The Rise of Plants

Chapter 872: There really is such a big island overseas

"Haha, are you? You don't really think we value your island very much. If it's not a resource-rich place, we won't want it. Otherwise, our Holy Dragon Empire won't be so big."

Everyone present knows that the four empires and a few places are the most resource-rich areas on the entire continent, and other places are too barren, and they don't even have the idea of ​​occupying them. As for the sacred tree collar, it was not because of how rich their land was, but because of their various plants and commercial trade with the half-elf empire.

Hearing these people belittle overseas in this way, Goethe Hall and others were a little annoyed. But the fact is also true. In terms of resources, the overseas islands really cannot be compared with the Sacred Dragon Empire.

"Yes, our resources are indeed far inferior to the Sacred Dragon Empire, but there are no resources on the islands, but there are many in the sea. The places near the islands are the easiest to mine."

Everyone thought about it, it was the same. There are a lot of resources in the sea, but it’s too difficult and too dangerous to go deep into the sea. If this is the case, it would be a good place.

"It makes sense, so why don't you develop it yourself?" An aristocrat made an opinion.

"Our alchemy ability is not as high as yours, even if we want to develop it, there is no way."

Goethe Hall did not hesitate to say his shortcomings, these were not secrets.

"That's right, even if our Sacred Dragon Empire can't effectively develop the seabed right now, it is indeed even more impossible for you. But the sea near the coastline is not a problem for us."

One nobleman said with pride, and another noble also spoke: "But anyway, the holy tree collar we really want to deal with. If it weren't for the holy tree collar, we wouldn't care about overseas at all."

At this time, Kunon, who had been thinking about it for a long time, said: "Very good, the information you provided is very useful. Then, how do you want to cooperate." Duke Kunon was a little tempted by overseas resources.

After so many years of development in the Sacred Dragon Empire, all places with resources have owners, and it is too difficult to expand. Even some ordinary mineral veins were scrambled by some little nobles. Nowadays, exploring overseas and developing new resources is the best way to shift internal conflicts.

Moreover, maybe you can still get some benefits for the members of the lower-level council with those dragon people on your back.

Without even thinking about it, Goethe Harr said: "We need flying boat technology, as well as other alchemy technologies. In addition, our strength is far inferior to the sacred tree collar, so we will not directly participate in the so-called war."

"Presumptuous, how can you covet the flying boat technology? I think these people are simply hiding evil intentions."

Flying boat is one of the most powerful military weapons of the empire, how could it be handed over to outsiders casually. Once they develop, doesn't it allow them to add another enemy to the Sacred Dragon Empire.

It’s just that Konnon doesn’t think so: “It’s okay to provide you with some technology, but it can’t be the first new one, and you must also provide us with your technology so that it can be equal. You can not directly participate in the war, but you must Provide them with some overseas intelligence, especially about the holy tree collar."

Unexpectedly, the Duke actually agreed. Goethe Hall quickly nodded and said: "No problem, we will immediately send enough people to sign an agreement with you after asking the owner of the house."

"Agreement? What we are going to sign is a contract." Such things as agreements have no effect at all. How can such a big thing not be bound by a strong contract? This way both parties can rest assured.

"It should be, it should be." According to Goethe, getting the technology of the Sacred Dragon Empire has a greater effect on the development of his family. The Holy Dragon Empire simply looked down upon them. Even if they were given the skills, after finishing the holy tree collar, they would be the next step. They had to get some outdated alchemy techniques, so they didn't want to vomit it twice.

They don't want these two large islands to develop into two top kingdoms that can compete with them.

Why don't those top kingdoms dare to move easily, just don't want to lose too much. Each of these kingdoms has a powerful flying boat technology, and even some other special knowledge and resources.

"Now, you can tell where you are." Duke Kunnon said.

"Of course it can." The two parties have signed a temporary contract, and then the formal contract can be guaranteed. On the map, Goethe Haar quickly drew a circle.

"Lead from the sacred tree, about this far away."

As soon as he saw this, Konnon tried a color at the person next to him. Then, all of them quietly began to do their homework. For this kind of weird change, Goethe Hall and others are not aware of it, so they can only go to the countryside and do as the customs.

But what Goethehar didn't expect was that in less than two hours, as the evening approached, a soldier hurried in. "My sirs, it has been found out that those big islands exist."

Then, a recording spar was placed in the middle of the table, and after exciting the spar, the footage recorded from high above appeared before their eyes. Below the sky, there are large islands, and people or buildings on the islands. Analyzed from the scale, each of these islands is indeed not much smaller than the Holy Dragon Empire.

"There really is such a big island It's really a long experience today."

"Yeah, yeah, I haven't found it before. It seems that I am looking for the wrong direction. You can see that the airships in the sky are all from the sacred tree collar. I didn't expect that the sacred tree collar has developed overseas. went."

"Huh, how about developing overseas, there will be our world sooner or later. The Sacred Tree Leader will never say anything if he doesn't want to give up. When they want to say it, who will believe their words."

Many nobles are too satisfied now. The big nobles look down on those barren and remote places, but the little nobles like it. Just because all land is owned, even the empire cannot attack other countries at will.

But overseas is different. There is no direct connection between overseas and inland. As long as it is knocked down, once the ship is done, other empires will have no chance to intervene. These places can only belong to the Holy Dragon Empire. So next is the question of how to divide the land and resources of this island.

But Goethehar and others were shocked. They didn't expect that the Holy Dragon Empire would be able to run back and forth in such a short period of time. How did this happen? The empire's background is really unfathomable.

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