The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1409: It turns out that the main **** is here

Chi Nan happily collected various resources in the mist, not only the spar produced here, but also some things carried by other **** clones, and even some low-level artifacts. He didn't know how many he got.

Even if the senior artifact Chi Nan got it, she wouldn't dare to use it, and artifacts of this level would not appear on the avatar of the gods. But the low-level ones are different, and Chi Nan's strength is enough to change their appearance.

Moreover, there are actually many such low-level artifacts. Even if Chi Nan took it out directly, as long as it was not seen by the original owner, it would not be easy to distinguish. The popularity is too low, there are too many similar things, even the gods don’t bother to pay attention to it. These things, as long as you go back and deal with them later, you can put them in your divine system and use them.

This kind of gain is enough to make one's **** system rich at once. Many deficiencies in the background can be fully supplemented at once. Sure enough, people are not rich without windfall.

I don’t even know how much I have collected. Anyway, I can’t use it up. The gray crystal in it, that is, the special top divine power crystal, Chi Nan has collected more than one hundred thousand.

This proves that there are at least 50,000 gods here, and their deaths can exchange so many crystals.

Such a large-scale **** evil, if it weren't for what the **** of mist had done before, Chi Nan would never believe it.

More than a year has passed since I came here, and there is still less than a year before the barrier hole is closed. Most of the time has passed, but my harvest is very rich.

If it weren't for worrying about coming in next time, it would take time to get himself and the demon clone together. Chi Nan wanted to leave here with his things, and then come in again. The more things on one's body, the more unreliable in the heart. If you encounter a strong enemy and be killed, your loss will be great, and it will be so great that you can die of heartache.

Here, Chi Nan is not invincible. There are one or two or even five or six incarnations of high-level gods, Chi Nan will not care, but he can still run away. But if you encounter seven high-level **** incarnations at once, you will be unlucky.

If it is that kind of top-level upper **** incarnation, let alone seven, even if there are two, he may not be an opponent. Fortunately, until now, I have not encountered such a dangerous existence.

But Chi Nan was still carefully exploring everything around him. Once something was wrong, Chi Nan would immediately run away. When necessary, run directly upwards, leaving this place at any cost.

Even if the gains gained over the past year are not enough to make oneself the main god, it is enough to make a big step forward on the road of becoming the main god. In the eyes of myself without a bottleneck, the amount of resources and the speed of digestion are the most important.

On this day, Chi Nan was still searching here aimlessly. There is no map anyway, or even a sense of direction. It's just that this day is different from usual, and a powerful force suddenly burst out from a distance.

"What's going on? Such a powerful power fluctuation, in this kind of fog, our upper gods can't do it. Wait, this will not be the power that the main gods burst out, it turns out that they are all over there. But. What on earth is there?" Chi Nan felt itchy in his heart, wondering if he should go over and take a look.

I don't know those main gods, if I get close, will I be slapped to death? Regardless of his own strength, in the eyes of the main god, he is still no different from other ordinary gods.

Moreover, if the main gods really fight, they themselves will be affected.

But the main **** has appeared, and many gods will gather there. On the one hand, some people want to reap the benefits, and some are under the hands of these main gods.

"With the character of the Lord of Light, who must be involved in this event," Chi Nan said in a low voice. The Lord of Light is more active among all the Lord Gods, and you can see the Light God System in many places.

This time, thinking about it is the same, that is to say, the **** of dawn feels this power, and it is very likely that he will also approach there. This time I came here for two main purposes, one is to find good, and the other is to take this opportunity to take revenge on the **** of dawn. It's just that I haven't encountered it since.

Believe that the **** of dawn will find a way to deal with himself when he sees himself. Although I don't know how much trouble he did last time, but judging from his performance, he hates himself deeply.

"The only chance is to take the risk for revenge or to let the guy off temporarily for the gain. Wait a minute, I will definitely fight that guy in the future. If I eliminate a powerful avatar of him now, in the future, There will also be one less enemy. In this case, it is beneficial to me, otherwise I will not be able to understand."

No matter how strong the Dawn God's background is, there will never be too many divine power incarnations with the same strength as himself. It was enough for him to die. So, do you want to take a risk?

"Let's go over and see, at least see if there is a chance, if there is a chance, take the risk, if not, forget it. I'll just look at it from a distance, and it shouldn't be affected."

Just after speaking, Chi Nan felt that something swept over there. Chi Nan's heart moved, and then he smiled. "I know, there must be a lot of people who can't resist this temptation, isn't it all over."

Now that there are people in the past, you just need to hide among them. Cannot be exposed casually, a large black robe quickly grew out of Chi Nan's body, which wrapped himself in it. This kind of robe can only block the line of sight, not the breath. If it is in other places, it is of no use at all.

But here, the mist blocked the breath of the gods, and the perception was also blocked. This kind of coat that can only hide the face and figure is very useful for hiding the identity.

Just like his own wood elves, they were disguised, and Chi Nan ran towards the place where the fluctuations were emitted. The fluctuations in the distance do not disappear all at once, but the fluctuations become stronger and stronger over time.

"This feeling is not fighting, it seems to be attacking something. Is it because there is something special sealed here, so they want to open it now, it is worth the attack of the main god, what kind of seal is it?"

The more Chi Nan perceives, the more surprised he is, as if he has been exposed to some unknown special events.

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