The Rise of Plants

Chapter 926: They are not innocent

As early as when looking for the Hailing clan, a large number of submarines in the sea had already begun to be manufactured. Although the time is shorter, submarines are easier to manufacture, so the number is still very large.

Besides, there are not many Hailing clan. On the surface of the sea, a few war fortresses floated over in silence. Such a huge monster, the monsters on the sea turned around and left when they saw it.

No monster dared to stop him on the road, but because he wanted to avoid other forces, he took a long detour, so it was a few days late. In the past few days, near the two exits, a large number of submarines have gathered here, densely packed in a large area. But the Hailing clan had not come out, so they didn't find it.

The whole sea is still calm. "It's finally here. Next, we will destroy the Hailing clan. If they refuse to surrender, then kill them until they surrender." Chi Nan said coldly.

"Patriarch, this is not so good. There are also many innocent people in the Hailing clan, so slaughter like this won't work."

Hearing Chi Nan's words, Miria couldn't bear it. As a member of a half-elf tribe of a weak race, Miria certainly knows how powerless these weak races are in the face of powerful humans.

Too many people died in this way. A few days ago, they had also seen the magnificent sight in the depths of the trench, and seeing the innocent smile that day, they knew that the Hailing clan was a normal intelligent race.

"Yeah, Chi Nan, or forget it, we just have to kill those who are the main cause of the chaos, and the rest can be slowly influenced." Even Sophia also put forward her own opinions.

If it is something else, Chi Nan may have agreed, but Chi Nan will not. Think of the nomads in the north on the original earth. Do they have no children? Do they have no disadvantaged groups? But what are they doing? These Hailing people have done even more excessively.

"However, they are not innocent." Chi Nan said coldly.

"Without these ordinary sea spirits, how could they cultivate so many sea beasts. Don't forget, besides growing the food they need, all that is left for these sea spirits is to cultivate herbs to stimulate the sea beasts."

This point, after these days of exploration, everyone has already understood. It's just that no one has been thinking about this. Now after Chi Nan proposed it, everyone immediately realized this.

"Hmph, they have always known what they are doing, but they still do it. They are already able to live in the sea, but because they want to live on land, they have to kill people on the land, do they occupy a few people without anyone? Isn’t this small island okay? Also, you have seen the tools in their hands."

Chi Nan pointed to the picture and said: "Many of those tools are on land, which is not what you can see in the sea. They enjoy these things, then they are responsible for these enjoyments. These things are derived from what From the place!"

Everyone was silent, these things were made by humans, and it was impossible to make such things in the ocean. Then these tools are all obvious, and they are all snatched from human hands.

Chi Nan continued: "Everyone remembers the sea beast attack a while ago. Because of our strong defensive force and the use of plant weapons, there were no casualties. But as for the other families, they How many innocent people died and how many soldiers were killed along the coast of China.”

Everyone closed their mouths. In fact, everyone has this information in their hands.

"Also, those small islands that are not strong enough, some have not been able to support the arrival of reinforcements at all, and the people on those small islands, what happened to them, don't tell me that I don't know.

Chi Nan suddenly raised his voice: "Milia, tell me how many humans lost during the last sea beast attack." The Sacred Tree Leader, who has always attached great importance to population, has more intelligence in this respect. Precise.

Milia pouted: "Huh, do you know." Thinking of the **** data, even the sympathy in Milia's heart disappeared without a trace. These sea spirits stimulated the sea beasts to attack the city and never cared about human casualties.

"We are humans, and these sea spirits were enemies before they were domesticated. Treat them as weak, because they can hide in the ocean at any time, and there will be more trouble at that time. Once they are stimulated by Warcraft Even if we are the Sacred Tree Leader, we will suffer heavy losses."

For the development of the entire territory, all enemies must be cleaned up. These people present are not ordinary course they know something dark.

Chi Nan can explain to them, it is already very difficult. "Okay, okay, people know." Miria said angrily: "The next command will be handed over to Orna, I will not do it."

After speaking, Miria directly closed the communication, which made Chi Nan shook his head helplessly. He knew that Miria didn't want to see the next tragedy, but because she was angry, she gave Orna the command instead of herself. But it doesn't matter, because the highest command power is always in his own hands, and it doesn't matter if the secondary command power is given to anyone.

"Okay, then leave it to me." Olna doesn't care about these things at all, as long as the half-elves have no problems. Other races, even humans, didn't care how much they died.

With Chi Nan's enlightenment, it seems that the next massacre is not so difficult to accept. But thinking of the **** vocabulary of slaughter, everyone still feels very heavy in their hearts, even if these are not humans at all.

At this time, several war fortresses have arrived at the designated locations. These have been specially modified by Chinan and are waterproof. Although he can't exert his absolute power underwater, there is no problem in using it to do this. After opening the waterproof barrier, several war fortresses began to sink underwater.

At the same time, a large number of submarines entered two large caves under Orna's command. After such a long time of exploration, all the paths in the trench are already well understood by everyone.

The outermost cave of the trench that the submarine passed through finally appeared in the eyes of the Hailing clan. At first, the people of the Hailing clan were still curious, but then they felt something was wrong.

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