The Rise of Plants

Chapter 821: Why the attack is invalid

Half of it, Port Island is already half occupied. If this continues, soon the entire island will be completely occupied by them. As for those who are running away, they won't care.

In the eyes of the Hailing clan, these people are too fragile. It is the plant weapons that are really dangerous, not people like them.

But the Hailing clan didn't care, those air forces from the Karan clan would not let them go. The Air Force is constantly looking for those who show up, as long as it finds that it is a magic light cannon hitting it.

As the battle lasted for this period of time, all the airships in the air had been destroyed, all of which were hit until they completely exploded in the air. So now, they can let go of their hands and feet.

Without the threat of missiles, they are not afraid of anything. Some black water fins even flew to the floating bridge. They could not destroy the floating bridge, otherwise the large group would not be able to enter the Sacred Tree Island. They were waiting here at this time.

"Damn, they are all in the air. We can't hit them. If we rush out, we will definitely be killed."

"But what can you do if you don't rush out, there are too many big octopuses. Once they cover the entire island, it will be a death to stay here. It is better to rush out and fight for it."

An older soldier next to him shook his head and said, "Fight? Now it's dead no matter what. You can stay here for a while. If you rush out, you will definitely die. Now you can only wait for reinforcements."

"When will your reinforcements come back? I won't wait for us to die."

This guy is dressed the same as them, but there is a feather on top of his head that he doesn't know. This is not a person from the mainland, but a native of this place. Only they can dress like this.

The previous person said irritably, "What you and ours are, we are all the same now, are you planning to separate them. Don't worry, Lord Lord has sent the latest airship, which is very fast."

"Then why not send it out in the first place, you must wait until now."

The people around suddenly rolled their eyes and asked these natives if they could understand these things. In their hearts, good things must be used, and there is no hidden meaning at all. Moreover, they only see an island as big as an overseas island, and they don't know the situation on the mainland at all, or they don't care about it at all.

Explaining these things to them is like playing the piano to a cow. "Look, reinforcements, reinforcements are coming."

Suddenly, a soldier pointed to the air, and some black spots in the distance kept zooming in, and they kept getting closer to this side. At the same time, the latest information appeared on the plant brain crystal board, letting them know that reinforcements had arrived.

"We have finally made it to the present. It's a pity, it's a pity that the commander is him." In a corner, a group of guards flashed pain and self-blame in their eyes. If it weren't for their failure, the commander wouldn't die.

It was the Blackwater Fin Legion in the air that saw those airships faster than them. "They actually have reinforcements. It's strange how these airships look so weird, and their speed is so fast."

Morton didn't know why, but had a bad feeling. These airships, which are as beautiful as pictures, and the streamlined body without wings at a speed faster than one's own, are how different from the previous airships.

"Huh, isn't it just a few airships? We have killed so many before, and it's still a bit short. Moreover, this kind of airship is much smaller than the previous one, and its power is definitely not strong enough."

"You are so good, then you can bring someone to try it out." Morton said calmly.

"Okay, the first team and the second team, keep up, let's get rid of these airships." This person is also a thoughtful person, as long as he performs better than Morton this time, maybe he can replace it.

Morton sneered in his heart. Of course he understood this kid's ambition. It's a pity, if you win, you will definitely be the one who deserves the most credit, no matter how others behave. But if something goes wrong, then this greedy guy will be in the wrong. Morton didn't let his people charge rashly, just watched the deputy charge.

There were more than five hundred black fin knights with him. If it were the previous kind of airship, even if these five hundred black fin riders could not eliminate it in a short time, they were much more powerful than the opponent.

Their speed is very fast, and their reaction speed is also very fast. After a while, he rushed into the range of fire. Before the airship could react, they fired first, and a series of blue magic light cannons flew out, and the target was straight ahead.

"Haha, the range is not enough to say anything is useless. Seeing how good we are, send these airships to the sea to feed the fish." The deputy laughed, but after a while, the voice stopped slowly, his face turned It's also a bit ugly.

Because their magic light cannon accurately hit the opponent, but those airships did nothing. It was completely different from the previous airship being penetrated in an instant. When the magic light cannon hit itself, the surface of these airships suddenly flashed a faint light, and this light easily completely resisted the magic light cannon.

Before, he thought that as before, the Magic Light Cannon easily penetrated it. But later he discovered that the Magic Light Cannon had no effect on those airships, and the opponent was still flying forward, and also opened the launch port.

"Why is this, why, why the attack is invalid. Give me a hit, who dares to be disobedient, don’t blame me, you’re The young deputy pushed the shooter aside in front of him. The force was too strong and he almost let it go. The person fell from the black water fin. The shooter turned his head and stared fiercely at the person pushing him, but didn't say anything, he could only hold the grievance in his heart.

The young deputy didn't care about this, he personally controlled the magic light cannon and kept attacking the airship on the front. Because of his command, many magic light cannons aimed at a target at the same time to set fire.

What shocked them was that even if the fire was concentrated, it still had no effect on the other party. Under the protection of that layer of faint light, all attacks were blocked.

"Why is this, why our attack is invalid." Finally, the young deputy found that something was wrong.

Looking back, Morton didn't come from a distance at all, but watched from a distance, and it seemed that some mocking glances could be seen on his face faintly. He knew that he was probably being used as a gun.

Of course, it is not an idiot who can get his position. After a little thought, he will understand. It's a pity that everything is over now, because in the opposite sky, there have been countless small things flapping their wings.

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