The Rise of Plants

Chapter 936: The world is changing

"Is it clear after research?" The people from the Mage Association are also studying the black porphyrite.

While the sacred tree led the development, other major forces did not stop their own development. On the contrary, because the development speed of the holy tree leader was too fast, it put tremendous pressure on the major forces, even the empire.

So the major forces that have been immersed for a long time without much development are now starting to climb rapidly. In the past, due to various reasons, the development speed fell into a slow bottleneck and was completely broken.

The Mage Association is now also conducting research on the black porphyrite. "Basically, we figured it out. Although we don't have a black porphyrite, we can imitate it. The magic crystal cannon produced will be nearly doubled in power."

"That's good. It will be manufactured as soon as possible. With the new magic crystal cannon, we don't have to worry about conflicts with the empire."

The Mage Association, which has always been suppressed by the empire, now finally feels exuberant. Obtaining overseas alternative magic materials, now the Mage Association has accumulated a lot of accumulation.

At the same time as the research and development of the sacred tree leader, the Mage Association finally launched its own alchemy army.

Overseas, huge puppets came out one by one, these were the cars of the mages. The mage is hidden in the body of the puppet to minimize the damage. This is an improvement based on the principle of the magic puppeteer.

In addition, there are some special types of flying boats with pointed roofs that seem to shrink the mage towers, which have also been dispatched from the Mage Association. The huge puppet can emit a powerful red light in its eyes. This is similar to the magic light cannon, but it is full of power and can attack the airship and airship in the air. The flying boat of the mage is even more different from the flying boats of other forces.

Mage’s flying boat has a reduced mage tower, so wizards can use the mage tower on the flying boat to release large-scale magic. Coupled with the now enhanced magic crystal cannon, the combat effectiveness of this mage tower flying boat actually faintly surpasses ordinary airships.

Fortunately, wizards are a rare resource, and there are not many wizards in the Association of Algorithmists, so there are fewer such flying boats. Otherwise, there are too many such flying boats, even the Sacred Tree Leader will feel a headache.

There are other forces that are also developing. The Holy Light Empire didn't know what they had done, but on the surface they were just preaching. Because the distance was too far, no one could see the changes in the Holy Light Empire.

But everyone can see the changes in the Holy Dragon Empire. The Mage Association has just upgraded its magic crystal cannon, and the Sacred Dragon Empire has also successfully upgraded. The power and range of the latest magic crystal cannon have been significantly improved. Although there is no reduced mage tower, the fighting power of the flying boat of the Holy Dragon Empire is also rapidly increasing.

This is accompanied by rising prices. Nowadays, the price of a flying boat is at least several times that of the previous flying boat. But in the same way, the combat effectiveness of today's flying boat has also improved a lot, and it is not even weaker than the flying boat of the Mage Tower.

This is just a flying boat that uses the magic crystal cannon to fight, and it is also very dazzling to be able to display this kind of strength.

In addition, the half-elf empire has also developed its own special flying boat. Thanks to Chi Nan's research on plants, the Half Elf Empire is the same. Relying on higher plants, a very hard shell is created.

With the aid of magic, the shell and defense of the wooden airships of the Half-elf Empire are stronger than those of Chinan's airships. There is no improvement in attack, but the overall combat effectiveness is also not weaker than others.

In overseas conflicts and experiments, these things are no secrets. Everyone is developing rapidly, as if an arms race, many combat weapons can be said to be the same day by day.

Fortunately, those wizards and fighters couldn't practice so fast, they still had to follow a step-by-step approach.

Different from these forces are the mercenary union and the hunter union. These two unions did not have such a strong magical background, so after discussing it with the two lagging unions, they suddenly joined forces for development.

They did not develop a weapon like a flying boat, but instead developed an alchemical weapon similar to a tank. This weapon has six wheels, and it surprised others when it first appeared on the battlefield.

Every six-wheeled tank has several anti-aircraft guns. These are not ordinary alchemy cannons, but something similar to magic light cannons. What was released was a beam of light condensed by thunder and lightning at an unusually fast speed.

Anyway, like the Magic Light Cannon, there is no way to dodge it, and this kind of lightning attack is powerful and permeable. It can directly attack airships and airships in the air. But he is very flexible, not easy to be hit, and his defense is also good. It may be a little bit worse in mobility, but it has also become a powerful weapon.

I don’t know why this kind of six-wheeled tank, it seems that the cost is not very high, so it quickly formed a scale, these two forces also completely established their foothold overseas with this kind of six-wheeled got a piece of themselves Territory.

The most weird thing is the race alliance. Since coming overseas, the race alliance has disappeared suddenly, and there has been no news. Until a few days ago, the race alliance suddenly appeared.

But the race alliance that appeared this time also brought everyone a big surprise. The race alliance did not develop alchemical weapons, but carried out biological alchemy. I don't know who researched it, but actually developed a semi-alchemy product Thunderbolt. This lightning bird is extremely fast and uses lightning as its main attack method.

Every Thunderbird can destroy three to four ordinary airships in a single fight, and then it is possible to be wiped out. In large-scale battles, the flexible figure can easily dodge attacks, and it is the nemesis of airships and flying boats.

Because it is a living thing, it only needs to be reproduced. When everyone found out, the Thunderbirds of the race alliance had already formed a scale, and it was not easy to deal with them.

If it weren't for the wind artillery developed by Chi Nan, I am afraid that air power would be at a disadvantage in solo combat.

Not long after the wind artillery was developed, the race alliance attacked a small island in the Sacred Tree. Fortunately, the wind artillery has a strong ability to restrain the thunderbirds, which repels them.

From this day on, overseas once again entered a strange balance and calm. However, the research and infiltration work of major forces in private is even more fierce, and various struggles in the dark can be made into a series of spy war films.

Just when the major powers regarded overseas as an experimental new weapon base, the sacred tree leader once again appeared new moves. When the major forces knew the movement of the sacred tree leader, they were a little dumbfounded.

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