The Rise of Plants

Chapter 809: Trans-Space Communication Signal Station

Time seems to have returned to the most leisurely time. Because of the busyness of his own woman, Chi Nan expanded the selection of parliament and local officials in angrily, and devolved a lot of work.

Then he spent a few days hustling with his women, causing Hermira and the others to complain for a long time.

Until, until Chi Nan was unlucky again. Seeing that Chi Nan was starting to relax, Slinka ran to Chi Nan to practice archery again. Hermilla, who didn't want to stay at home all day as a vase, naturally pushed Chi Nan out.

Sophia is the same, thinking about working more hours. As for Wei Wei Si, she wanted to accompany Chi Nan, but she had no choice but to be dragged away by her two sisters.

Thus, Chi Nan once again began to practice archery skills under the pressure of the evil Slinka Yee.

Start exercising every day as long as you get up, and keep exercising until close to the evening. My God, I haven't heard that elves and half-elves are so diligent. This is absolutely deliberate, a malicious guess in Chi Nan's heart.

Of course there are benefits, otherwise Hemila and others would not support Slinka Yee so much. Because Chi Nan's archery improved very fast, it made Chi Nan himself feel incredible. Before he knew it, he had stabilized on Erye Sagittarius. With their strength and precision, few archers among humans can compare with themselves.

At this moment, Chi Nan is heading towards Sanye Sagittarius. This three-leaf shooter was also the shooting skill of Slinka Yee when he first saw Slinka Yee.

It's just that now Slinka has surpassed Sanye long ago and reached the level of a four-leaf shooter.

With this method of calculation, the difficulty will increase geometrically every time the standard is increased. The gap between Yotsuba and Sanye archers is almost the same as the gap between a master archer and someone who has just started to learn archery.

Chi Nan could imagine that he would have to go a long way on the road to become a Sanye shooter, let alone surpass Slinka night. The current self, archery is compared with Slinka Yee, well, every time I test my blood abuse, I can see it.

The territory is developing steadily. In other people's words, it is the same whether there is a lord like Chi Nan or not.

This situation is over until today, when Horn takes Carol to find himself.

"You finally came! No, why did you come? Did something happen."

My own guards are not without things these days, everyone is busy, as if only myself and Silka Ye are the most leisurely. So Slinka couldn't stand it at night, and made herself busy.

Seeing the two guards, Chi Nan finally realized the feeling the peasants had when they saw their relatives in Ba Lu.

"My lord, you have made the plants we have been observing fruitful."

Chi Nan thought about the plants that they had been observing. Others have no way to promote the growth of plants to the golden level. So Chi Nan could only use his own power to catalyze the growth of some plants to the golden level.

At the same time, let these plants mutate non-directionally, hoping to show something useful to them. Although most of them are waste products, some are still effective. So Chi Nan asked Carol to watch it all the time, and once it had a special effect, he would tell himself. In fact, Chi Nan himself didn't know how many weird plants there were there.

"What is it? Speak it out and listen. If it's not of much use, you don't need the lord to go."

Slinka walked slowly over her long legs at night, showing her poise. It's just that for the character of this half-elf princess, Chi Nan's guards have long been familiar with it, and this is an existence that is even better than Miria.

If it weren't for such strong curiosity, maybe Slinka Ye and Miria would be the best pair of lilies.

Carol took out a flowerpot without even thinking about it: "For adults, this is the mutated fold ear grass." On the surface of the golden layer fold ear grass, some special silver-white patterns appeared.

From these lines, Chi Nan could feel some special power fluctuations, which should be spatial power fluctuations.

"Have you ever done an experiment? What is the specific situation?" Chi Nan asked. Now, even Silinkaye didn't mention anything else. This kind of thing is definitely more important than practicing archery.

"Master Qiqi, I have already done experiments. The new fold ears' ability to transmit information and space power are more deeply integrated. After our experiments, we can directly communicate from our territory to the half-elven empire. This should not be the limit."

At this time, Chi Nan and Silka Ye were shocked. Even with its special ability, if you want to have a headache at such a distance between two locations, you still don't know how many signal transfer stations are. For a long time, for various reasons, it was impossible for the signal of one's own territory to be sent directly to the half-elf empire.

But now it's different. With this new fold eargrass, you can directly network with the half-elf empire. In that case, remotely commanding some things on the half-elf empire would also be very easy.

"Great. With this, as long as the whole world is planted, and the silver-level signal transfer station cooperates with each other, I will be able to build a complete and huge network in the whole world." Chi Nan was so excited that he didn't know.

Carol did not have such a deep feeling because in Carol's heart, it is better to build a network around the world than to have your own territory. How can such good things be given to others.

"My lord, there is one more thing. After we did the experiment, we found that two golden fold eargrass can transmit information to each other across the plane. The change of fold eargrass on our side can affect the fold ears of the opposite world. grass."

"The world on the other side? Is there a space channel on your side that can lead to other worlds?" Silken Kaye looked at Chi Nan in surprise, but she never knew that there was such a thing. Realizing that Carol had said that he had leaked, he quickly lowered his head, and he didn't care about anything when he got excited. What a damn.

Chi Nan gave a wry smile, he also ignored this, he was really an idiot.

"Well, it's okay to tell you, but this matter is very important, you must not tell other people." Chi Nan looked at Silka Yee seriously, but made Silka Yee a little uneasy.

The heart rate is accelerating, and her small face is slightly sideways: "When have I been talking nonsense about you here, if you don't want to say it." This guy, how can I look at people like this, Slinka's chest deer Rambling.

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