The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 486: Carry out love and true evil

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Nobunaga had no venom-carrying fists, and just punched and punched cleanly, smashing the four-jawed needle dragon's huge round belly that carried all its organs.

Unable to withstand this strong squeeze, countless venoms sprayed out along the steel tail needle, and fell into the poisonous algae dragon with all its strength to open it, but it was still not as big as the mouth of the bottle, hidden under the dead leaves.

And the venom that sputtered to the edges of both sides and was about to fall to the ground was sent into the body by the double-bomb gas control smoke in the rear, showing a satisfied smile.

"Finally, I'll give you another chance to choose."

"Submit, or die."

Facing the loss of his own strength and Nobunaga's cruel cold-blooded eyes, the four-jawed needle dragon, who was depressed and exhausted under the effect of Gengar's hypnosis, was still extremely violent and did not intend to change at all.

"Ultimate beasts, they really are a bunch of brainless idiots."

Slowly retracting his fists, he quietly looked at the four-jawed needle dragon with a depressed abdomen, and Nobunaga standing beside the poisonous algae dragon, his face became colder and colder.

The breeze leaps gently ∽

Time passes little by little ∽

Nobunaga, who felt the strong feedback from the poison marks in his body, understood how much his elves would be improved if he completely devoured the ultimate beast in front of him.

Just when she was thinking about how to make a decision, when she saw that the battle was over easily, and slowly walked towards the center of the village, Kona asked her with a solemn expression.

"A spirit whose personality is almost equal to that of a divine beast."

"Are you going to kill it?"

Nobunaga, who was still a little reluctant at first, after hearing Kona's seemingly unfortunate words, the complicated thoughts in his mind suddenly calmed down.

Looking at the four-jawed needle dragon bound in front of him with indifferent eyes, like fish on a plate, he responded in a low voice unhurriedly:

"Eat it, it's a good choice."

Nobunaga's voice just fell, and Kona, who wanted to persuade, didn't respond.

The four-jawed needle dragon, surrounded by greedy and bloodthirsty eyes, instantly revealed a faint look of panic, and shook his body and began to struggle constantly.


"Still unwilling to surrender..."

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a sinister smile Nobunaga, looking at the four-jawed needle dragon who was about to resist, took off a blank purple elf ball placed on the battle belt, and said this sentence with a light smile. .

Turning his head and staring deeply at Ke Na, he calmly threw the Poke Ball in his hand to the ferocious head of the Four-jawed Needle Dragon.

"It's too cheap to kill it directly. Don't forget that I used to be a member of Team Rocket. I am more familiar with elves selling and raising elves than you are alliance officials."

"First, I'll be imprisoned and starved for half a month. When my temperament is almost worn down, I'll give full-time venom to the double-bomb gas and the Abo monster."

"After all, the development method of continuous supply of venom can bring more benefits than a group meal."

Hearing Nobunaga's words of no reverence for life, Kona's face became extremely heavy, and his steps suddenly stopped in place.

The thrown elf ball, after slowly drawing a purple curve in mid-air, landed on the forehead of the ill-fated Four-jawed Needle Dragon, and turned this extreme beast into a red light and received it.

An atmosphere of silence suddenly appeared, and the thick wall formed by the gap was correspondingly born between the two.

He waited until the most discerning Gengar picked up the Poké Ball that was no longer shaking on the ground, and took the lead in breaking the strange atmosphere and handed it to Nobunaga.

Kona, who was trapped in the memories of the various crimes of the dark organization, was like her soul returning to the body that contained her, and said in a low voice:

"I thought Lugia's first and also the last."

"But I was wrong. You are breaking the rules more and more, and now you even imprison elves and treat them as lifeless tools..."

When Kona said these words, there was also a little disappointment in her eyes. After all, although she was a combat trainer and had killed wild elves more or less, she still used elves as cargo tools. , she still can't accept it to this day.

Nobunaga, who was holding the four-jawed needle dragon elf ball, quietly looked at Kona, who was on the verge of losing control of his emotions. The cold-blooded expression on his face gradually calmed down. He exhaled a long breath, and said softly to her with restrained poison marks:

"You actually have such an idea. It's no wonder that under your leadership, the Orange Islands will gradually be eroded by the Guandu Alliance and the major families, and will gradually decline."

"Benevolent tolerance towards the enemy is the cruel indulgence towards the people around you."

"Love can only face one's own people, and the same goes for elves."

"Besides, do you really think Damalanchi, or other top leaders of the league, have clean hands and feet?"

Having said that, Nobunaga's eyes slowly walked to Kona, staring straight at her discolored eyes, and sneered with a big hand wave:

"Don't be stupid. Whether it's elves anatomy research or elves' body experiments, the major alliances are at the forefront of the world."

"Technological innovation is not just talk, it contains the blood and tears of all the sacrificed life."

"If the Orange Alliance wants to catch up with these alliances, it must use the same methods as them, or even be more ruthless and cruel than them."

"Any naive idea should not appear in the mind of a top league executive, do you understand?"

Listening to Nobunaga revealing the truth layer by layer, he put the **** reality in front of him.

He was always reluctant to believe, but he had some vague guesses in his heart. Kona, who knew about the dark insider of the alliance, suddenly softened and almost fell to the ground.

She hurriedly stepped forward to support Kona's Miss Lips. Seeing the trainer's mental pillar collapsing, she also had an opinion in her heart. She turned her head and glared at Nobunaga with a calm face, and said angrily using telepathy:

"Don't you have any bond with your elves? Relying on the reason of others hurting innocent elves, you are willing to fall into the darkness. People like you are not qualified to teach Kona here!"

All the elves in the village, Kona and Nobunaga, heard the hard voice of Miss Lips refuting in the bottom of their hearts.

However, the poisonous legion closely surrounding Nobunaga, the double-bomb gas, the Abo monster, the cross-shaped bat, the Nido king, the poisonous algae dragon, the Alidos, the three evil dragons, the dragon king scorpion, and the wonderful frog flower.

Including Gengar who probed from the shadows on the ground, the stinky mud standing on his shoulders, and the ever-changing monsters who carefully drilled out of the collar, but the facial expressions did not change at all.

Only after hearing Sister Milip's telepathy, she calmly bent her arms and stuffed the four-jaw needle dragon elf ball back into the battle belt, with a smile of approval on her face, and said leisurely:

"Fetters, no, they are my most cherished family members, so I don't allow others to hurt them."

"Because of this, whether I fall into the darkness or set foot in the boundless hell, I will do everything possible to protect the creatures I love and the creatures who love me with all my might, no matter how cruel the real world is."

"Maybe my path is..."

"Carry out love and true evil!"

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