The Rise of Plants

Chapter 891: Stalemate overseas

What caused the fireball to burn for two hours? Chi Nan couldn't figure it out, and all those who were curious couldn't figure it out for the time being. Perhaps it has not reached a certain level, and there is no way to explain it.

All in all, this kind of special power that surpasses ordinary golden magic can only be understood by legendary level masters. In the ensuing process of the war, it gradually entered a period of stability.

After laying down the three gaps in the Holy Dragon Empire, it then began to use these three gaps as its base. Starting from the position of the gap, the craftsmen and soldiers of the Holy Dragon Empire began to build ports and fortresses, and at the same time set up a plaza for docking flying boats. The next thing to solve is the problem of supply.

Not everything can be transported from the rear, they also need to solve the food problem here. The easiest way is to fish directly from the sea. But in this way, more people are needed to join.

The Holy Dragon Empire continuously transports some civilians here, but it still strictly controls the information here, and the outside world does not know what the Holy Dragon Empire is doing. In any case, this is also an empire.

Without going all out, an empire can easily support an immigrant of this scale.

"Why do we have to delay the time, can we just fight over?" The soldiers complained.

"Have you heard from Lord Lord? We have to use the delay to build more airships. If we lose too much in this battle, what shall we do when other mainland forces enter?"

"I see, even if we directly start a decisive battle with them, we won't lose too much. Our airship is much more powerful than their airship." Some people dismissed the enemy.

A soldier from two outsiders also agreed with his face and said, "I think it is, it's better to fight directly."

The leader snorted coldly: "Hmph, hit hit hit, we know what to hit, if we want to fight over, where do we want to hit?"

At this time, everyone was stunned. The team leader continued: "Now overseas, they don’t have a base camp. We can’t go to the home of the Holy Dragon Empire. In that case, it’s not an overseas issue. What we are fighting overseas now is the land of no owner, but if it is Fighting on the mainland is a war with the Holy Dragon Empire."

"Now the Holy Dragon Empire is attacking us. We have a reason. Once we take the initiative to attack the Holy Dragon Empire, we have to say that although our strength is very strong, it is still a lot worse than the Empire."

This person also has some understanding of the empire, after all, does he have a certain status? In the system of the sacred tree leader, people with a certain status can understand some information that can be understood at their own level.

This kind of information is often far more people than in other kingdoms and empires. Therefore, officials and military officers are not completely ignorant of the strengths of the Holy Dragon Empire.

"But if we don't do it now, will we have a place to fight in the future?" Some people still don't understand.

The team leader said naturally: "Of course, why are you so stupid. Are they not building a port now? When their port is successfully established, won't they have a base camp? Just hit that place when the time comes."

After a pause, the team leader continued: "Now we don’t do anything. That’s because they invest too little now. Once we make a move, we will give up. But when they invest more, we will attack these places at that time. , Can they still give up? Certainly not, that is the time for the decisive battle."

"That's right, and the civilians they sent over will definitely be a lot at that time. Isn't there a shortage of civilians in our territory now? This happens to be able to send us some people over."

The soldiers laughed and the scene was harmonious. Outside, the war seems to have nothing to do with them.

Every day, soldiers of the Holy Dragon Empire are sweeping the sea, constantly clearing those lines of defense, and some newly established wind cannons or bat missiles. During this cleaning process, flying boats will be attacked from time to time.

It is precisely because of this that several flying boats were formed each time in this errand, and the temporary teams came out to investigate one by one, which can be said to have contained a large number of flying boats in the Sacred Dragon Empire.

At the same time, the Holy Dragon Empire often sent flying boats to patrol the surroundings, but they also often encountered patrolling airships, so the two sides would fight if they saw in the air until the flying boat of the Holy Dragon Empire escaped or one party was destroyed. .

Those airships never knew how to escape, and they had to fight to the death. Recently, some soldiers of the Sacred Dragon Empire have become a little afraid of those airships, and the result of this fear is the outbreak of conflict.

Just the day before, someone deliberately organized two flying boat formations and attacked them head-on to find trouble with the airship.

As a result, Olna, who used satellites to see this scene, directly mobilized an airship formation, and suffered a loss with this flying boat formation. One airship formation was completely destroyed, but the two airship formations were also mostly damaged. All in all, after this battle is over, the planners will inevitably be punished when they go back.

But after that conflict, the conflict on this day became more intense. The fact that the Sacred Tree Leader didn't dare to take the initiative to take the also made the leaders of the Sacred Dragon Empire feel lucky.

It's just that the Dragon Head Flying Boat has never been dispatched again, because they are worried about that kind of self-exploding airship. So under this anxiety, the two sides confronted each other like this, bit by bit, as time passed day by day.

There is no large-scale decisive battle. In this kind of confrontation, no one has noticed that the flying boats of the Holy Dragon Empire are rapidly decreasing. What's more, no one noticed that the other party's airships were increasing.

They just feel that they are not strong enough, hoping to mobilize more power from the rear. With the establishment of the port, the fortress became larger and larger, and more and more overseas specialties were sent to the territory of the Holy Dragon Empire. Therefore, because of the golden dragons earned by these overseas specialties, the nobles of the Holy Dragon Empire are even more jealous and even more reluctant to give up here.

Just as Chi Nan guessed, as the fortress was built more and more perfect, as the population here increased, gradually those people could no longer give up these ports. It seems that the day of the decisive battle is getting closer.

When Chi Nan sees the development of the Sacred Dragon Empire overseas every day, his heart is even more proud. "That's it, continue to invest. The more you invest, the more you will lose at that time." Chi Nan prepared to make them suffer a big loss.

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