The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1540: Something seems wrong

After another two days, Chi Nan let out a sigh, and the Void Scorpion that he had studied for so long was finally completed.

"Each Void Scorpion alone can deal with a mid-level god, a mid-level **** without the kingdom bonus. Void scorpions can affect each other's growth, so the more the number, the stronger the Void Scorpion."

Chi Nan looked at his work with satisfaction: "As long as the new generation of Void Scorpions has more than 1,000, it can threaten the upper gods. At least it is no problem to fight against a higher **** without a kingdom of God. Unfortunately, this is the limit. Now, even if it continues to increase, the strength of the Void Scorpion cannot be improved."

Chi Nan knew that the next step in the promotion of plant weapons was to create plant weapons at the upper **** level. This was really a crazy possibility. But now, there is not so much time.

"It's a pity that I missed this opportunity. Even if it is made, I dare not take it out, otherwise I will be retaliated."

Chi Nan smiled and didn't say anything. These void scorpions have no way to gain other abilities besides the bonuses between their respective species, whether it is a void airship or something else.

The only thing that can be affected is one's own god's realm, nothing more.

Chi Nan discovered that if more than a thousand of these void scorpions were gathered together, and then through their own body's **** domain bonus, the individual strength of each one could really reach the level of a higher god.

But does it take so much trouble to fight with the upper gods? It seems a bit tasteless.

There is no way, this Void Scorpion is positioned as a high-level soldier after all, no matter how strong the individual is, it is impossible to stand alone, it is still just a soldier. "Then the next step is to secretly increase production, and produce more. It is better than it will be useless at that time." Chi Nan passed on the information of Void Scorpion.

Inside the secret manufacturing special factory, immediately began to get busy. The special plane factory that no one knows has already begun to secretly manufacture this new generation of void scorpions.

These void scorpions, Chi Nan didn't plan to share them, but they were hiding them as a hole card.

After finally completing the goal, I can finally come out and breathe. After giving birth to the seedlings of the Elemental Sacred Tree, Chi Nan walked out. Just after contacting his clone, Chi Nan found that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

"Strange, what's going on, the war below has actually fallen into a quagmire."

Chi Nan was surprised to find that the orthodox gods who were originally much stronger than the opponent's strength did not end the battle of gods, but were indifferent to the opponent, constantly attacking and defending each other.

You know, a long time ago, everyone was thinking about solving this battle of God. Who could have imagined that not only did the divine battle have not been resolved, but the scale of the divine battle was getting bigger and bigger, and it became more and more difficult to stop it.

"Although the orthodox gods have their own ideas, it's not like that."

There are too many orthodox gods factions, and their hatreds and relationships are also complicated. In this battle, we were fighting separately and dragging our legs behind each other, and there were cases where the rescue was not timely.

But there are people on the opposite side of this situation. With so many rescues, how could this be the case. And in the report, several gods died in the battle of gods, which is simply slap in the face in public.

This kind of thing was originally impossible to alarm the main **** level, but now the main **** has focused on a small plane that is half-integrated. That kind of large plane has also become a hot baby.

However, Chi Nan still found that the problem was not right. These high-ranking gods seemed to be very anxious.

Chi Nan didn't alarm them either, using his clone to secretly collect some information. "What, **** evil, it's because of **** evil." Chi Nan finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that the grievances and evil spirits on the battlefield have been too heavy recently, and there have been many deaths of gods or demigods, which has led to the appearance of gods on the battlefield. And it was conceived in a short time.

These gods have just been born, they have powerful destructiveness and lethality. It was just because of the Lord of Gods that the Gods did not attack the sphere of influence of the evil gods, but instead attacked towards the orthodox gods.

You know, once these gods are born, the worst is at the level of a demigod. And with the continuous killing and destruction, the strength will continue to increase. Within a short period of time, gods at the peak level of the middle gods had already appeared.

Whenever this time, there will be a joint dispatch of the middle gods, in the form of a small team, to directly solve those gods.

But as the war progressed, gradually the hidden things in the central plane were also attracted. Including those gods from all directions, various monsters, powerful beasts and beasts, and even some wild gods on the central plane.

Of course, most of the wild gods on the central plane are similar to the guardian gods. This is the power won by the orthodox gods, because they don't like the evil gods and gods on the opposite side.

However, in this report, the evil spirits appeared more and more. The scale and number of such appearances made Chi Nan feel that something was wrong. Perhaps the gods feel that these low-level gods are nothing at all.

Perhaps in their eyes, it's not surprising that some evil spirits are hidden on the central plane. Even if the disaster dragon joins the battle, they don't feel anything wrong, but Chi Nan feels weird.

God evil is something that the heavens hate, how could it have evolved so many naturally. Even the gods who usually appear will continue to suffer from various disasters, maybe they will die somewhere.

There are still many gods who will kill each other, and in the end only one will remain. Chi Nan felt very strange for such a large-scale appearance, but the strength was not very good. Reminiscing about the evil spirits appearing in the subsidiary plane of his kingdom of God, Chi Nan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What the **** is going on? Could it be that the Lord of Gods secretly used some method. Now even if they tell other Lord Gods, they won't believe it. It would be bad if they had to come to my elemental plane to check."

Chi Nan also had a headache. There were too many secrets hidden in his kingdom of God, and he didn't dare to let the Lord God in. Usually, even his subordinate gods and those from outside are not allowed to enter his kingdom, how could he allow the main **** to enter.

But if this is not the case, how can I explain this matter? "Forget it, wait, maybe there will be a turning point after a while." Chi Nan decided to stay on hold for the time being.


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