The Rise of Plants

Chapter 978: Nobles on the verge of extinction

The matter of Chi Nan becoming a nobleman spread throughout the entire territory within a short period of half a day. Of course, it mainly refers to the three towns, because other places are desolate places, and there will not be many murders in these places.

After all, this world is very dangerous, although there are not so many monsters, but those bugs are more aggressive and mobile. Once targeted by these insects, without the strength to protect themselves, they will definitely be eaten.

But even if the aristocratic status is confirmed, the attitude of other people towards Chi Nan has not changed, and they are already very respectful.

Chi Nan didn't care about anything. No matter what his attitude, what he did on this land now was justified. As long as it's not just causing harm to civilians in an upright manner, and it's not explicitly confronting the Alliance, then no one will make any accusations for their actions, and they can develop casually.

Moreover, as long as the things they do are good for them, they will even take the initiative to help them in many things. Next, is the era of great development. But it still can't be too fast, and they have to adapt bit by bit.

All of a sudden, their own army of plants came out, and God knows if they will treat themselves like those bugs. If you come to make trouble again, this plane really won't be able to stay any longer.

At the same time, Chi Nan was also reading the book that was said to be aristocratic etiquette. The etiquette records above are very detailed and extremely complicated. Including how to dress up, and what decorations should be used at what season and time.

This thing, now only a few members of the ancient inheritance of the family will be observed, other nobles will not at all.

The nobles in this world are also completely different from before. After the ravages of insects, the old nobles have been perished since hundreds of years ago. There are still some internal problems, and now there are not many nobles left in the ancient heritage.

This book was written by them and passed down. Nowadays, most of the nobles have made major contributions, or the titles obtained after killing countless enemies. When they were old and had little strength to fight, they would go back to the rear and divide their territories to continue to train people capable of fighting.

And these people basically don't have any idea of ​​hereditary territory. When they die in old age, the territory will become ownerless again. Only those families with ancient inheritance will inherit their own territory.

But today's territory, in the eyes of these nobles, is basically not that important. What they pay more attention to is their own plantations and other industries, as well as their own army.

I have to say that from the above point of view, the development time of this world is much longer than the time of my own plane. Otherwise, the various etiquettes will not be so meticulous that they are almost harsh.

The origin of aristocracy is the aristocracy among the original humans, and there is not so much etiquette on the orc side. Being able to retain the identity of the nobleman, I don't know what happened. I'm afraid, those nobles in the past paid the price. The nobles nowadays don't have too many privileges.

The books are very detailed. In the past, there were kingdoms and empires in this world. It is a pity that with the establishment of the alliance, the concept of the state has gradually faded and has now completely disappeared.

The ancient nobles still wanted to re-establish their own country, but there was no way, and conditions were not allowed.

It has been developed to the present, and the existing several ancient nobles, I am afraid they are about to be unable to hold on.

What really interests Chi Nan are some special records on this. For example, local minerals, as well as some previous races and so on. Of course, there is also a mage meditation idea attached to the back.

Just this meditation idea, Chi Nan can only give an evaluation: "Rough meditation idea without much practical value."

This meditation thought, in Chi Nan's view, without a very good talent, it is absolutely impossible to reach the golden level. I don't know if this is just the foundation or whether they really rely on this kind of thing.

In this world, there seems to be no such thing as a mage tower, and all mages are fighting on their own strength. But the mage still has a very high status in this world. The fundamental reason is that the mage can play a huge role on the battlefield, and can control the outcome of a war with one's own power.

After a few casual glances, Chi Nan ignored it. "Halfling? Is there still this race."

Chi Nan discovered that there was a race of halflings in the records, which had no combat effectiveness and was known for its delicious food. The demise of this race is the most regrettable of all the nobles, and it is also the most inexplicable.

Because all kinds of food became more and more rare after the insects were Finally, most people started to eat insect meat. As halflings of the food clan, one by one refused to use inferior food, and most of them starved to death. Even if a race could exterminate it in this way, Chi Nan didn't know what to say.

The extinction of some other races was normal, and they were completely slaughtered because of the ravages of insects. After all, not all races, like human orcs, are large enough to cover the entire world.

"It seems that there is no elves in this world." Chi Nan opened the entire book and found no traces of elves. I am afraid that there is really no trace of the existence of elves. However, their language is obviously a variant of the ancient Elvish language.

"Could it be that the ancient elven language is actually not directly related to the elves, but the ancient elves are using this language, so the so-called talents of our plane will be named like this?" Chi Nan felt that he might have found something. What is the source of this ancient Elvish language?

Forget it, if you want to do so much, you should first think about how to develop your own territory and how to integrate the concept of plant weapons into this world as soon as possible.

After reading the book roughly, Chi Nan threw it there. What Chi Nan didn't expect was that Sophia was very interested in the content of this book. Actually started a discussion with Weiweisi.

Looking at the meaning of the two of them, it seems that they want to incorporate some of the etiquette above into the sacred tree collar, and perfect a set of noble etiquette that belongs to the sacred tree collar. Although the sacred tree led this place, the nobility was almost extinct.

After the Noble Federation finally determined Chi Nan's lord status, Chi Nan began other actions. First of all, on the ground, the road made by the undercarriage was opened again, connecting the three towns at the same time.

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