The Rise of Plants

Chapter 889: Blooming little sun

"Haha, sure enough, with the Dragon Head Flying Boat, all air power is useless."

"Don't talk nonsense, the dragon is always the strongest in the air, and the dragon head flying boat is only a little bit of dragon power." Despite this, the smile on Duke Bruce's face is so conspicuous.

After the dragon head flying boat showed its power, the nobles in the rear stopped clamoring. On the one hand, it was shocked by the power of the Dragon Head Flying Boat, and on the other hand, it was because they didn't have to continue to lose.

"The elite troops in the rear are ready to dispatch immediately once they enter the coastline, occupy three attack points for me in the shortest time, build a port in situ, and completely base themselves on Karan Island."

There are no war fortresses in the places they choose. They all bypassed the place where the several war fortresses on the sea were. At this time, if the war fortress wants to approach, it will be impossible for a while.

"Already prepared, this time I will definitely take down Karan Island."

"We not only want to take down Karan Island, but also four large overseas islands, including Sacred Tree Island. Hehe, I heard that this place is not easy to get in and out. They even made twelve floating islands for us. Kongqiao, really good people." A group of nobles laughed and toasted to each other to celebrate this huge victory in advance.

But what they didn't find was that a few inconspicuous airships, which were the same as ordinary airships, flew out, and were quickly approaching the dragon and beast flying boats in front of them.

"The self-explosive airship is so easy to use? Why not do more." Weiwei, who has been working all the time, didn't know this new airship. In fact, even Sophia hadn't heard of it, only Hemira knew a little.

Chi Nan smiled calmly: "This thing is not so easy to manufacture. The entire airship contains 860 self-explosive mushrooms of various shapes, each of which is of gold level. According to a lot of our research, it is finally final. Forming, detonating at different levels, compressing itself with the help of the explosion itself, and then releasing the power to make the power stronger."

"It can be said that in addition to not reaching the legendary level, the power of the entire explosion can definitely threaten the legendary level master. Well, I haven't seen the legend, this is just speculation."

Under the suspicion of everyone, Chi Nan still added. "But there is no problem with these. Anyway, you know that this thing is very powerful."

"It turned out to be so, it's so difficult to manufacture, no wonder there are not many."

Weiweisi and others seem to understand. Eight hundred and sixty golden-level explosive mushrooms require a large plantation and can only be cultivated after a long period of cultivation. The cost is not a small amount.

Although from Chi Nan's point of view, any plant is free, and there is no such thing as a cost. But in the eyes of other people, all plant weapons can be divided by them with a certain price, which is calculated in accordance with the resources and time consumed, the manpower and plantation area occupied, etc. Chi Nan does not understand this.

"It's not just causing trouble, it's also very dangerous. Except for a few control-type self-explosive mushrooms, the others are all trigger types. As long as it receives a certain impact, it will explode."

This is the most dangerous thing. Since Chi Nan made these things, he has never dared to let these things come close to him. Once it accidentally exploded one day, wouldn't it be wrong to be dead.

Even the manufactured ones are installed in some uninhabited places when they are not in use.

This time, if it hadn't been for the outbreak of the Great War, Chi Nan hadn't even thought about mobilizing these things. Because of the long distance, when the mobilization came, the three airship formations were close to being destroyed. The elite troops behind the Sacred Dragon Empire also began to lift off. Those powerful flying boats, carrying a large number of people and cargo, flew along the waterway.

"They can't be evacuated, otherwise it will be difficult to catch them."

"Don't worry, they won't be removed. Look, it's already here." Just when a few dragon head flying boats completed their missions and were ready to leave, the battered airship at the rear finally flew to its destination.

These things, which are like other airships, are not the same on the plant brain board, but are constantly shining with a dangerous red warning light. When people look at it, they know that these things are very dangerous.

Three of each dragon head flying boat flew over, and at the moment of approaching, the self-detonated airship suddenly accelerated and rushed past. At that kind of speed, even the dragon people felt they were caught off guard.

"Very well, each time the Dragon Breath Cannon is fired, it needs a buffer time of about one minute, and there is half a minute of buffer time from the last one used just now, and it rushes up." Under the calculation of the plant brain, this buffer time , Was clearly calculated.

Even the dragon people didn't even think of this. "Why are those airships flying so fast suddenly, it's not good, it's dangerous, hurry up and sink them." The dragon man's voice rang from the dragon head flying boat.

It's a pity that it's too late, except for a few messengers on the Dragon Head Flying Boat, there are no masters. As a result, it was approached by the airship. "Open the defensive barrier with all your strength." The dragon man who feels the danger ignores everything The Dragon Breath Cannon cannot be used, so we can only open the barrier first. The originally dim barrier exudes a bright light at this moment.

However, a stronger light concealed it for an instant. As if the whole world had paused, suddenly, a bright white light in the sky shone on the earth. Everyone felt tingling in their eyes.

The soldiers who were looking straight in the air, tears were already streaming when they closed their eyes. The person approaching the front even covered his ears, feeling a sharp pain in his ears, but he clearly didn't hear anything.

The strong white light lasted for two seconds before it gradually subsided. At this time, everyone felt the terrifying heat coming from the air. When I looked up, I couldn't help being shocked. Three large fireballs with a diameter of more than 500 meters appeared in the air. The fireball continuously rotates and burns, emitting intense light and heat.

It was just the bright light bursting out of these three fireballs, like three little suns. The violent flame elemental power exploded, and the wizards even felt as if they had left the sea for an instant.

The concentration of this fire element gives them the illusion that they are on the edge of the crater. However, here is obviously the sea. How did this happen? Even the golden mages couldn't imagine a magic of this scale.

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