The Rise of Plants

Chapter 941: 1 and a half succeeded, coordinate tree

"That breath disappeared, nothing will happen. No, it definitely won't." Hermilla shook her hands, her eyes revealed tension, staring at the place where Chi Nan broke through, where it was Chi Nan's. Temporary residence is also a laboratory.

"The disappearance of the breath means that the promotion is completed, either success or failure. However, failure is not a big deal. At most, it is a loss of some strength. Wait until the next time." Silken Kaye said indifferently, but still across the screen. It can be seen that Slinka Yee is also a little nervous at this time.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded, and a familiar voice came: "No need to guess, I have succeeded."

Chi Nan opened the door and walked out slowly. Without Chi Nan's order, no one would dare to enter.

"Well, you are very tired these days. Go back and have a rest. The alert is lifted." Chi Nan said to Horn. Horn nodded slightly and waved his hand. The guards immediately disappeared.

There are still some guards staying here, waiting for others to come and change shifts. And a guard like Horne who has reached the golden level of strength has no intention to rest at all. The golden level, in a sense, can no longer be regarded as an ordinary person. Horn is now able to resist even if he doesn't sleep for ten days.

"Great, someone in our territory finally broke through to the legendary level. From then on, we don't have to be afraid of the Holy Dragon Empire anymore." The people around suddenly cheered. The Holy Dragon Empire has always been on their heads. Up.

Although there are examples of dealing with legendary levels, there are also many ways to deal with legendary masters. But in the face of true legendary masters, everyone still feels heavy in their hearts.

But now it's different. Your lord has reached the legendary level.

An official next to him said in a low voice, "There is no need to be afraid. If everyone has a master of the legendary level, the master of this level is a deterrent force. Unless it is a threat to destroy the country, the legendary master will hardly be on the battlefield. ."

No matter for anyone, a legendary master cannot be dispatched casually, because one who accidentally loses one is a huge blow to the entire country, and no one can bear this responsibility.

A master of the legendary level, that is aloof, even the emperor of the empire would definitely not be able to easily transfer it. In the Holy Dragon Empire, there are probably not a few legendary masters in the dragon clan. The existence of the legendary level is equal to the dragon clan, which has surpassed the status brought by the nobility.

"Okay, okay, let's all go, you guys come in with me, I think you must have a lot of questions."

Chi Nan disperse the crowd, only a few officials at the highest level of the territory followed Hermilla and Sophia to the place where Chi Nan lived during this time. The entire yard has become a mess.

But in the middle, you can see a tall and weird tree. "Is this a twin tree after transformation? This tree looks so strange." Hermilla said what everyone wanted to say.

Because of this tree, there is no leaf in the whole body, and it is bare. His body shone with silver light, as if the whole tree was made of silver. On the surface, this tree has similarities with the tin tree.

If everyone knew that Chi Nan was relying on this thing to break through, he would really regard it as an tin tree. The smooth mirror surface of the original twin tree disappeared, but now it looks more like a real tree, a strange tree that is about to die. Right above the big tree, there is also a huge spherical object.

Countless silver-green spots of light are constantly rotating around the center, looking like a group of fireflies, and like the galaxy seen towards the sky at night, so spectacular and beautiful.

Chi Nan nodded: "Yes, this is the improved twin tree, and I made a breakthrough by improving it."

Chi Nan's breakthrough method is not a secret in everyone's mind. Many people think that this is a shortcut for Chi Nan to break through, and they don't know that Chi Nan has only this breakthrough method, and there is no other way for the time being.

"Then what is the role of this twin tree, space system, can it release space spells?" Sophia also asked.

Chi Nan shook his head: "Does it work? It's actually very big." As he said, Chi Nan gently patted this weird tree, and a large number of light spots above suddenly revolved and then shrank instantly. stand up. The next moment, the light spot suddenly expanded, as if it exploded. It just swelled out and disappeared in the void.

"What's going on? What happened just now?" Everyone was puzzled.

Chi Nan said, "This is the result of my transformation. I call this big tree the coordinate The light points just now are actually some special seeds of the coordinate tree. These seeds can Use as coordinates."

"In just an instant, the coordinate tree tore through the space barrier and released these seeds toward other spaces, appearing irregularly in other worlds. When it encounters a new world, the coordinate tree will sprout and provide us with a Coordinates. In this way, we can find other planes."

Chi Nan himself is also very happy. For a long time, Chi Nan has been committed to finding other planes, just to prevent problems in his plane, so as to leave himself a way out.

In Chi Nan's eyes, the plane of the undead had the greatest effect in the beginning. However, the plane of the undead wants to be completely transformed, and I don't know how long it will take. It is better to find a new plane now.

"It turns out that it has such a big effect. If we find a new plane, we can get more territory, more special plants, and many more. This is too important for our development." Hermi Pulled a look of excitement.

"Hey, Chi Nan, if you find new plants, you must remember to leave some for me." Slinka couldn't help it.

But at this moment, Chi Nan helplessly spread his hands: "I think too, but there is no way. This is just a semi-finished product. So what you said, there is no way to achieve it now."

"Semi-finished product, why? Isn't it successful to launch the seed just now." Sophia looked puzzled.

Chi Nan said helplessly: "Yes, it was successful, but even if we were able to discover the different planes, we couldn't open the channel between the two planes, so there was no way to get things from other planes."

Can't get through? When everyone heard this, they were a little unsure.

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