The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 465: Lance's brutal decision

It was also this uneasy night. Because of the leak of the Moon Festival Raid Plan, the Rockets' personnel on several offensive routes were all frustrated.

But none of the quasi-cadres of the bases and the elite captains who knew Lance's role model begged the Alliance to surrender, and almost all died on the spot.

Well, this is the power of example...

When Lance, who was in the Rocket Team headquarters in Dryleaf City, received the urgent report from the frontline fighters, the dignified look on his face could not help but become heavier.

Stepping forward to the strategy map, according to the current intelligence I know, the main force of the alliance should be planning to encircle the Headquarters of Deadleaf City.

But the reality was no different. The whole city was the same as usual, the port was still crowded with people, and Ma Zhishi, who was guarding the Dry Leaf Gym, did not send him any bad signals.

"It seems that after the last war, Ma Zhishi has completely lost the trust of the alliance."

After whispering these words into the air, Lance obviously insisted on his own judgment, believing that the main force of the Guandu Alliance was moving towards Deadleaf City, preparing to encircle the Rocket headquarters.

There was a brief moment of silence. As one of the four remaining generals in the Rockets, Lance, who holds the title of think tank, revealed a slight icy look in his eyes.

Raising his hand, he slowly tore the strategy map on the table into pieces, the size of a fingernail, and said with an evil smile in his mouth:

"Since you want this temporary headquarters in Dryleaf City, then I'll just give it to you as a big gift."

"Follow the double-bomb gas and Foretos to become the most splendid fireworks over the city."

Turning around, he walked out of the war room and came to the station where the elite troops were staying at the headquarters. In order to prevent the news from being leaked by the undercover agent again, Lance raised his hand to release double-bomb gas and the Scorpion King, and gave an order in a cold voice:

"Everyone threw the electronic communication equipment and weapons not made by the headquarters to the ground for me, and then quietly evacuated with me."

"Breacher, die!"

The voice fell, and he looked at the elites of the Rocket Headquarters who were in the training ground very neatly and without the slightest hesitation.

Lance turned his head calmly, gave his cronies a wink, and took the lead to the backup channel of the secret excavation.

As the training ground gradually emptied and fell into a dead silence, the curly-haired elite who knew what he should do now walked slowly to the edge of the corner and opened the dark grid that had never been activated.

Silently took out several large boxes of miniature bombs that were neatly placed inside, as well as many double-bomb gas and Foretos elf **** that had been injected with dormant potions, clenched his hands into fists, and whispered with inexplicable fanaticism in his eyes:

"When I was loyal to Mr. Banmu."

"finally reached!!!"

The screen turned.

The quasi-cadres in the various city bases of the Rockets, all at the same time, after Lance led the troops to retreat, received a mandatory order issued by the Rockets headquarters account, asking everyone to gather in the light red forest.

Looking at the battlefield where almost everyone was injured, and the corpses of elves, it was clear that Team Rocket had now become a quasi-cadre of Lance's revenge weapon.

An angry look appeared on his face at first, he raised his weak right hand, and heavily threw the communication device that was still displaying the headquarters' order to the ground and smashed it into pieces.

But soon, the look in his eyes was quickly filled with fear, he struggled to hold the wall to retrieve his severely injured elves back into the poke ball, then turned his head to look at his subordinates, and said in a heavy tone:

Gu "Let's temporarily enter the Vibrant Forest to rest."

"Go to the light red forest tomorrow afternoon."

After hearing the words of this quasi-cadre, the expressions on their faces were extremely cold and fierce, but their actions were like the elites of the Rockets who walked with corpses.

Silently collected the corpses of their respective elves, they skillfully divided them into battle teams, followed the triangles to protect the battle formation, directed their remaining elves to lead the way, and quickly walked towards the Viking Forest, which was familiar to each of them.

The above scenarios kept circulating in the Rockets' bases in various cities. Most of the quasi-cadres and elites who were completely intimidated by Lance were gnashing their teeth and wanting to drink Lance's blood.

However, the video recollections of the four generals brutally broadcast live in the dungeon had already ruthlessly penetrated their hearts, breaking their spirits like a heavy hammer.

Even so, within the Rockets, maybe, no! There must be people who are willing to bet on the defector list to chase and kill themselves.

But on the eve of the war, especially at this critical juncture that determines the future destiny of the Rockets, Lance, whose strategic thinking is comparable to Apollo's, will never let them live safely...


At night, the starry sky is bright, and the bustling Kuye City wharf is still full of people and traffic.

Docked in a ship's warehouse in the port, the Alliance investigators, who were closely watching the time, quietly released their main elves, and quickly raided the Rocket Team headquarters not far from the dock.

As for the commander-in-chief of the operation code-named: "Origin of Destruction", Shiba, the Four Heavenly King, was standing in the lobby of the Dead Leaves Gym with a serious expression.

Ma Zhishi, who watched silently without saying a word, sat generously on a chair in a camouflage uniform, and acted somewhat cynically with Erlang's legs crossed.


"Why did Banmu disband the Rockets and what Lance planned? How much do you know?"

With a little chill, she slowly said it from Shiba's mouth.

Facing this kind of question that would affect his undercover career whether he answered it or, Ma Zhishi, who was distracted thinking about how to convey the information of the alliance encirclement to Lance.

Unhurriedly, he opened his fingers, passed through the short golden hair from bottom to top, his eyes widened, he raised his legs and walked in front of Shiba, and said solemnly:

"President Damalanchi or the champion of Yulongdu, have you told you about the current situation in Dead Leaf City?"

"If you had read that document, then you would not have asked me this boring question."

Having said that, Ma Zhishi suddenly showed a faint look of loneliness on his face. While walking past Shiba, he continued to speak in a flat tone:

"The Dry Leaf Gym is all from the Alliance. Even if I want to do something, you should be able to receive a summary of my whereabouts as soon as possible."

After listening to Ma Zhishi's slightly sarcastic remarks, Xiba thought of the alliance's plan to imprison and monitor these former Rockets cadres in disguise.

Turning around and looking straight at the burly, resolute but delicate-minded trainer of the Dry Leaf Gym, he forcibly suppressed the strange emotions that suddenly rose in his heart, and replied indifferently:

"A member of the alliance? You are also a member of the alliance."

"Some things, it's better not to think too much."


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