The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 120: Conquer Alidos

After walking out of the hospital, Nobunaga walked to the westernmost part of the town to investigate the defense force of the warehouse in Fujibayashi Town.

More than a dozen large warehouses are surrounded by guardrails, and there are many guard trainers patrolling with elves.

The guards of each warehouse are also very strong, with four trainers standing guard at both entrances and exits.

After seeing the warehouse with his own eyes, Nobunaga walked back to the town and sat down at a breakfast shop.

"There are only three warehouses here belonging to the Sarutobi family. According to the information given by Athena, there is only one quasi-king of the Sarutobi family guarding here."

"But there are more than a dozen warehouses here. If you count them like this, there must be at least five or six quasi-kings. You can't tell people that you only rob Sarutobi's warehouse, and let them not mind their own business."

After thinking about it again and again, Nobunaga really couldn't figure out how to get so many quasi-kings, so he could only find a hotel in Fujilin Town and stay there first.

When the time came to afternoon, Nobunaga walked out of Fujibayashi Town and released all the elves in the forest outside the town.

Because Nobunaga explained it in advance, the elves were very quiet after they came out.

After the double-bomb gas came out, it gently landed on the ground.

Arbor lowered his head and coiled beside Nobunaga.

After the cross-shaped bat came out, it immediately released ultrasonic waves and began to probe the surrounding situation.

King Nido stood beside Nobunaga waiting for the order, while the poisonous algae dragon lay motionless on the ground.

After the pincer-tailed scorpion and the wonderful frog seed came out, they also stood beside Nobunaga obediently.

At this time, Geng Ghost emerged from the shadow, and Stinky Mud also regained his body shape.

Looking at the elves in front of him, Nobunaga took down the Variety Monster on his head, handed it the backpack and said, "Go and prepare the energy cube for everyone."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, after the Variety Monster transformed into a strange force, he picked up his backpack and started preparing food for the elves.

And Nobunaga stood beside the elves and said softly, "Let's go to this warehouse to test the water after dinner."

After Nobunaga finished speaking, he checked the absorption of the power of the source by several elves again.

Seeing that there was no problem, the Variety Monster also packaged the energy cubes, and Nobunaga greeted the elves to start eating.

Looking at the energy cubes in the rice bowl, the other elves were all gulping, while the Abo Monster looked at the Variety Monster.

The Variety Monster, who was stared at by Abo, felt a coldness, and quickly explained to Abo that there were no eggs in the backpack.

Hearing the explanation of the Variety Monster, Abo Monster turned his head back and ate the energy cube in the rice bowl with a blank expression.

Just when the elves were enjoying their meal, the bat suddenly stopped talking and hurriedly issued a warning to Nobunaga.

After hearing the call of the cross-shaped bat, all the elves also stopped eating, became alert, and took a defensive posture towards the east of the woods.

But after waiting for a long time, no one or elves came, and Nobunaga said to the bat, "Find where he is, and force him out of me!"

Hearing Nobunaga's order, the cross-hatched bat flew into the woods and locked the creature that was spying in the dark with ultrasonic waves.

Afterwards, the cross-hatched bat launched a series of sharp air blades towards the creature.

After the air blade attacked, the elf hidden in the tree hurriedly used the cross poison blade to block the attack of the bat.

Nobunaga also rushed to the scene with all the elves at this time, and then instructed the elves to surround the elves on the tree.

After surrounding the elf, Nobunaga carefully observed the elf hidden in the tree.

After seeing this elf composed of purple, red and yellow, Nobunaga couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ah! Isn't this the same Alidos from before! Why did you follow me here!"

Seeing that Nobunaga's elves had surrounded him, Alidos hurriedly spit out spider silk from his tail and started weaving a web.

On the other hand, after seeing Alidos's move, the Abo monster raised his tail and directly used his iron tail to attack Alidos.

Nobunaga, who was standing beside him, saw that the Aboriginal attacked Alidos, not only did he not stop it, but he also stopped the other elves who were going to come forward and besiege Alidos.

Being attacked by the Aberbeast, Alydos hurriedly used the crossed poisonous blade.


After the attacks of the two elves converged, the tree under Alidos fell directly, while Alidos was not injured in the slightest.

And Abogua, who was coiled on the ground, saw that Alidos was not only uninjured, but that his tail was still spinning silk, and immediately spit out a mass of dissolved liquid and attacked Alidos.

Afterwards, the Arbo monster displayed the coiling skill, changing into an attacking snake pattern and biting Alidos.

On the other hand, Alidos spit out a large amount of spider silk to block the solution. Under the action of the solution, the spider silk quickly disappeared into the air.

Seeing Abo's monstrous snake head biting towards him, Alydos was not afraid at all, and he used the crossed venomous blade to attack him.

Nobunaga smiled when he saw Alidos' will to fight, and said softly, "This Alidos is very good! It's worth subduing myself!"

Afterwards, he shouted loudly to the Abo, "Abo, the speed snake pattern, bind!"

After hearing Nobunaga's command, the Arbo monster changed its serpentine pattern and swam towards Alidos at an accelerated rate.

After surrounding Alidos with the snake body, he tightened it instantly, tied it firmly, and then opened his mouth to use the biting skill.

Alidos is not an elf that can be easily defeated.

At the moment when the big mouth of the Aboriginal attacked, Alidos spit out a large amount of spider silk with all his strength, entangling the entire snake head of the Aboriginal.

The unconscious Abo monster went crazy, and sprayed the dissolving liquid directly from his mouth to dissolve the spider silk.

Then Nobunaga was heard shouting, "Using the destruction of death light, give him the final blow!"

The energy condensed in the mouth of Abo, and after it was compressed to the highest, a thick energy beam flew towards Alidos.

Seeing the normal-type ultimate, Alidos hurriedly dodged, but his reaction speed was still not faster than Destruction Death Light.

After a burst of explosions, Nobunaga took out the Poke Ball and prepared to take Alidos.

However, with the dust falling, Alidos, breathing heavily, was still standing on the field, which greatly exceeded Nobunaga's expectations.

Seeing this, the Aboriginal raised its tail and was stopped by Nobunaga when he was about to give Alidos the final blow.

Under the protection of Smelly Mud, Nobunaga walked up to Alidos, put the Poison-type Poké Ball on the ground, and said seriously:

"I admire your fighting spirit. I'll give you a chance to choose. Would you like to be the strongest with me?"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Alidos looked up at him, without hesitation, stretched out his right limb and touched the switch of the Poké Ball.

After shaking for a while, the Poké Ball stopped in place.

Seeing that Alidos was successfully subdued by himself, Nobunaga smiled.

Then he picked up the Poké Ball on the ground and released Alidos.

After stroking him twice, Nobunaga took out the healing spray and began to treat the wounds of the two elves.


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