The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1472: I have a secret plan

After two losses on both sides, both sides have become more cautious. The Cthulhu has always wanted to retaliate, but he has never found a chance. And the gods here did not find a chance again.

Two years later, the **** of assassination was resurrected, once again making the relationship between the two parties tense.

But others couldn't see it, but Chi Nan was able to clearly discover that the state of the assassinated **** was simply not as good as before. Although it was resurrected, it would be impossible to truly return to its peak without hundreds of years.

Of course, only the main **** can see this matter, and other gods can't see it.

After showing up, the **** of assassination returned to the kingdom of the conspiracy lord, which was a kind of protection and a kind of concealment. On the one hand, others don’t have to worry about it for the time being, and on the other hand, it also keeps the opposite person unclear about the situation.

However, the news of the resurrection of the assassinated **** was still exposed without hesitation, and the opposite party became nervous now.

"Although it is not possible to assassinate the main god, it is still very useful to assassinate the opponent's upper **** during a battle."

Yes, I have a high-level **** assassin on my side, plus those void scorpions provided by Chi Nan that can fight against a large number of middle-level gods and lower-level gods. It seems that in the battle below the level of the main god, my side has an absolute Advantage.

In terms of power, they were saved, but the most serious thing was their upper-level fighting. Only the battle at the main **** level can determine the final battle. Although the victory of the war has always belonged to the Pantheon, they did not dare to take it lightly. After all, victory belongs to him, but I don’t know if I can survive.

At this time, everyone has no choice but to test each other.

At this moment, Chi Nan, who had been hesitating, suddenly said: "I have a plan. Once this plan succeeds, it will inevitably damage the enemy, but this plan requires everyone's cooperation."

Although Chi Nan is the newly promoted main god, he provides great help regardless of the size of the **** seat. After these years, Chi Nan's voice and position in the alliance have gradually stabilized.

As the Lord God, there is a lot of capital for other people to talk on an equal footing. Hearing Chi Nan's words, everyone turned their attention. The Lord of Light even waved his hand to the surroundings.

It didn't take long for everyone except the clone of the main **** to leave the conference hall. The entire abandoned kingdom of God was blocked by a strong defense, and no one could eavesdrop on their words.

"Now it can be said that in this conference room, apart from us, there is no living or dead, no one will be able to overhear our news." When the Lord of Light uses his divine tool, the bright mirror to illuminate the whole place. After meeting, he said. When it comes to surveillance, no one can really compare with the Lord of Light.

Chi Nan took a deep breath: "This is also for safety. After all, once exposed, we won't have such a good opportunity."

"Don't worry, we are all orthodox gods on the Pantheon. No one will degenerate themselves except for the Lord of Shadows." This is the guarantee of all the main gods, and Chi Nan continued to speak.

If you were more careful, they might think that they looked down on them, which would be bad.

Chi Nan said calmly: "I have a plan. This plan is to let them fight inwardly. Attacking from the outside is not easy, but it is very easy from the inside." When this was said, everyone frowned.

"Although they are at odds with each other, they want to fight internally. That is impossible. Now that the powerful power of the Lord of Gods is suppressing, and our powerful enemy, it is absolutely impossible for them to find death by themselves."

Chi Nan nodded gently: "Normally, it is true, but if there is a powerful demon **** who is not controlled by the will of the abyss." Chi Nan's words made everyone's eyes bright.

"Devil gods that are not controlled by the will of the abyss still exist. But if there are, how can they be used. As far as I know, the current four top demon gods are all controlled. Could there be a fifth demon god? ."

Chi Nan shook his head and said, "No, it's not the fifth demon god, but a high-ranking demon **** who is only one step away from breaking through. But without our help, he would not dare to break through. Because once he breaks through, he will be caught The will takes over directly. At that time, no matter what means is hidden, it will be discovered, so it comes to us."

"Don't worry, everyone, we have signed the highest-level contract in the name of the will of the heavens, but before this matter is completed, I can't reveal the identity of that person." This is Chi Nan intending to fake public welfare.

"Can you guarantee success? Then we need to pay something." Someone asked.

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth hooked, and he knew that this matter was 80% successful. "It is impossible to fully guarantee that, after all, everything is risky, let alone such a big thing. As for giving, it doesn't take too much."

"This breakthrough is mainly to shield the detection of the will of the abyss, temporarily not attract the attention of the will of the abyss, so as to be able to deploy in the dark, and eventually eliminate a few demon gods in one fell swoop, and even severely damage the will of the abyss. So we need to pay~ there is only a powerful artifact or formation method that shields the breath, nothing more."

The demon clone had already made all the preparations. If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of the will of the abyss, once breaking through, it would cause him to be attacked by the will of the abyss, and Chi Nan would not do it.

Even if it is the main god, and the will of the abyss alone confronted, I am afraid it will not last long. In order for his clone to grow better and serve himself better, Chi Nan will take it out.

I had to figure out a solution by myself, who knew I had caught up with such a great opportunity now. It just so happens that other main gods can help. Chi Nan was roughly born out of the contract, and did not disclose the name and content. Feeling the power of this contract, everyone already knew that Chi Nan had not deceived himself.

"Hidden breath? I am the best at this. I will provide god-level design and refinement. In terms of specific materials, other people are needed to help." The master of the conspiracy said first.

"After all, what is going to block is the will of the abyss. It is not enough if the strength is not enough. If you need help, tell us. Maybe we will work together to make the effect better." The Lord of Time also spoke at this time.

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