The Rise of Plants

Chapter 828: Three-dimensional combat advantage

"See it now, they are frozen, even if they have magical powers, there is no way to attack them. When they become a big block of ice, we just have to bypass the front and they will die." Kachi laughed.

The adjutant looked like he had eaten flies. Who would have thought it could be like this. Isn't the battle always about attacking and defending? It's incredible when even the characteristics can be used.

Yes, they did ignore it. This is the sea, and there is water below, and the water freezes when it encounters low temperatures. However, the other side's shells are supported by water, so they don't care about it at all. Because in their opinion, there is water everywhere in the sea, and the cannonballs are absolutely infinite, and they can never be used up.

But who would have thought that these warships were frozen today, and that the warships after the freezing would really have no shells. This is faster than when the ammunition was depleted when it was loaded with physical shells.

"Offensive, give me the continued offense, I want to turn them all into ice cubes."

The people are very angry, but how to fight the battleship or how to fight it. After all, these warships are controlled by plant brains, and plant brains don’t have the emotions like blood over them, and they are still performing precise calculations.

Plant brain control is the most interesting and very stable at this point. It will not play abnormally because of low morale, and it will not play for a long time because of high morale. It has always been the most stable.

Puliji is worthy of being the top naval commander, and he quickly figured out a way. "Disperse, let all the warships disperse to me, try not to get close." Following Puliji's order, the rear warships began to disperse.

After being dispersed, the sea area occupied by the warships was larger, and it became difficult to freeze the warships together. And because the ice cannon attack could not cover all the warships, the freezing situation also eased a lot.

"Let them pay attention to themselves. Once the surrounding sea water starts to freeze, immediately move their position to a place where there is no icing. As long as the temperature does not drop to the level of freezing, we are safe." Puliji calmly announced. Command, but my heart is full of helplessness, when they actually want to use this method.

After this war, the Karan family must replace the water cannon on the battleship, and this problematic alchemy weapon can no longer be used. War really is the best way to find weaknesses in weapons.

"Haha, is it spread out? It's better that way. They can't focus on us, but we can focus on them. Aim for me, one by one, we will not consume them."

The battleship's ice cannons gathered fire, reaching a certain number, even the magic barrier could not stop it, and could only be broken on the spot. Next, either the battleship was broken into pieces, or it was turned into ice before it was broken into pieces. This kind of magical attack made the soldiers feel extremely happy, and they now dare to say that they are half a magician.

"Your Excellency Commander, our experiment has basically been completed, should we have a quick decision? There has been news from the above that the airship will arrive soon, and the airship will be coming if we waste time."

Kaki jumped up suddenly: "How can this work? If we let the airship come over, wouldn't we have nothing to do. Send the order, the test is over, let me release all the hummingbird fighters."

Following Kutch's order, all the warships began to move, one or two, and soon a large swarm of hummingbirds appeared in the air. This was proposed by Miria. Although these warships are not large, there is no problem with storing several hummingbird fighters on each warship. There are more warships and more hummingbird fighters.

Soon, the sky was full of black clouds and hummingbird fighters flew down.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Karan family turned green. It was already a headache to deal with those warships, how come there are flying units. Damn, they don't have the ability to deal with flying units.

Even if the water cannon is aimed at the air, it is difficult for the water cannon to hit the target, and the speed of the water cannon is just a little faster than those of the hummingbird fighter. Being so far away, the other party can dodge it completely.

"Let them see the three-dimensional fighting method that Lord Lord said." Kaki shouted excitedly.

Many soldiers around him felt enthusiastic, and some even took off their clothes and threw them aside. All the people are yelling at the sky, and the picture is so hard that people dare not look directly at it. Even the adjutant stepped back carefully.

What a good group of soldiers, how come they have become like this with the commander Kaqi, there are really what kind of soldiers there are, and the adjutant has the urge to cover his head.

Everyone here is very excited, Puliji's face at this time has turned into pig liver color. "Really careless, air power. I have reminded them long ago that they must increase their anti-air power on the ships. Those old and immortal have been procrastinating. Isn't it because they are afraid of spending more money? Well now, let’s pass the order. Go down, we withdraw."

"But my lord, our loss is not big, and we can continue to fight. There are still many frozen warships ahead."

"Shut up, I said to evacuate." Why are his subordinates such idiots. These people are not their own direct lineages, and they are often disobedient. From the beginning to the present, how many times Puliji don't get angry.

After all, Puliji was the nominal commander. Seeing him resolutely, the adjutant had to convey Puliji's orders. UU Reading

The warship behind began to turn around and fled in the direction of Karan Island. There was no way to escape from the frozen warships ahead, and the soldiers on the warship screamed, but it was a pity to no avail.

"Now I want to run away, chase me, as much as I can catch up."

The hummingbird fighter flew very fast, bypassing the frozen warships, and chasing the evacuated warships. In the next moment, countless wind cannons fell from the sky. Hummingbird fighters are easier to gather fire, so the effect is better.

The wind cannon exploded, the wind blade swept, and the magic furnace exploded after a while. The wind blade slashed on the battleship and scarred the battleship. Many battleships were turned into pieces and sank into the sea on the spot.

"Oh my God, run fast, run fast, why these things are so terrible." After the Hummingbird fighter planes took off, the soldiers at all levels who were still resisting the evacuation order dare not say anything. They even started to complain, why didn't they leave earlier. Many of the soldiers on the warships that lag behind have already begun to despair.

How could a person running on the sea compare to a person flying in the sky, the speed of the two sides is not on the same level.

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