The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1404: Encounter the Gods Squad

While thinking, he approached cautiously, and at the same time his wood elf slowly approached. Only when he got close to a certain level, Chi Nan suddenly heard the voice of a voice from the other side.

"This harvest is really good. After I go back, maybe I will have a chance to break through to the upper god."

"No, who would have thought that the biggest gain here is this, but unfortunately, there is nothing I want."

"You can get it, these things are already very valuable. Sacred tools or something, I guess there will be no here. Looking at this place, it is very similar to a place dedicated to experience, this will not be given by the gods of the fog. I prepared it."

Chi Nan was taken aback for a moment, and when he heard the voice, it was obviously not something God's evil could make. If you don’t understand the language, you will naturally understand the meaning when you reach your ears. This is something that only gods can do.

This is the greatest use of different gods and deities. Of course, when other people speak, as long as they speak, the gods are generally able to comprehend the meaning. For the gods, language is not an obstacle.

But the one who can speak is certainly not a godless evil. At least until now, Chi Nan hasn't heard that the gods can speak, and even most of the gods don't even have a mind. They only know that they are crazy to attack all the gods in front of them.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan suddenly had no intention of attacking. First, see who these people are before talking about it.

Chi Nan walked over slowly, and as soon as he came out, the shadow was discovered by others. "Someone, come out quickly."

Chi Nan did not conceal: "Hello, I am the holy tree god, passing by here, I heard the movement here, so come and have a look. Can I communicate with you." Chi Nan said slowly, and the three wood elves remained the same. hide.

If they want to kill their mouths, then it's not certain who kills who. His own strength is definitely not weaker than them, and with the sneak attack of the three wood elves, it is basically impossible to lose to these guys.

As he approached, Chi Nan also discovered that it was an eight-man team. Two of them are high-ranking gods who have just been promoted, and the others are middle-ranking gods. There is no **** clone of the lower **** level here, and he has never seen it.

"It turns out to be the Holy Tree God, welcome, the plants and bases you sell are very useful, and we are all using them."

It turned out to be his own customer, and that was the orthodox **** in the Pantheon.

Chi Nan remained vigilant, walked to a place some distance from them, and then stopped. "After I came here, all I met were gods. You are the first gods I met. I don't know what you found here."

Chi Nan didn't tell the truth, it doesn't matter whether the other party believes it or not. "We are also a temporary team. It is difficult to move forward without forming a team here. Why don't you join us too."

I actually invited myself, but I have a lot of things I can't expose, so I can only apologize.

Chi Nan spread his hands: "I still have to find my friends, so I can't wait here. I'm really sorry."

After a pause, Chi Nan continued: "But can we exchange information? Have you found anything special here? The only thing I found here is this." Chi Nan had a crystal in the dark.

Others are used to seeing it, and there is no greed or envy. Obviously they have it themselves. "There is only the gods here. Killing the gods will drop the crystals of gods. This is the biggest gain. If you guess right, this place should be a trial place left by the gods of fog in the ancient times. It is specially used for training. Used by the gods."

Chi Nan was a little surprised: "What? You said this is the crystallization of divine power? Why I have never seen this kind of divine power crystallization?" Chi Nan really did not see that this is a divine power crystallization, although it can supplement his own divine power.

"The crystallization of five divine powers, as long as this one." The other party said with his finger.

This is a deal, but that's okay, if you dare to deceive yourself, Chi Nan doesn't mind destroying them all here. So there is no need for a contract at all, Chi Nan directly took out five and threw them to the other party.

Seeing that Chi Nan was so generous, the greed in the opponent's eyes flashed, but then disappeared. The pressure Chi Nan puts on them is not small, although it is only a newly promoted upper god, but who knows what he has.

Everyone knows that Chi Nan has a certain relationship with the Elf God System and the Orc God System. Who knows if he is the spokesperson of the Great God System. Thinking of this, the desire to eat black in my heart disappeared instantly, so let's make the deal honestly.

The head of the person said: "This is not a normal divine power crystal, but a top divine power crystal improved. As we all know, the divine power crystal refined by the main **** is the top divine power crystal. But the top divine power crystal is not only a divine power crystal, but also a one This material. The Lord God has special means to refine it."

Pointing to the one in his hand, the person in the lead continued: "This is the result of the God of the Mist crystallizing and refining his divine power. It has no attributes and compresses a large amount of divine power, which is a reward."

"For the gods who have not reached the main god, this kind of divine power crystallization has great benefits. It also contains the approval of the heavens to kill the gods. Direct absorption can improve their strength. It can be said that as long as your own The Godhead has not reached the The divine power has not reached the height of the Godhead limit, and it can be improved without side effects."

Another high-ranking **** next to him also said: "Not only is it useful to yourself, it can also accelerate the evolution of the kingdom of God directly to absorb it. Even slightly perfect the foundation of the kingdom of God, so that the kingdom of God can be upgraded to a higher level."

This is the case for the two upper gods right now. The foundation of the kingdom of God is too weak and can only reach the middle. Although it has been a long time for them to reach the upper gods, there is no way in the kingdom of gods to raise a level.

For many gods, this is also an embarrassing thing. If they have enough of this special divine power crystallization, they will have a certain degree of certainty to perfect the foundation of their divine kingdom and improve their divine kingdom.

Chi Nan was cut and promoted much later than them, but Chi Nan has his own superior kingdom of God, so his status is much higher than them. In the eyes of the major gods, Chi Nan also has greater potential than theirs. This is something that makes them feel helpless.

"So that's it." Chi Nan now understands why it feels like this thing is of great use. Instead of the first-class and top-level divine power crystallization, it can speed up the speed of your own promotion. Perhaps, to become the main **** in a short time, it depends on this.

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