The Rise of Plants

Chapter 887: Ace, Dragon Head Flying Boat

"Lord Duke, our plan seems to have been successful. News came from the flying boat in front, and the opposite side can already see the airship in the rear moving towards six different routes. This will reduce a lot of pressure on us."

"Yeah, a lot of pressure is reduced, but their airships are still too powerful, so that's not enough. And the waste." Bruce looked into the air, his eyes full of disdain.

Many of the surrounding nobles bowed their heads, and the performance of those flying boats was indeed not very good.

At the beginning, these people were full of fear and unwillingness. Later, when I learned that the airship could also be knocked down, one by one seemed to have been hit with blood, and they rushed forward with red eyes.

But now, because the flying boats are constantly being shot down and the losses are constant, fear once again begins to overwhelm the blood.

At this moment, many flying boats have begun to slow down their advancement speed, and even use other people's flying boats as shields. Obviously, the opponent's airship has already lost more than half, and the front line has slowly approached the coastline.

But at this moment, the advancing speed is getting slower and slower. There were some airships in the rear, and even took advantage of this opportunity to come to the mothership and start to replenish their own medicine. Most of the medicines are placed on the mothership, and there are not many airships. But if you only rely on the mothership, you can't bring out all the missile's power.

After the battle, even the densely packed hummingbird fighters in the air have mostly been damaged. I am afraid they will be cleaned up if they are not used. But at this time, their flying boat team was advancing more and more slowly.

"It can't go on like this. If you let all the missiles of these formations come into play, I don't know how many flying boats will be lost. Now this deadlock must be broken."

"Yeah, many people have already protested because their flying boats have lost too much. If we don't give a result, I'm afraid someone will let their flying boats leave the front line later."

The old man next to him was also helpless: "If they really start to retreat, then the previous attack plan will be completely destroyed. Even if the holy tree collar cannot restore the sea defense in a short time, I am afraid it will be able to restore a large part of it. It is hard for us. You can't just lose the results you have gained."

The people present are not fools, in fact, the nobles are not invisible. But for their own benefit, they all made very normal choices, so now it is their turn.

"Huh, it's really a group of wastes who have seen the wind and the rudder. The overall situation is still considering personal interests. Forget it, they can only do this. They are originally a group of mobs, how can they compare with the elite of the empire."

Many nobles pouted, because there were people in their family. Obviously, I just scolded them with them.

"Send our dragon and beast flying boats, three ships, from the three directions we need to attack. Before breaking through the opponent's coastal defense line, they definitely don't have time to transfer the mobilized airship back. We just need to rush in, and after taking root, it will be easy. Up."

Looking back, Bruce looked at the others: "Is everything ready. Once we land successfully, we must move forward steadily to the base as soon as possible. If the base is lost, everything we did before will be in vain."

"Commander, please rest assured, we are already ready."

"Dragon Beast Flying Boat? Did we actually have Dragon Beast Flying Boat brought? I really didn't expect those people to have such a **** foundation."

"That's right, I heard that the dragon beast flying boat is controlled by the dragons. Every dragon beast flying boat needs a dragon crystal to be able to manufacture it. If the dragon crystal is used to make the dragon beast flying boat, the dragon must agree to it. ."

Everyone was excited when they heard the dragon and beast flying boat. Don't look at their alchemy flying boat developing so fast, but compared with the dragon beast flying boat, it is far worse. Soon, the three flying boats flew up, very inconspicuous.

But if you look closely, you can find that there are no alchemy cannons on the three flying boats. At the bow of the ship, there is a statue in the shape of a dragon's head, which seems to be like the bow, but it seems to be alive.

There were no crew members who ran away in dense numbers. Except for a few messengers, the only person who controlled the flying boat was a very strange human. In other words, this is not human. Because this person generally looks like a human, but he bears a head that looks like a dragon's head, but it is not completely similar, and has a somewhat different feeling.

At first glance, people who didn't know thought that they saw the tauren, and those two horns soaring into the sky are also very flavorful.

It's a pity that this new flying boat is not big, with a length of only five meters, which is very inconspicuous. Mixed in a group of flying boats, even Chi Nan didn't notice it. As a result, these flying boats approached the forefront.

Suddenly, after a flying boat flew to the forefront, it did not stop and continued to rush forward. The flying boat was very flexible and extremely fast, and it was close to the front of the airship formation in a short time. At this moment, the faucet on the bow of the ship suddenly opened up, and a burst of flame burst out. The flame took on a cone shape, covering a large area in the air.

The shrouded airship, the defense only persisted and was destroyed in an instant. The flames contaminated the airship, and the shell of the blue and white painted tree didn't have much defensive It was burnt to pieces in a moment.

If you observe the inside, you will find that the inside has been completely incinerated and turned into garbage. In the end, only a few fragments fell from the air while burning up. Some have been burned without falling into the sea.

The faucet turned slightly, and a horizontal shift came. As a result, a large number of airships were ignited. In this attack, more than forty airships, including an airship mothership, were destroyed in an instant. Although this is also due to the denser airships, this attack was really terrifying, and it attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

"Great, the dragon beast flying boat is really extraordinary. The power of this dragon's breath cannon has reached the power of the golden level of dragon's breath, and it is not what their defense can resist. With our flying boat, this time we will win."

Even Bruce showed a smile: "Although the Dragon Breath Cannon is powerful, it consumes a lot after all, and those dragon people are not what we can command, so in the end, we mainly rely on our flying boat."

"Originally, it was used at the most critical time. The Duke's face is the greatest, and he can get the right to use the dragon beast flying boat." A group of nobles around was complimenting. At this time, two dragons' breaths quietly bloomed in the air.

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