The Rise of Plants

Chapter 948: Clone's combat ability

As soon as his body moved, the long sword in the hands of the natural incarnation had been pierced, because the speed was too fast, even Horn could only resist for a while. In the field, Horn was full of vindictiveness, but he was always indistinguishable from the green light on the opposite side.

Even in the fight against each other, Chi Nan was surprised to find that Horn's vindictiveness was actually at a disadvantage.

This originally attributeless fighting spirit was specifically designed to restrain magic, and was restrained in turn, whether it was because the magic power of the clone was too strong, or because it was not magic in nature, so it was like this.

It seems that we still need to find a golden warrior who has cultivated attribute vindictiveness to have a try.

"It's amazing, is this really just a clone." The guards next to him said in surprise.

Chi Nan said of course: "Of course it's a clone, can it be me?"

Just now Chi Nan spoke, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. He was clearly controlling the avatar to fight, so how could he still be the same as before. Controlling two bodies at the same time, two thoughts appear at the same time, and there is no conflict at all.

If Chi Nan knew that there was absolutely no problem, and thought he was schizophrenic. Controlling the avatar to fight over there is really a hearty, and it feels exactly the same as when you end the battle.

All the skills can be fully demonstrated, and even better than what I can perform.

After all, that body is made of wood. Under the blessing of life magic, many complex and difficult movements cannot be done by oneself, and the clone can also easily do it with the help of magic. The only special thing is that the clone doesn't feel anything, or it feels very weak. Feeling within a certain level can be felt.

But if it exceeds a certain range, it will be automatically blocked. For example, the pain of being attacked can only feel the same as being bitten by a mosquito at best, and the more serious feeling will be completely gone.

In order to test, Chi Nan also deliberately let Horn slash on himself. It's a pity that Horn's grudge obviously has no way to break through the clone's defense. If it weren't for vindictiveness to be able to easily release changes, Horn might not be the opponent of the clone.

The magic power of the clone can't be released well, but the degree of cohesion far exceeds Horn's grudge. After a few minutes of fighting with each other, Chi Nan saw it more clearly. Obviously, the magic power on the clone body consumes a lot less than the opponent.

You know, this is magic, and the magic reserve itself is very powerful. After the wooden body was full of magic power, it was dozens of times more vindictive than Horne's body. I am not afraid of attacks, let alone one-on-one, it feels like it's okay to face more than a dozen at the same time. If there is a pool of magic power around, you can deal with a few more.

On the contrary, Horne, who broke out with all his strength, would have some difficulty in regaining his breath for a while.

"It seems that in the same level, my clone is indeed not weaker than the fighter. Although there is no domain, but in the future, I will be able to compete with the opponent at the legendary level. I hope that the opponent does not have a special ability domain ."

Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, but the other side was still fighting fiercely, as if the two thoughts were not affected by each other at all. Chi Nan gradually became very familiar with this feeling.

"Ha, Feiyan cut." Suddenly, Horn yelled, and even displayed his fighting skills.

With a fierce swipe of the long sword, three white arcs flew out suddenly. Chi Nan was about to dodge, but suddenly thought of something, he stopped abruptly, and rushed towards Horn.

Three arcs slashed fiercely on the clone's body, but after passing the green light on the clone's body, only three small traces were left on it. It disappeared in a flash, and the traces recovered again, without injury at all.

Chi Nan continued to rush forward, stabbing out with a sword, Horn hurriedly raised the long sword in his hand to parry.

"The power of the clone is endless, as long as the magic power is not exhausted, you can persist. However, Horne can't keep up with his physical strength after a long burst of time." Chi Nan quickly made a summary. Horn, who was just now, sank a little under pressure.

However, at this moment, the three arcs cut by Feiyan flew back. Unlike the previous scattered attacks, under Horn's control, three arcs were aimed at the back of the clone at the same time, and they were connected to each other. Looking at this trend, it can definitely hit the same position. Chi Nan thought for a while, and he didn't evade and just let Horn hit.

The three arcs fell behind the clone almost at the same time, and the first arc left a small trace on it. The second arc flew, the trace expanded, and the third arc finally broke the defense of the clone, leaving a small crack on the body.

But after the three fighting spirits were exhausted, only such a scar was left. The next moment, the magic barrier flowed back, and the wound of the clone Chi Nan smiled, the clone is made of wood, not flesh and blood, so under the blessing of natural magic, the recovery speed is very Fast.

Unless the clone is subjected to large-scale destructive destruction at one time, will the clone be immortal at all?

Moreover, this wood is also immune to various bad states, and various curses have no way to exert its effect. The only weakness of the natural incarnation is giving, which is a natural core inside the chest.

This core is similar to the heart. Without destroying this core, the incarnation of nature cannot be truly killed.

Even smashing the head is useless. The natural incarnation is not recorded and controlled by a plant brain. The head is just a wooden head, even if it is damaged, it can grow back, with little impact.

With a move in his heart, the ground was overgrown with vines and vines began to affect Horn's movements. Even if Horne exhausted his means, he could only rely on his experience and instinct to hold on to a stalemate. Continue to persevere, defeat is only sooner or later.

"Sure enough, the life magic power on the clone is still life magic power, not real fighting spirit. Although there is no way to release it, there is no problem in inducing plants to imitate natural magic. Plus it is a piece of wood. Perhaps I can still think of it. Some new fighting methods may come." Chi Nan thought with his eyes slightly squinted.

"Okay, stop. I already know about it." Chi Nan gave an order, and the clone stopped, and Horn also stopped.

"My lord, your clone is too powerful, and it's still so hard. If you can control it from a long distance, then your safety will be even higher in the future." As expected of a guard, this was the first thing that came to mind.

But Chi Nan thought the same thing: "You are right, let us take care of dangerous things in the future."

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