The Rise of Plants

Chapter 806: Dig out 6 rubies

The big beetle that used the last power to create a special mark completely lost all its power. The originally huge body began to shrink rapidly, and it didn't take long for it to become the original size.

As the big beetle shrank, there was a faint sound from the location where the underground was originally a crack in the space, and some special folds appeared in the air, and soon this kind of fluctuation disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that the crack in this space has really disappeared. The Beetle God must have left behind."

Hearing Slinka Yee's judgment, Chi Nan felt a very strange feeling in his heart. Of these gods, none of them is simple. If it weren't for looking at the big statue before, let it go, I'm afraid the space crack will be opened in the future and no one knows what will happen next time.

You must be cautious when dealing with these super powerful creatures. "Okay, smash that statue to me in place, smash it completely, and then bring all the pieces back to me, without leaving any dross."

Before something like that happened, Chi Nan was simply more careful. After the soldiers on the front line knew what happened next, their hearts were filled with anger and guilt. In their hearts, the lord is their faith.

Even more than those so-called gods make them yearn, that so-called **** left a mark on the lord's body, which made all people's hearts full of anxiety and irritation. Regarding the statue of the culprit, all the people didn't mean to be polite, and even the calculation of the vegetable brain was used in the whole process.

Analyze all the places where the statue fragments might fall, and then scrape away the entire land without leaving any dross.

Chi Nan had been studying the strange mark on his arm, so he didn't see the soldiers' actions. Otherwise, seeing their actions, Chi Nan might not know how to feel.

It's a pity that no matter how you study, this mark has always been so strange, and there is no response at all.

Some people even conduct experiments on their own, tearing off the entire skin where the mark is located, and then having someone treat the wound.

But later they discovered that after the mark was torn off, it would slowly disappear, and on the re-treated skin, the mark would appear again.

"My lord, would it be useful if the marked limbs were chopped off directly."

A cold light flashed in an official's eyes, as if he was considering whether to cut off his arm. Chi Nan hurriedly stopped, he now doesn't have the ability to make a broken arm reborn.

"Don't mess around. Since this is a mark made by the gods, it is probably not as simple as ours. If you cut off your arm, you can get rid of it. This kind of thing will not happen before. Don't worry, anyway, the beetle **** Coming into our world, it doesn’t matter if there is this mark, I will think of other ways in the future."

Chi Nan pointed to the sky: "There is not only one god, but there are many. Maybe we can find solutions to similar problems from other creatures."

"Chi Nan is right. We set up a special team to investigate everything related to the gods in the future. The Holy Light Empire has always been in close contact with the God of Light, and there may be a solution in this regard." Sophia Proposed.

After thinking for a while, Chi Nan nodded and said, "That's right, but things need to be kept secret and cannot be known to the people of the Holy Light Empire."

Chi Nan's worries are also very reasonable. The people of the Holy Light Empire are like a bunch of religious lunatics. Once they find an opportunity, they will rush over frantically, and then frantically develop believers to reject dissidents.

Chi Nan didn't want to have Holy Light believers everywhere in his territory. Even if you can control plant weapons, if everyone goes crazy and fights against themselves, it is a very troublesome thing.

As a result, this matter was quickly suppressed by others. At this time, news came from the front again.

"My lord, we found this in the body of that statue."

Chi Nan looked through the screen and saw a soldier's card carefully placing a red object in a box. The red object took on a regular spherical shape, with a pentagonal shape on the surface.

This is a regular dodecahedron, something like a football. There are a total of six red gemstones. After looking at it for a long time, it will give people a feeling of attracting attention. None of Chi Nan himself thought that there was something like this hidden in this statue.

"Silinka night, do you know what this is." Chi Nan turned his gaze away, and felt this way across the screen. If you look directly at it, you don’t know what will happen. This thing is really evil. .

Silinka shook her head and said: "I don't know, it looks like a gem, but things related to gods should not be simple." Chi Nan keenly discovered that Silinka was not attracted by this thing. Look around again, as if everyone is the same. No, it's not right, there are two other people who are attracted as much as themselves.

Those were his own two guards. Chi Nan believed in the loyalty of his guards. It was impossible for them to behave like this because things were precious.

Chi Nan was surprised to find that the attracted people have one thing in common, that is, their strength has reached the golden level. "Could it be that the stronger the strength, the easier it is to be attracted to this thing."

After a long time Chi Nan himself didn't know what was going on, but he was basically certain. The soldiers on the front line saw this thing, but their expressions did not fluctuate at all.

That being the case, let's seal it up first. "Get those six gems back for me. The other fragments are sealed and thrown into the sea." After Chi Nan made a decision, he ordered to the front.

The soldiers saluted, and then got busy again. At this time, a figure walked towards the door.

Chi Nan glanced sideways and found that Numis was leaving. Chi Nan shook his head, not holding back. Whether it is Numis or himself, it takes some time to think about the relationship between the two people.

The northern insects were uprooted, and now the battle to attack the north can finally come to an end. "People in other places don't know that the beetles have been cleaned up by us. Don't let outsiders know for now."

Hermilla nodded slightly, and then ordered a few words. The reporters who were preparing to report on this incident hurriedly revised their manuscripts. These reporters are all trained by the Lord's Mansion, and they are very disciplined and will never report indiscriminately. And for things like diverting people's attention, these people are already at the professional level.

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