The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1460: Is the birth of the Lord God good or bad?

"Then what should we do, how to deal with these fallen beasts." The fallen beasts haven't come out yet, but they are already worried. The older gods knew the strength of the fallen beast very well.

That power can shake the union of all their gods. No one knew where the fallen beast came from, and now everyone finally knew it. The whirlpool is a huge threat, and anyone who approaches will feel very dangerous.

The Lord of Time didn't think too much, and said directly: "Give this place out, expand the encirclement, and make the fallen beast closer to the opponent. When the fallen beast encounters the gods, the first thing to destroy is definitely the gods. When encountering evil gods and orthodox gods, the first one to deal with must also be evil gods. We are always the last goal."

Perhaps at the end of the battle, it was their battle with the fallen beast, or it might be the battle with the Lord of Gods. No one knows. All in all, the situation is getting more and more complicated.

Chi Nan didn't know this at all, because he had already closed the kingdom of God. If you want to know what's happening outside, you need to wait until your kingdom of God is reopened before you will understand that he is already preparing for it with all his strength.

The external situation has become more complicated and confusing, and Chi Nan's divine power has become more active and solid. His divine power is constantly flowing and condensing in his body, which has been completed nine times. Every time it condenses, the divine power will be reduced a lot, but the degree of cohesion of the divine spirit will be much stronger than before.

With the same supernatural power, the current self can beat the previous self several times. And the comprehension and use of one's own power is becoming stronger and more detailed invisibly.

Even Chi Nan felt that he seemed to have realized the true meaning of some worlds, which was completely unknown before.

If you used to look at the world as if you were looking at it through frosted glass, now you look at it directly. Especially for one's own plant control ability, more freedom and more casual.

If various abilities were needed before, they are not needed anymore, because all abilities are instincts, and all instincts are powerful to a new height. The attacks that are now casually hit are the most powerful magic arts.

But his divine technique, the Emerald God Thunder, has become even more powerful. As for how powerful it is, Chi Nan himself doesn't know. Chi Nan could only feel that the barrier in the dark had finally broken.

This is not an ordinary barrier, but a transition that represents the essence of life, and he is no longer an ordinary god. When the divine power was compressed for the tenth time, Chi Nan's power finally exploded.

A large number of divine power crystals and gray crystals around were continuously absorbed, and the rate of reduction was rapid, and most of it was consumed in a blink of an eye. But Chi Nan felt that it was very worthwhile, because he finally gained enough strength.

Opening his eyes, the green light in his eyes flashed away. The huge coercion was released, and then it was completely restrained. Then, a terrifying coercion was released from Chi Nan's body.

Their own gods just felt that Chi Nan was more majestic, and did not feel much, but the believers felt that the joy in their hearts was about to explode. Many believers are jumping around with excitement on their faces. Even in the weird gazes of other people, they didn't stop, tears were streaming down their faces, and they didn't know what happened.

In the void, all the communication between the gods stopped in an instant, and everyone opened their eyes wide and looked towards Chi Nan's kingdom of God. The main **** breakthrough, this is not something a superior **** kingdom can stop.

Even if the kingdom of God was closed, the power of the main **** still exploded without concealment.

That terrifying coercion spread out in all directions, directly scaring everyone. Especially the subordinate spirits of Chi Nan suddenly felt that Chi Nan's power was expanding, and they didn't know what to say.

The gods spontaneously knelt in the direction of Chi Nan, with no resistance at all. The main gods are very familiar with this change, because they have all experienced it. All the people looked at Chi Nan's direction with complicated faces.

Once the promotion begins, no one can stop it. "Xia Mian, what the **** is going on? Is it a treasure?"

A touch of greed flashed in the eyes of many gods, and there was also a look of jealousy.

The nearest Lord of Nature shook his head and said, "No, it's not a treasure. This is the promotion of the gods. From the upper **** to the main god, we will have one more companion soon." This companion is talking about the main god, and everyone else can. Not qualified.

"No, it's impossible. Isn't that the kingdom of the Holy Tree God? Although the Holy Tree God has improved rapidly over the years, how long has it taken for him to break through the upper gods and how could he become the main god? This is absolutely impossible. It must be a feeling. wrong."

"Shut up, what are you, dare to criticize the main god." The powerful pressure came, suppressing the kingdom of the gods and filling them with cracks. The God of Dawn, who had just recovered, also looked at Chi Nan's direction with a blank expression. You know, you and this one have hatred, this is really troublesome.

If he knew that the previous demon had something to do with Chi Nan, he would be even more uncomfortable.

"It's great, so we have to have twenty-eight master gods, our strength has increased again, and the chances of winning have increased this time."

"Yes, yes, this one is different from the others. We have been using this plant base under the The only one who is willing to help us ordinary gods, but this one is the only one. "

"Hehe, I don't know if it's good or bad. After all, there are only a few main gods, and so much territory is occupied by everyone."

"What do you mean by this? Are you a spy on the side of the fallen?"

Many gods talked a lot, and the eyes of the main gods became more complicated. Suddenly a new main **** appeared at this time, and I didn't know if it was good or bad. In this case, they can increase their combat effectiveness and increase their chances of winning.

But the emergence of a new main **** is definitely not something the older generation of main gods would like to see. Except for a few good-tempered people, other people don't treat Chi Nan much. But in any case, this is also the birth of a main god.

In the void, a thunder flashed by, this was the emerald divine thunder. The next moment, the breath disappeared, and the kingdom of God in Chi Nan was automatically opened. A new main **** appeared before them.

"Congratulations, the new ruler." The Lord of Time first congratulated, and the surrounding gods issued congratulatory declarations. After all, Chi Nan still has the title of a lunatic god.

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