The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 399: Knowledge and Poisoning

Just when Nobunaga was hesitating, Geng Gui stepped on his short legs and hugged an elite wearing a lava team uniform with his round arms, and quickly floated over.

Seeing that Gengar had no shoulders, he could only use a tight hug to grab his tongue back, and his two dark purple fat arms were constantly swaying and tightening on the bodies of the lava team members.

Nobunaga couldn't help being stunned by his antics, which caused a very exaggerated smile on his face, and even his stomach hurt.

Controlling his facial expression for a few seconds, he slowly suppressed the laughter in his heart, and his expression gradually changed back to a serious Nobunaga. Then he stood up and walked slowly to the depressed Gengar, looking at the sleepy man under his feet. The elite of the lava team said in a serious tone:

"Remove his battle belt first, and then cancel the effect of hypnosis."

Hearing Nobunaga's order, Geng Gui still had a depressed expression on his face, but his body still obediently obeyed the order. With his scarlet eyes, he looked at the lava team elite lying on the ground and released the hypnotism.

With the hypnosis cast by Gengar being lifted, the lava team elite lying on the ground seemed to have regained consciousness in an instant. After shaking his fingers a few times, he slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at this unlucky **** who was still looking around after waking up, standing beside him with a serious face, Nobunaga stepped his right foot directly on his chest and said to him condescendingly:

"Tell you all the news about the Lava Team's operation."

"Otherwise, what are the consequences?"

"You should be clear in your heart."

After the lava team's elite heard Nobunaga's words, it seemed that they realized the fact that they had been captured alive by Gengar.

But after a short period of confusion, a tough look appeared on his face, he looked up at Nobunaga, who was tall and straight, and said with a very resolute expression:

"I don't know anything. If you don't believe me, just kill me."

Seeing that this lava team elite was actually a rare hard bone, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a faint and weird smile on his face. He took out Alidos' Poké Ball from his waist, and said with a light smile to him:

"Kill you? No, No, No."

"You guessed wrong, I'm not the kind of person who is willing to achieve the reputation of being loyal and unyielding to others."

"However, as punishment for disobeying my order, you should be Alidos' snack warehouse from now on."

"Don't worry, I will only let him dig ten pieces of your flesh with his hooks every day, and I will also give you the best wound medicine on the market, come on!"

The lava team elite lying on the ground felt Gengar's breath as a king, and at the same time heard Nobunaga's demon whispering in his ear.

The whole person's psychological defense line collapsed instantly, his lips turned pale, his eyes moved down to Nobunaga's calf, and he said timidly:

"I say…"

"The flamingo cadres have already researched to find the radar device to wake up the Groudon Orb, but the place where the red Orb is placed is occupied by the Alliance."

"That's why Chi Yansong-sama decided to join forces with the Ocean Team. The condition is that both sides jointly attack the Alliance at five o'clock and find the radar device to wake up the Kyogre Orb."

"I'm really just an ordinary elite who is responsible for digging the tunnel leading to the interior of Sending God Mountain."

"Can you let me live..."

After hearing the words of the lava team elite, Nobunaga's eyes drifted across the wet ground between his legs, and he withdrew his right leg that was on his chest. There was an inexplicable dignified expression in his eyes, and he continued to ask in a flat tone:

"The orb that awakens the divine beast can even be found with a radar device. The flamingoes of your lava team are really powerful."

"But how do you know such important information, as a waste who is responsible for digging holes?"

"Aren't you deceiving me with a lie!"

Hearing Nobunaga's accentuated questioning voice, the lava team's elite trembling couldn't help but become more intense.

He quickly stretched out his hand from his backpack and took out a mission document with the head of the three leaders of the Lava Team and the signature of the flame. He looked at the fierce-looking Geng Gui with erratic eyes, and explained eagerly:

"Master Chi Yansong and the group of people from the Ocean team, when they negotiated with each other, all members of our Lava team above the elite went there. I was standing behind Master Huo at the time, so I heard it clearly."

"This is the task document given to me by Mr. Huo, who is responsible for digging the tunnel. I really didn't lie to you."

After listening to his explanation, Nobunaga's serious expression instantly relaxed, looking at his chest stained with silt, and the dark purple gradually spreading on his neck, he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the only fork in the hall, and opened his mouth at the same time. Behind him he said:

"Gengar, come back."

"We should go."

With his feet off the ground and floating in the air, Gengar, who was staring at the elite lava team with an evil smile, slowly descended into the ground after hearing Nobunaga's words, and quickly returned to his own shadow space.

The lava team elite who collapsed on the ground waited until Nobunaga's figure disappeared from the passage, then stood up against the floor, ready to take out the contact device to report the incident.

But the toxin of the smelly mud didn't give him a chance, when the lava team elite stood up and put his hand in the backpack.

The deeply rotten smell of kitchen waste appeared in his nostrils, and then the whole person turned into transparent pus like a melted candle and disappeared into this dim hall.

the other side.

Nobunaga, who walked slowly along the passage, had forgotten about the lava team elite who had just questioned him, and turned to his mind, thinking about the overall situation on the battlefield of the Sending God Mountain.

In the face of the current Fengyuan Alliance, Lava Team, Ocean Team, and Rocket Team, the four organizations are still sending the sacred mountain to the time of fierce battle.

In particular, he is still unclear about the specific deployment of the Rockets personnel.

If you rashly participate in the disputes between several forces on the main battlefield, you will definitely be attacked by the alliance, the lava team, the ocean team, and the three forces as the first target.

But the radar device to find the orb, the red flame pine and the water phoenix tree will definitely bring it with them, only the flamingoes who study it may keep a copy.

If he doesn't **** it, it will lead to the orb that awakens the divine beast. This extremely important thing will fall into the hands of others.

Then the danger level of his stay in Sending God Mountain will skyrocket, and he may even lose his life.

"Hey hey hey∽"

A sudden burst of wicked laughter suddenly interrupted the confused thoughts in Nobunaga's mind.

Looking back at the hall, he took the space backpack of the lava team elite and asked him if he wanted Gengar.

Nobunaga, with a heavy face, couldn't help showing a helpless smile on his face, then waved his hand to him, and said in a calm tone:

"Check to see if there is a map inside, and the rest is yours."

After saying these words, Nobunaga saw a happy smile on Geng Gui's face, and somehow, he seemed to recall some important clue in his mind.

He suddenly stopped his steps and looked at the tunnel in front of him, which was dotted with kerosene lamps. The expression on his face gradually became serious, and he whispered in a deep voice:

"The orb that awakens the divine beast, the orb that can manipulate Groudon and Kyogre, isn't this thing that replaces the consciousness of the red flame pine and the water parasol."

"I've been struggling with this kind of thing for a long time. I really don't have enough brains..."

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