The Rise of Plants

Chapter 882: Isn't the war pushed horizontally?

"Isn't the information about the two overseas families sent here yet." Duke Bruce glanced at the spar, then raised his head and looked into the distance for a while, using a telescope.

However, this telescope was not produced by Chi Nan, but after studying the principle of the telescope, the alchemists of the Sacred Dragon Empire used spar to polish the lens. It was not a kind.

It can be said that as long as it is related to the military, the Sacred Dragon Empire, like other kingdoms, likes to use its own products. Basically, they will not use the things created by other big forces, and they are worried that they will be left behind. Especially those plants made them even more unbelievable.

It's just that it is still too far away from the two big islands on the opposite side. They can only see a vague outline here, and they can't see clearly, they can only tell by the news from the front.

"I really envy the people of the Sacred Tree Collar, who can sit at home and easily see any picture they want to see. Our hateful alchemists know all day to study their inexplicable things and don't know how to contribute. ."

The people around bowed their heads and said nothing, the grand duke did not dare to talk nonsense. As for the alchemists, they are all a huge group, even if they are nobles, they are not willing to offend those people easily.

At this time, the information sent by the two families had been turned out. Looking at the contents of this information, Duke Bruce frowned again. "The two waste families are actually afraid to get close to the line of defense. They can only use their own speculations to infer how we fight."

Pointing to the map: "Forget it, leave them alone. According to past experience, the sea is already full of their lines of defense, and we must fight all the way. Without ships working together, we can only consume magic power. Clean up."

Continue to point to further places: "These ports are definitely their strongest defensive forces. We must avoid these locations. These mountains must also be avoided, and we cannot attack from here."

"Why not? The mountains are the most difficult to build defenses. Didn't our previous wars cross the mountain areas to attack?"

Bruce did not speak, and an old man next to him had already spoken: "Our previous enemies are the same as us, using alchemy as the main means of warfare. It is not easy to establish alchemy defenses on the mountain. Difficulty, this is determined by nature, the defense of this place is inherently weak."

The old man continued: "But the sacred tree collar opposite us, their way of fighting is to use plants. Planting plants on the mountain is not difficult for them."

Yes, even on the sea and reefs, some anti-air cannons can be easily planted, not to mention those inland peaks. It is too easy to build a defense on the mountain.

"You're right, I didn't even see it. Moreover, there are already many trees on the mountain. It is even more difficult for us to distinguish war plants in that place." Everyone has already figured it out.

"The main target of our attack is the Karan Island side, so we can temporarily let go of the Sacred Tree Island side. This way, our pressure is much less. Use the two main forces to resist the Sacred Tree Island over there. The support is enough. The other forces can be placed on the offensive side of Karan Island." Bruce continued to formulate the battle plan.

Counting and making gestures to the map, he said quickly. Everyone also continued to give their opinions, and finally everyone finally determined three places as the location of the attack. Bruce drew three circles on the map.

"Very good, these are the three locations. A large area of ​​these two locations is the Gobi Desert, which has not been covered by plant transformation for the time being, so the plant weapons here are the least, which can reduce our pressure on the ground."

"The last position is on the side. Although there may be more defenses here, there is a smooth road behind it. It is close to the center of the Karan Island family, which is also the command center that controls Karan Island. We need to use this pressure, Forcing them to concentrate a large amount of troops, and then strengthen the other two breakthroughs."

The old man just now showed a clear expression: "As long as the three-way army enters the interior of Karan Island at the same time, they will lose sight of one another. At that time, our flying boat will have the greatest advantage over them."

Bruce nodded and said: "Yes, our strategy is to expand our advantages, but the most important thing is to look at each other's hard power. As air combat, there are too few strategies that can be used."

"The Lord Duke is too modest, but we still have the Golden Mage with the army, and the Sacred Tree Leader can't get a Golden Mage. With the Golden Mage, I think we will win this battle, just consider how to win."

The less the losses, the better the outcome of the war, the more they can demonstrate their strength, and the more credit they can get.

"Well, at this stage, we can't just rush to it like this." A nobleman suggested.

Bruce nodded and said, "Yes, it is not possible now. We must first clear their maritime defense lines. At least three channels must be cleared. No, three are not enough. We need to clear a few more so that they don't know that we will be connected. The offensive route down. So, let's choose six routes." Bruce quickly drew six lines.

"In these six, first let our main force retreat and let the local aristocrats organize themselves to clean up, just say it is my order." Bruce said with a serious face.

The other nobles around wanted to refute, but in the end they closed their mouths. The Grand Duke had already given orders.

You know, many nobles have a relationship with them, even if they themselves, they dare not say that all the flying boats are the latest models, many old models, these have to be sent as cannon fodder.

Don't say the credit is small, but the loss is beaten, who wants to. But this matter must be done by someone, and for the final victory, they can only grit their teeth. Who put them in the headquarters now, here is not just a place to consider personal interests.

After a while, the order was issued, and the expressions of the nobles who received the order suddenly changed. "What? How come there is such a ridiculous order, can't we just push it over, why should we be the forward?"

"That is, the opponent's strength is not very strong, so can't we just push it horizontally? Didn't wars always be fought like this before." Some nobles began to tell what they had learned in the military academy.

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