The Rise of Plants

Chapter 898: We can also interfere with the law

"Use a self-explosive airship." Chi Nan finally gave the order. Chi Nan didn't give the order, and others didn't dare to use it indiscriminately.

"But my lord, the movement of using the self-detonation airship is too loud. In case it attracts the attention of other powerful undead, it is not a good thing for us." Although I wanted to use it, the bald father reminded it.

"No matter so much, even if something happens, it's not your fault." Chi Nan's words reassured everyone. They worry that they will be complained after something goes wrong. Now that the lord has already assumed the responsibility, what are they afraid of. In the place of the Sacred Tree, Lord Lord is the absolute authority.

Some self-explosive airships that had been prepared a long time ago had already flown, but they were only approaching the battlefield without accelerating.

"According to even, the shortest interval between two sound waves of a giant white bone is one minute. The blow with bone fragments is very long and lasts for a long time. The interval is only about ten seconds, so we have to grasp this gap."

With the calculation of the plant brain, the battle of the sacred tree leader has gradually begun to enter a data-based mode, and it is a bit incompatible with the fighting methods of other people. This is only the sacred tree leader himself knows.

Originally it seemed to be very dense and continuous and there was no chance to get close at all. Only by relying on the number to try luck, let a large number of bat missiles penetrate deep into the battlefield and then explode. Nowadays, under the calculation of the plant brain, there is actually a gap, but the gap can only be found by careful observation and calculation.

This is simply not what a normal person can tell. After waiting for a full twenty minutes, finally when the giant bone elephant used a broken bone attack, the vegetable brain calculated the next time to attack.

"There are still five seconds for the bone attack to end, and there will be seven seconds of safety time between the next ten seconds. The self-detonation airship is ready, and the self-detonation airship begins to accelerate and enter the predetermined route." The plant brain kept calculating.

While the bone fragments in the air still looked like a violent storm, the self-explosive airship had already accelerated. When the self-detonation airship rushed to the edge of the attack, the attack of the bone fragments suddenly became weak and stopped abruptly. It seemed to outsiders that the attack of the colossal bone elephant had stopped.

At the moment when the attack was paused, several airships had already speeded up to the extreme, like a meteor, a total of ten self-detonating airships rushed to the side of the bone giant elephant field from all directions. You can't go deeper when you get here.

Because it continues to deepen, it will be crushed by the power of the domain. Not to mention the seven-second gap, from the end of the attack to the present, even two seconds have not passed. This gap is too big for a plant brain.

With a "boom", a self-explosive airship exploded. Almost at the same time, the other nine self-detonated airships also exploded. Ten large fireballs like the sun lit up around them, and the white light shone on everything around them. In an instant, even the satellites in the sky were almost blinded by the white light, and there was a white spot on the screen.

At the next moment, the automatic repair will start, and the satellite will be repaired intact again. Several large fireballs shrouded in the sky, no matter it was an ordinary airship or something, all were burned down.

In order to mislead the giant bone elephant, this attack placed a large number of their airships inside. But anyway, it's just some cannon fodder, and no one cares about it at this moment.

The Bone Colossus himself did not expect that the enemy who had been besieging him for a whole day would be able to release such a powerful attack. The area that had always been in a slight fluctuation, finally fluctuated violently.

Under the impact of the strong impact, even the high-standard force of the field was also affected by terror.

"Strange, how did this fireball quickly dissipate?" Chi Nan discovered that the fireball, which should have been able to burn for two hours, dissipated on its own in a short period of time, which is really weird.

"Can your fireball last for a long time?" Slinka said.

"Yes, we used it once before. The fireball burned for two hours before it disappeared." Hermilla also said.

"Unexpectedly, your bombs have reached this point. Being able to last for such a long time indicates that this level of explosion has begun to affect the laws of nature, which already has a certain legendary power."

what? Influencing the laws of nature, just like the legendary domain, can have a great impact on the laws of nature, which is a kind of strong interference. Chi Nan himself didn't expect that, originally he thought that the fire element had been gathering for some reason, but he didn't expect it to be in this almost qualitative change form.

"But after all, this kind of interference can only be produced because the strength is strong enough, and in essence it is still unable to compare with the real legend. Therefore, in the face of more powerful interference power, this flame power will be dispelled."

"Pointing to the screen, Slinka Ye said. Then Slinka continued to add:" But anyway, with this kind of power, you already have the capital to fight against the legendary master. This kind of power may not be easy to kill the legend, but it can quickly consume their domain power, just like now. "

In the picture, the giant white bone elephant whose domain is constantly fluctuating, finally is no longer as indifferent as before. Along with the explosion, the giant white bone elephant seemed to have received some shock, and it was shocked back several steps.

With a roar the white airflow around the giant bone elephant is stronger, and countless bone elephants around are abruptly shattered by the giant bone elephant, and the resulting bone fragments fly towards the air. This time the attack power is stronger and the range is stronger. Also bigger.

"Continue to calculate and do it again." Since the interference force was eliminated within a short time, it would not attract the attention of other powerful undead. It should be so, Chi Nan thought in his heart.

The existence of legendary level, even in a world full of undead, is not easy to appear.

I don’t know if it’s because of the injury or other reasons. This time the time comes sooner. In just ten minutes, an opportunity for attack appeared. Suddenly, ten more blew airships flew towards the giant bone elephant at the same time. The giant bone elephant, who had already endured an attack, felt the danger instinctively.

The white ball attack that hadn't been used for a long time suddenly formed beside the giant bone elephant. It's a pity that the attack came too fast and the timing was too good, the Colossal Bone Elephant was still a step slower.

Before the attack was launched, ten self-explosive airships had flown to the designated positions, and the self-explosive airship exploded in an instant.

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