The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1636: The waves of blood set off by the abyss

Sure enough, every main **** is not simple, even if there is no way on the surface, they will come up with their own way. The warrior lord has never cared much about his kingdom of God, and it's normal to sneak out.

Other main gods should also have their own methods to improve their strength. It's no wonder that I haven't discovered what the Dragon God and the Giant God have done, and their **** seats have grown very quickly.

The corners of Chi Nan's mouth twitched slightly, the only way to be really interesting.

Ignoring, Chi Nan continued to use his own methods to improve his own strength. Only by constantly improving his strength is what he really should do. Similarly, with the birth of the second clone, his demon incarnation is also quickly comprehending more laws. The mutual communication between the demon incarnation and the deity allowed both of them to speed up their ascension at the same time.

Even if everyone is improving, there is still no such speed as Chi Nan. The most important thing is that Chi Nan has already laid his foundation in the giant kingdom of God, even if someone wants to imitate, he can't keep up with him.

It's like rolling a snowball, the snowball will only get bigger and bigger. They chased after, and they couldn't catch up anyway.

The Kingdom of God has entered a period of great development, and whether it is evil gods or orthodox gods, one after another is surging into it. At this time, the only thing that didn't move was the demon gods.

Of course, the gods and fallen beasts are still fighting everywhere, and they will not develop a kingdom of gods, after all, these things don't have much thinking. Those demon gods wanted to come over, but were controlled by the abyss.

But on this side of the abyss, nothing happened. The Will of the Abyss, which has been quietly restoring his power, has almost fallen asleep on his original plane. During this time, the Will of the Abyss has not been dispatched.

In addition to punishing some disobedient demon gods, the sense of existence of the will of the abyss is also getting lower and lower. The role of the demons is to collect various resources to restore the wounds of the will of the abyss and the original plane.

But at their speed, they don't know when they will be able to recover. The most frequent actions are the only remaining three top demon gods. These three demon gods didn't do much in the beginning.

Only later did the three demon gods become active. Today, the Lord of the Flame Demon and the Lord of the Wing Demon have been busy outside, collecting various high-level materials. There is no entry into the center and junction of the battlefield, so no one cares about the actions of the demons. In this environment, the demon gods completed their arrangements bit by bit.

The original plane of the abyss, which was originally dark and lacquered, was completely different from before. From the appearance point of view, the surface of the original plane of the abyss has become a large area of ​​red.

It's a pity that this kind of scene can basically only be seen by the Demon God. The original plane of the abyss instinctively hides itself, and neither the evil gods nor the orthodox gods can see it. In between, there is only one exception.

That is Chi Nan's demon incarnation. The demon incarnation has completely purified the abyssal plane he controls, but there are still some connections between them. These connections cannot be cut off without a few epochs.

Through these connections, Chi Nan can also clearly see the changes in the original plane of the abyss.

"Haha, are you almost finished? Well done." The demon avatar sitting in his own kingdom suddenly raised his head and looked at a weird light spot in the sky. The light spot flickered, like a firefly.

On the other side, two top demon gods and a blood-red illusory shadow were gathering together. These two top demon gods are just two clones, and they are still very broken.

And that shadow is not even a clone, it can only be regarded as a projection of consciousness.

"Well, are you ready? I have already sent the signal." The Wing Demon Lord asked the red phantom: "We are all alone, but there are many demons behind you. Yes, you who claim to be the patron saint of those demons, can't let us down." The Wing Demon Lord added.

The red shadow said coldly: "We are all demons, and you are the same in nature in many ways. As long as we are not dead and clean, then it is healthy competition." The red shadow slammed back.

The Lord of the Flame Demon said impatiently: "Enough, when is it, you two are still arguing. Now the question is whether we can succeed. If we fail, we will be completely dead."

The other two moved their heads at the same time and stared at the Lord of the Balrog. "Don't talk nonsense, once you get your attention, nothing will succeed at that time." The scarlet shadow pointed to the sky.

The Lord of the Flame Demon also knew that he was wrong, and quickly changed the subject: "I know, but I am a little worried. If, once we fail, then we can..."

"No need to do this, we have no turning back. This thing must be done. If you do it, you will die, but if you don't do it, you will definitely die. As he reaches the critical period of recovery, he will definitely treat us as nourishment. Besides, that plan has been deduced countless times by us, and it can definitely succeed."

The Lord of the Flame Demon could only nod his head in the end, because he had no choice. In the face of the huge pressure of life and death, these demon gods were almost alone in their eyes.

"Hehe, let's think about the future. When we are free, what we are going to do. Now the orthodox gods and the evil gods are fighting, and there is only one person who can join the orthodox gods. I'm afraid we can't. And the evil gods, hey, I I don’t want to get involved anymore.” Scarlet Void said in a Hmph, what else can I do, find a place to hide, I figured it out, it’s best to survive. . "

The Lord of the Balrogs actually had such thoughts, it is no wonder that among so many Balrogs and so many grumpy existences, only one of them could become the top demon god, and the others would die before reaching this point.

"I said you two, let's first consider what's in front of you. What's going on with that person? We are all ready here. Whether we can succeed now depends on him.

A few top demon gods talked vaguely, but did not mention any person's name or code name. Because they know that once they say something, they will be discovered by the will of the abyss, that is not a joke.

"It's already started. You didn't know what happened last time. With us again this time, it's definitely easier to succeed."


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