The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1439: Your end is here

The demon gods really have a lot of life-saving methods, and even the magic skills they use to protect themselves are more than they use to attack and fight. The gods of dawn who attacked desperately, but didn't treat them well.

So this time the battle was so deadlocked. The two sides continued to invest and consume a lot of divine power, but the battle was constantly stalemate. This battle lasted more than a month.

A large area within the kingdom of God has become ruins, but no one is paying attention to this.

Because of the relationship between the seven demon avatars inside, the abyss will erodes faster and faster, and the speed of the entire kingdom of God is also getting faster and faster. At this time, not only the **** of dawn, even the existence of other light gods was also anxious.

But this was during the battle of God, they didn't dare to do anything at all. The Lord of Light was able to help, but he couldn't help now either. A guy on the opposite side is locking himself.

For the main god, although a high-level **** is important, it is still not up to the point where one needs to risk rescue.

Therefore, after a month of delay, the extent of the erosion of the kingdom of the **** of dawn finally reached more than half, already more than two-thirds. With the upper demon **** as the coordinate, the erosion speed is fast.

At this time, the **** of dawn can finally make a move. From afar, the God of Dawn felt the guy who locked his own kingdom of God. The guy who launched the battle of gods and tied the two kingdoms of gods together.

Although he could not leave the temple yet, there was no problem at all when attacking the distant kingdom of God.

"Although you don't know who you are, you dare to do this kind of thing, thinking that you are ready to die."

The voice of the God of Dawn passed through the cracks in the kingdom of God to the ears of the demon clone of Chi Nan, and rang in the entire kingdom of the devil. Chi Nan smiled calmly: "Waiting at any time." There are only four words.

The God of Dawn didn't say much, there was a bright diamond-like thing above his temple. The **** of dawn lightly pointed, and the light burst. "Abyss Will is extremely powerful. I have seen it before, but you are not Abyss Will. If you kill you, Abyss Will will not say much for you."

At this time, the **** of dawn has already felt it, and the guy on the opposite side, although the aura used is very similar to that of the kingdom of gods, it is full of demonic power. He will never forget the breath of the abyss.

Although I don't know how the devil did this, how to launch a battle through the abyss, but to kill that guy and figure out what the situation is, I believe it is also a great achievement. Maybe I can still use this credit to get a huge benefit from the Lord of Light. In that case, I will not only recover hope, but also have the possibility to go further.

The **** of dawn shot without hesitation, and the bright spar burst out with a bright light, which was extremely bright. This ray of light directly attacked the kingdom of God in Chi Nan. Chi Nan didn't do anything extra, so he just watched.

In the void, the phantom of the Abyss Demon Soul Banner suddenly appeared, and it shook slightly, weakening this invisible power by more than half. The remaining power attacked his own kingdom of God, without even the power to shake the barrier.

"The upper demon god, this plane is not worse than my kingdom of God." Feeling the strength of the counterattack, the **** of dawn was shocked in his heart. This kind of performance is really amazing.

Chi Nan didn't attack directly, because he knew that the power aura he had attacked himself would explode and would definitely be exposed. Others may not feel it, but the kingdom of the **** of dawn is too close to the lord of light.

The Lord of Light can definitely feel that what he is using is the power of a kingdom of God, and that the devil can establish a kingdom of God, which is a big event. Who knows how serious the consequences will be.

So Chi Nan didn't attack, but resisted here. It is also good to be able to consume more of the opponent's power.

Chi Nan did this, but it made the **** of dawn think that the devil just used a special method to lock and defend, and it would not reach the true power of a kingdom of God, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Mighty's own kingdom of God was able to escape this morning. In order to find out what happened as soon as possible, the God of Dawn began to attack desperately. The crystal reserve of his own divine power is constantly being evaporated and burned. Just this loss is nothing to the God of Dawn. Similarly, Chi Nan is also constantly consuming, and this loss is even more indifferent.

In his own kingdom of God, Chi Nan doesn't need to consume the crystal of divine power, the magical life magic power gathered by his own energy pool is enough. Not only does his life magic power have a large number, but it also has a high degree of fit and a fast recovery speed.

Used to fight against other gods, it is a great resource. The power of both sides kept attacking in the void, but the God of Dawn discovered that no one could achieve his own effect.

And with the progress of this battle, the erosion of his kingdom of God is getting more and more serious. If there is no effect, this corrosive force will come to his temple. At that time, the decline of the Kingdom of God became a foregone conclusion.

My believers are also suffering a lot of losses, and the power of faith is constantly shrinking, and the God of Dawn can feel it. "Damn it, how could this happen, what did those demons why are they so defensive."

Just when the **** of dawn was annoyed, the clone was also affected. The avatar of Chi Nan in the battle suddenly seized this opportunity. "Very well, break your arm first."

Chi Nan's eyes lit up, and a phantom suddenly appeared on the clone. That's right, this is the shadow formed by the Abyss Demon Soul Banner. Although Chi Nan didn't give him a clone of artifact, there was a shadow of artifact differentiation. As the phantom appeared, a black flame in Chi Nan's hand burned, more flexible than usual, and instantly appeared where needed.

Chi Nan, who hadn't done much for a long time, was shocked when this flame burned. The power contained in it is far more powerful than the previous attack, and it is also far more weird.

The avatar of the God of Dawn, who hadn't noticed for a while, was immediately involved in it. There was a scream, and the clone of the **** of dawn was burned very miserably. Chi Nan grasped the divided shadow and waved it fiercely.

"What are you doing in a daze, attack quickly, or wait until he and the deity meet, we are not opponents." Chi Nan's words reminded others, yes, no matter what you are doing, kill the enemy first.

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