The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1582: I have 1 new idea

"Why should we wait? For this opportunity, we have already lost so much. The demise of the two main gods does not explain the problem. If we continue to wait, perhaps we will not have a chance."

The warrior lord was a little excited. For him, rushing to kill the enemy is the best method and the most direct method, but this time it is too troublesome to wait and wait.

"If we do it from the beginning, now the Heretic God and the Demon God will be wiped out by us, and we will never lose anything. Moreover, if we eliminate them before the evil spirits appear, the remaining top God evil spirits will not be eliminated. It’s nothing. It’s because we have been procrastinating, that’s why it became like this."

The Lord of Time said indifferently: "It seems like a missed opportunity now, but I can feel that if this is not the case, the future will be a real disaster. That opportunity is also a disaster."

The Lord of Time said so, and the other gods also believed a lot. The prestige that the Lord of Time has accumulated over the years is not simple.

"Okay, okay, what our own people are arguing, we still have enemies to deal with."

The Lord of Nature came out to complete the field, and the atmosphere finally eased a little, but there were still some gods who were depressed, and it seemed that they did not agree with the Lord of Time. But if everyone does not unite, there will be a total of twenty main gods on the opposite side. Relying on his own power, in the past it was a death-seeking, and it was useless at all.

It is necessary to unite all people to have a great chance of winning. So although they are very depressed, there is still no way to change this situation. It is not an easy task to unite all people.

"Everyone, although our losses are great, in fact our gains are also very great. Our losses have always seemed to be greater than those of Cthulhu, but the gap between us is also getting bigger and bigger."

Chi Nan's words made everyone's eyes bright. Yes, they have suffered a great loss because of the many ghosts and shadows on their side. However, there are many ghosts and ghosts, which also means greater gains.

There are a large number of gods origin, in fact, the overall strength of the orthodox gods has not only not weakened, but is still constantly improving, rapidly improving. From the beginning to the present, their strength is much stronger than the other.

"The problem now is not the lower-level gods, but the main gods at our level. At our level, the gap between each other has narrowed." The warrior lord said angrily.

They originally had twenty-eight main gods, but after several wars and chaos, they have become twenty-six. On the other side, there are already twenty, and there are only six differences between them. This is the difference in number.

Even if the difference in quality may be greater, there is nothing wrong with the reduction in strength.

Chi Nan simply stopped talking to them, and closed his mouth for himself.

But the Lord of Light spoke again: "I have an idea, how about you listen to it."

Everyone looked towards the Lord of Light, and the Lord of Light said again: "Although they have lost two main gods, these two main gods have left many powerful people in their lives. Maybe we can train them. We can. Choose two to train to become the main god, and then take over the power left by the original main god. In this way, our power can be restored."

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the words: "That's right, the attributes are similar. Just pay for the proper spiritual origin. We just have it in our hands. If the speed is fast, we may catch up with the final battle."

Hearing this, the ears of the original two gods suddenly stood up. Although they have dispersed now, they did not expect such a turning point. No matter who is selected, that is a good opportunity to rise to the sky in one step.

Originally, most people didn't think they had the chance to become the main **** in their lifetime, but now it's different. Now they have the opportunity to rise to the level of the main god, and the opportunity is right in front of them.

Other gods are very envious. Although the opportunity is small, they have a chance after all, and they don't even think about it. Only after hearing this, Chi Nan felt thoughtful in his heart.

Others who cultivated the main **** feared that they would be apportioned resources and benefits, but they never needed those things, as long as they had enough life magic power, no matter how many main gods they cultivated, there would be no conflict with them. Find a few trusted people to train it, and the benefits you can bring to yourself in the future are unparalleled.

"Of course, there is a requirement, that is, once you become the main god, you must be responsible for resurrecting the original main god. This is their obligation. After the master of the conspiracy and the contractor are resurrected, they must repay everyone's favor."

The words of the Lord of Light made the entanglement in the hearts of the original Lord Gods disappear. Although they have to pay something, once they are resurrected, the benefits will be much greater than the pay. This is a life, even the main **** is to save face. In this kind of thing, it is impossible to deny it at the cost of offending so many people.

This kind of thing, even if they fall in the future, they must pay it back.

"Well, I agree." The first person to express his stance was actually the Lord of the Warriors.

This guy has been very irritable these days, but he didn't expect to calm down now. Chi Nan glanced at him, not having a good impression of such a reckless man. But Chi Nan did not hesitate to raise his hand to agree.

"I also agree that the origin of the gods will not come out here. I can give you the essence of when the Lord God is resurrected in the future, it will be easier." Hearing the first half of the sentence, everyone frowned. But in the second half of the sentence, everyone laughed.

Yes, Chinan has the essence of life. This thing is used for resurrection and is more precious than any resources. It really doesn't hurt to have a good relationship with Chi Nan. Who will let Chi Nan have the holy bottle of life, and others won't be able to use it.

At the same time, Chi Nan's existence is also a guarantee for them. "It should be, should each perform its duties? The origin of the law and other materials will be left to us."

The Lord of Light glanced at the people below, and said gloomily: "Listen to me, I don't know what you think, but don't make me tricks, otherwise I won't let you go. Now this This matter is very important, it is no longer your personal business." Facing the coercion of a main god, everyone lowered their heads.

It's not a good thing to be chased by a main god. People who were originally thoughtful have gradually changed their minds.


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