The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1474: Promote from 2 sides 1

Through my own channels, I quietly sent things out, and then everything around me did not change. The clones of the main gods quietly returned to their kingdom, and then began to analyze some recent events.

Although the opposing team used frequent methods, after a period of unsuccessful time, some clues were exposed. After the analysis by these main gods, many dangerous places were suddenly discovered.

While horrified in his heart, he became more careful about the opponent. But Chi Nan ignored all this. He is now dealing with another matter, which is his promotion.

Not only his own demon incarnation, but also his own kingdom of God, have reached their limits. After the injection of a large amount of resources in these years, coupled with such a long time of transformation, the Kingdom of God has finally gradually reached the edge of promotion. It was just that Chi Nan suppressed and didn't let his kingdom of God be promoted immediately, nothing more.

If one's own kingdom of God is promoted rashly, it will definitely attract the attention of both parties. "This time, I will use my kingdom of God to conceal the promotion of the demon avatar. When the demon avatar is set up, let the other side look good."

Knowing that at this time, Chi Nan still did not intend to expose the relationship between himself and the demon incarnation. Even if they knew that the demon incarnation was part of the plan in the future, they would never think of the true relationship between Chi Nan and the demon incarnation.

At most, they would think that they all use plants, so they hook up together. Ah bah, can your own business be called hookup.

Chi Nan shook his head and continued to prepare. Another two years have passed, and the demon incarnation is finally ready. Since becoming a god, time seems to be less like time.

I used to feel that a year was so long, but now it seems that one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

No longer thinking about this, the demon incarnation has already begun to prepare. The small handkerchief-like thing gently waved in the air, this special artifact immediately unfolded, enveloping the entire kingdom of God.

Within the scope of the artifact package, everything in the outside world has not changed. The so-called hiding is not the best way to hide everything, but to give people outside a reasonable room for imagination. For example, if one's own kingdom of God has not changed, this is really reasonable. After all this is done, disguise is required.

"Sure enough, this thing can only be used three times at most, and if it is used continuously, the time is limited. It seems that they are also worried that this artifact will pose a threat to them in the future.

It's just that there is any conspiracy in it, I don't know this. In short, it can only be used this time, and it cannot be used in the future.

Chi Nan made up his mind and began to prepare. A large amount of demonized divine power crystals that have been prepared a long time ago are piled up around. These are all powers that come from sacrifices or draw their origins in the recent period.

In order not to disturb the will of the abyss, this time Chi Nan breakthrough was not prepared to directly absorb the power sent by the abyss, but prepared to replace it with the crystal of demonized divine power. Otherwise, once a large amount of abyssal power is extracted, it would be strange that the abyss will not be discovered.

Besides, the main **** is completely different from the upper gods, and the power to extract a large amount of the will of the abyss cannot be digested by oneself at all. If he was assimilated by the opponent's power before digesting, his demon incarnation would also become a puppet of the abyss. That is not to cultivate a clone, but to become an enemy.

Chi Nan is not stupid, of course he knows how to do it. Otherwise, how could his demon incarnation delay so long to prepare for promotion. With Chi Nan's financial resources, there is still wealth to support one of his clones in the promotion.

After preparing, a large number of abyssal demon fire burned centered on Chi Nan. The surrounding demonized divine power crystals began to melt and were continuously refined, and then they were absorbed by their own demon clones.

The black lotus godhead in his body continued to rotate and expand, becoming larger and larger. The divine power is boiling, just like when the original deity was promoted. This boiling power continuously impacted himself and brought huge pressure to himself. At the same time, he began to temper his body, which was so violent.

Perhaps this is the different manifestation of demon power, not as gentle as normal divine power at all.

A large amount of power was absorbed by Chi Nan. Because he had an experience, Chi Nan knew what to do. There are no restrictions on the law. When the godhead breaks through a critical point, the black lotus suddenly expands and grows, changing into another appearance. On Hei Lian's body, the natural lines and flame lines became extremely clear.

The abyssal magic fire on his body was stronger than before, I don't know how much, and it feels more free to control. The seemingly milder flame on the surface, the destructive power actually produced cannot be estimated.

At least in Chi Nan, I felt that the flame that I used now was even stronger than the emerald divine thunder of the deity. I don't know if it is because of the bonus of the Abyss Demon Soul Flag, or because this power itself is so powerful.

"Hey, this is, self-consciousness is the generation. No, it is absolutely impossible to generate self-consciousness, and send this power to the deity." Chi Nan suddenly felt that his clone is about to form his own consciousness. Once he takes shape, his clone is out of his control. Becoming an independent individual has nothing to do with yourself anymore.

I don't know if this was done because the will of the heavens did not allow a main **** to become a puppet, but Chi Nan couldn't rest assured.

The power used to form self-awareness which was faintly transmitted by the will of the heavens was extracted by Chi Nan without hesitation and absorbed into the body of the deity. After realizing that there was no objection from the plane consciousness, this was a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's advance together on both sides." While Chi Nan breathed a sigh of relief, he also let go of his kingdom of God restrictions. Then a strong ray of light erupted from the kingdom of God in Chinan, reflecting everything around it into the color of emerald.

Such a big movement suddenly attracted everyone's attention. Not only the orthodox gods, but also the evil gods and demons on the opposite side. Those gods are constantly swallowing saliva while watching Chi Nan's Kingdom of God. For the gods, a main **** kingdom is a big cake, and it is extremely satisfying to be able to take a bite.

"Why so fast, and still at this time." The Lord of Light frowned and looked at this side.

"No, I have been promoted so soon. Even the kingdom of God has become the best kingdom of God. This background is completely comparable to our old master gods. If we continue to accumulate, we will become a strong existence again." Many like-minded people talk about "The Rise of Plants", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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