must be at least the upper gods.

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