The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1463: Launched new product Void Scorpion

"What is this? It seems to be very dangerous." The Lord of Light said.

No one thought that Chi Nan had such a background. You know, Chi Nan has just broken through to become the main god, and what he brings out now must have been done before, not after the breakthrough.

This shows that Chi Nan definitely hid a large part of his power before. Many main gods began to regret it. If they knew it at the beginning, they would have to control Chi Nan for whatever they said, and would definitely not give him time to develop.

Even after controlling it, Chi Nan would definitely not be able to break through to become the main **** in the future, but he was able to add a strong foundation and ability to his **** system, and it was too late to say anything now.

No way, before the main gods didn't like Chi Nan very much, because although he couldn't get out the things he took out, there was still no way to alarm the main gods to do it. The Lord God himself wants face, it is impossible to ignore everything.

And the other gods either were concerned about Chi Nan's strength or the network of relationships brought about by Chi Nan's large plant base business, anyway, no one dared to mess around. Without knowing the true background of Chi Nan, those with ideas have no courage, those with courage have no strength, and those with strength have no interest. As a result, Chi Nan has grown up.

Many gods suddenly realized in their hearts, it is no wonder that Chi Nan was able to ascend so quickly because it turned out to be because of such a background. These hidden things really make them fear and envy.

"This is the weapon I'm talking about. I have been researching and manufacturing the void scorpions since I became a god. These void scorpions are transformed using special void-growing plants as their foundation. The combat power of each one is close to that of the middle god. "

That's right, it's just close, but Chi Nan believes that with his breakthrough, as long as he reforms it, it won't take long for these void scorpions to become a mid-level god-level combat power.

After so many years of transformation, although these void scorpions look similar to before, their actual combat effectiveness is completely different. Defensive power and attack power have been improved a lot, and the degree of flexibility is also higher.

As long as more than a dozen scorpions unite and cooperate with each other, even a middle **** who owns the kingdom of God is definitely not an opponent.

"Can we test it." The warrior lord's eyes lit up, and then he said.

Chi Nan nodded: "Yes, but it's better not to kill it, otherwise it will take a lot of time and energy to repair it."

Just after Chi Nan finished speaking, one of the fighters rushed out, obviously receiving a hint from the warrior lord. This is a mid-level god-level combat power, and it should be a clone sent by a certain upper god.

However, looking at this character, I am afraid that he is also under the master of warriors, and others would not be so impulsive.

Because the speed was too fast, even the surrounding gods were led by his power to stand unsteadily, and everyone cast their dissatisfied eyes. But then, everyone's attention was placed in the void.

A powerful warrior burst out with a fiery red light, holding a sword and shield and slashing out fiercely. This sword and shield is only condensed by using divine power, not a divine weapon, but it also possesses very terrifying power.

Ten void scorpions flew out on the opposite side, and instantly fought with this god. The two scorpions in front blocked the six pliers in front of him, like shields. The sword aura of the warrior gods was actually unable to penetrate. Dou Qi hit the scorpion's pliers, only leaving a trace on the surface, and then disappeared.

"It's a powerful defensive power. This defensive power is comparable to some low-level artifacts. If you don't have artifacts in your hands, it might not be easy to deal with them." A gleam of light flashed in the Dragon God's eyes.

Fortunately, this terrifying creature is not a race. Otherwise, as the strongest race of Dragon Race, the title of the strongest will change. It is not easy to be able to use plants to make such a terrible weapon.

"Do you look carefully, the composition of these void scorpions is very special, and their resistance to spells is much stronger than melee attacks." Another main **** said that this is the master of magic.

Chi Nan is not familiar with this one, after all, he doesn't use magic. Because of the sacred tree, he couldn't even mobilize magic elements. Before becoming a god, he could not even feel the existence of magic elements.

However, even Chi Nan could feel threatened by the tide-like magic power that surged in this body.

As a main **** who focuses on magic, his power bursts out and can definitely make any main **** look at him.

The battle in the void continued. The cooperation of the void scorpions is eye-opening, and it is no different from real creatures. There is obviously no one to control, which shows that these void scorpions have a certain thinking.

Then, rays of light burst out from the eyes, and each of them possessed a terrifying attack power. Especially the release of the ray of light on the tail, even the warrior gods who were fighting felt a huge threat.

A ray of light hit his shield and was able to directly hit it back several steps. If it is hit by several rays of light at the same time, the shield in his hand will explode on the spot. This attack power absolutely reached the level of a median god. Fortunately, the scorpion's tail can't be released continuously, and it needs a period of power to conceive.

If it can be released continuously, just this one, I am afraid it can be evenly matched with oneself. This is a sum. Through good cooperation, the warrior **** feels very Suddenly, the warrior stopped. "Stop it, if I continue to fight, I can only use large-scale magic. In that case, these scorpions may be difficult to keep."

What he didn't say was that if he consumed too much, he might be injured. Although he wouldn't be killed by his clone, he would lose face if he was injured too badly. Chi Nan waved his hand, and the scorpions stopped.

I just want to demonstrate my scorpion combat power, not here to fight people.

"Sure enough, these void scorpions are powerful enough to fight against a large number of gods on the opposite side, and it can also ensure that our lower and middle gods will not lose too much, but how much output are these scorpions."

Chi Nan smiled slightly: "They are all plants, and it is possible to produce them quickly, but they require a lot of energy. A void scorpion takes about a year to conceive."

What Chi Nan was talking about was the past and the situation after the breakthrough. If all of his plants are modified, this kind of production speed will definitely be faster, and Chi Nan doesn't know how fast it is.

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