The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1610: Cheap these guys

? Void Scorpion can not only use its own pliers to attack. The eyes of the head and the tail are also powerful weapons that can be used to attack. And this is a very powerful long-range attack.

His eyes lit up and red lights flew out, violently hitting the big beetle that was immobilized by him.

It's just that this attack actually only made some traces of the big beetle appear on the surface, and nothing happened by itself. On the contrary, the pain also aroused the big beetle's violent, constant struggle, leaving more scars on the body of the void scorpion.

This kind of defensive ability makes everyone's eyes bright. Many people have looked at the Elf God System. No wonder the Elf God System had to cultivate a beetle god. Now they understand the idea of ​​the Elf God System.

Although the beetle **** later rebelled, it cannot be denied the terrible adaptability and reproductive ability of the bug in terms of warfare. If it can achieve the level of the Lord of the Worm God, even the war on the level of the gods can have a very large effect. It is a pity that the Beetle God is not adapted to the special mode of getting along with the Elf God System after all.

On Chi Nan's side, the experiment is still going on. The Void Scorpion's tail flashed, and a red light hit the back of the beetle's head, where the parasites were.

The tail is longer and the attack is more flexible. In this regard, the beetle has no way to stop it.

When the main body was attacked, these parasites finally panicked, opening their mouths and biting them towards the opposite side. And the way to fight is completely a deadly life-for-life method.

"Haha, obviously the strength is stronger than the opponent, but because of this layer of defense, my Void Scorpion is not their opponent." Chi Nan smiled indifferently, but didn't care about anything.

Although the Void Scorpion is not the opponent's opponent, as long as the Black Yao Crystal is not infinite, then the opponent's number has a limit. And without the Hei Yao crystal bonus, this beetle is definitely not an opponent of its own Void Scorpion.

Just looking at Chi Nan, the Void Scorpion shot out one after another, hitting the deadly position of the opponent one after another. As for himself, there were cracks everywhere that he was bitten by the other party, and almost his entire head was lost.

If it hadn't been for the vegetable brain to be inside the chest cavity, this void scorpion would be dead at this time.

Finally, under the last attack, the back of the huge beetle was finally smashed, the fragile parasite inside was smashed for the first time, and the beetle finally came to the end of its life.

But after the parasite was crushed, the beetle did not die immediately, but fell into madness. After the beetle lost control, its own crazy bloodthirsty occupied the whole mind, no matter what was in front of it, it had to be shattered. The one who bears the brunt is the Void Scorpion who clamps and restrains himself.

Under the violent beetle's attack, the Void Scorpion finally persisted for a short time before being crushed by the opponent's chest. The plant brain shattered, and the void scorpion died. And the beetle itself has no benefit either.

After the violent beetle, its own power was vented indiscriminately, and it burned the power of the whole body in an instant. After solving the strong enemy, he himself quickly fell into weakness, and became weaker and weaker. In the end, because of its own potential burned out, this big beetle finally did not persist to the end, but slowly stopped.

"It's actually the end of the same death. I really don't know what to say." Chi Nan said to himself.

The first generation of Void Scorpions was originally stronger than these beetles. With the blessing of the Void Airship, the strength was even higher. And those beetles, relying on strong defenses abruptly, came to an end with the opponent.

If those big beetles still retain their thinking, or have some other ways of fighting, perhaps they will lose their own Void Scorpion. And the subsequent battles were similar to this.

As long as it is a one-on-one battle, the final result is basically the same end.

However, once the Void Scorpion seizes the opportunity to set fire, even if it fails to hit the key, it can forcefully penetrate the beetle's carapace and kill the beetle on the spot. Although I can still struggle for a while, it is also a struggle.

Similarly, if a Void Scorpion is surrounded by these beetles and chopped in a mess, its Void Scorpion will also perish in a very short time. The ratio of battle losses between the two sides has almost reached a one-to-one level.

This kind of battle is not bad in comparison, it just depends on who can take longer.

What Chi Nan didn't expect was that the gods and evil gods were also attracted to him soon. The reason why they participated in this battle was for venting and revenge on the one hand, and for good on the other.

The corpse left behind after the opponent's death is good. Just wanting to hunt the opposite person is not easy. But now it's different. The troops under the two main gods have fought.

In the beginning, it was only gods and evil gods who came to help and kill the injured forces of the opponent. But later, when an evil **** found that the wood dropped by the void scorpion was a good material, he changed his mind.

"Come here quickly and collect it with me. The wood of a Void Scorpion can refine a large number of semi-sacred artifacts, and the core position is still a good thing for refining artifacts." When these words were spoken, countless people were attracted.

At the beginning, a mineral that was capable of refining semi-sacred artifacts could attract a large number of gods to fight, and later even the upper gods took action. This in itself is equivalent to a void scorpion with a huge mineral vein, how can it not attract their In the eyes of the evil god, this is a big treasure alive.

The orthodox gods are not bad, a **** of the alchemy line, quickly sees the other party's beetle problem.

"Hurry up, I bought the shells of these beetles at a high price. They are all formed by absorbing a large amount of black dazzle crystal essence. You are useless to hold them. Give me many powerful artifacts that can be used to refine them."

While shouting, this person also moved the four god-level puppets in front of them one after another.

The wealthy alchemist is a series of gods, and never hesitated to arm his clone. Even if it is a clone, there are absolutely no shortage of alchemy puppets and various artifacts.

Among these avatars of gods, the gods of the alchemy series are the strongest. Similarly, these alchemy gods have always had the best reputation, and a large number of gods have been attracted to deal with these beetles.


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