The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1684: 3 people were dispatched at one time

?Looking at the fierce battle of these people, the Lord of Warcraft feels bitter. Once upon a time, he was just like them. But when I did it, I discovered that the ancient guardians were not easy.

It would be nice if I was not so entrusted at the time. The speed of everyone's discussion was very fast, and it didn't take long for many competitors to be repelled, and finally three participants appeared. Two of them are the Lord of War and the Lord of Fighters. As long as these two people fight, they will definitely participate, so their conditions are also the lowest.

The Lord of Nature had a chance, but the Lord of Nature, who didn't like fighting very much, quickly gave in.

The last one to participate is the Lord of Light. It seems to be stimulated by Chi Nan, the Lord of Light always feels that he is not improving fast enough. Recently, he has been desperately looking for all opportunities to improve himself.

In the battle within the kingdom of God, the Lord of Light is even more crazier than any Lord God. Of course, the benefit of this madness is that he has more sacrifices, and after the sacrifices, he improves himself a little bit stronger.

The Lord of the Holy Light who cultivates a single law, understands that every point of improvement in the law, progress can be seen with the naked eye. Today's Lord of Light has already progressed from the original middle-lower to the upper-medium strength.

The three were separated, each of them paid relatively little, and soon handed over the materials to the Lord of Warcraft to him.

The Lord of Warcraft was depressed, what he wanted most was Chi Nan's participation, so that he could exchange life essence. The essence of life, it is very useful to restore one's own injuries and regain fluctuations, and to restore one's own clone.

It is a pity that he also knows that Chi Nan is jealous of everyone, and it is impossible for him to continue to grow. Even the Lord of Time, intentionally or unintentionally indulged in suppression, and didn't want Chi Nan to continue to improve.

Chi Nan's ascension speed was too fast, no matter what. Now that Chi Nan is ranked second, if he continues to develop, he might even lose his position someday. Although his personality is relatively mild, the Lord of Time still doesn't want to see himself being overtaken by others.

In the end, it was these three main gods who decided to set off. "Everything is right, I will tell you the news now."

The advancing special secret method, using special methods, was handed over to three people at once. As for whether other main gods will participate in other ways, this has nothing to do with them.

I have already gotten the password, and it would be incredible if I could let other people participate in sabotaging my plan. The three main gods did not dispatch themselves, but only sent a clone to the kingdom of God.

After entering the kingdom of God, their main **** clone received the news. Two days later, the three main **** clones of the main gods got together and started to walk in that direction step by step from the starting point.

And there is not nothing along the road. On the contrary, the three people divided the sections of the road and set up their own subordinates to guard them in different places, so that the rules of the road would not be easily leaked out. After the others got the move, he had already killed the Guardian. At that time, even if the way was open, it had no effect on them.

Although the Lord of Beasts didn't explain that he had gone in, he didn't know what was going on inside. But they all believed that the Lord of Warcraft must have tried some means, and would give up when they found it was impossible.

As for why the Lord of Beasts did not participate in this operation, they did not understand. After all, no one believed that the clone of the Lord of Beasts would die in it, and the clone of the Lord God had not died for a long time.

The three avatars, after a few days of advancing, finally came to the destination, that is, the prairie.

"It's the front. According to the Lord of the Holy Tree, what you see is different from the real hidden space. Let's go in and take a look." The Lord of Light took a deep breath. Further opportunities.

The one who rushed out first was the Lord of the Warriors. "Say so much for what you are doing, hurry up if you want to go in, don't waste time."

The Lord of Warriors didn't care about that much, and quickly rushed into that space. The two behind just saw the warrior lord running out and then disappeared. Soon, they understood that this was already in that place.

"You can't let him get ahead." The Lord of War followed closely, and he didn't know if he was afraid that the Lord of Fighters would get the advantage first or get the chance to fight first. The Lord of Light was not to be outdone, and entered that place almost at the same time.

At a glance, there is no grassland around it, and all around it is a rocky hillside. There are stones everywhere, but his own divine power is not limited. Your own strength can be played perfectly here. Everything is the same as Chi Nan said, how could it be possible that three people would fail together and still carry a magic weapon.

"The Lord of Light, can you find where the target is." The warrior said, looking around.

"Relax, as long as there is light, I can see everything." The Lord of Light took out his own holy light mirror, a ray of light was released, and the hazy image slowly emerged, and everything around me could be seen.

"There is a huge black shadow in that place, full of death. It is the most discordant thing here."

The Lord of Light just pointed to that location and three people set off at the same time. After a while, the three people saw Bifangshi. And Bifang Shi was also a little confused, why the main **** came in again, there were still three.

Without speaking, Bifang opened his mouth, his black teeth turned into spikes, and then hit the three people in the air. The three of them used various methods to resist it almost simultaneously. Feeling this strength, the expressions of all three of them became serious. "What a strong attack, what a strong death force, this is definitely a guardian."

Saying that the lion is not a guardian, they don't believe that if one can exert such power, if it is not a guardian, how strong the guardian is. Even they felt that only their own clone was here, and I'm afraid they weren't opponents.

The warrior's lord wore armor, and at the same time he took out the knight sword and began to gain momentum. The lord of the war did not show any weakness, the big axe in his hand had already been swung, and waves of white divine power gathered on the axe.

The Lord of Light puts away his own mirror, this thing is not effective, but the Lord of Light still wears a bracelet. Throwing the bracelet up, it suddenly turned into six white **** of light and revolved around his head. The originally dark space, illuminated by the white light ball, became brighter and brighter.

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