The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 74: Go to the unnamed island

After filling the space backpack with fresh water and food, Nobunaga took the bat and flew towards the location marked on the chart.

On the endless sea, Nobunaga was lying on the back of the cross-hatched bat, protected by double-bombing gas.

Nobunaga didn't find the nameless island until late at night, so he had to let the bat land on a nearby island to rest for the night.

In the early morning, after eating with the elves, Nobunaga asked the bat to look for the unnamed island, while he and the other elves waited on the deserted island.

After the bat flew to the southwest, it continuously released ultrasonic waves on the sea, looking for an unnamed island.

One after another ultrasonic waves radiated out on the sea, and the cross-shaped bats searched the nearby waters like a radar.

In the evening, the forked bat still had nothing to gain, and flew back to the deserted island where Nobunaga was located.

When Nobunaga saw the bat came back downcast, he knew that his trip was fruitless, so he quickly stepped forward to comfort the bat.

"It's alright. If you don't find it, you won't find it. Let's take it slow."

After hearing Nobunaga's comforting voice, the cross-shaped bat said excitedly: "Cough! Cough cough!!"

Nobunaga understood that the bat was guaranteed to be found tomorrow, but Nobunaga still said: "Let's go together tomorrow, it will be faster to find."

Hearing Nobunaga say this, the cross-shaped bat did not refute it.

Nobunaga walked to the open space, placed the prepared food, and the elves started to move.

After he was full, Nobunaga lay on the ground and looked at the starry sky at night, and the stars were shining one after another.

Suddenly, Nobunaga stood up abruptly as if thinking of something, quickly ran to the backpack, and took out the memoirs of a navigator that had been transcribed in the Archipelago Library.

Nobunaga flipped the pages quickly and saw on one of the pages the time of the shipwreck. The navigator was rescued by people on an unnamed island at night.

Later, he took out "The Adventures of Runnosuke", in which Runnosuke also had a shipwreck at night, and only found himself on the island after waking up during the day.

Seeing this, Nobunaga said excitedly to the elves, "Let's go! Let's act now!"

Because the fork bat had been tired for a day, Nobunaga turned the Variegated Monster into a dragon, and carried him and the fork bat on the sea to search for an unnamed island.

Finally, before dawn, Nobunaga saw the unnamed island, but after flying over by the cross-hatched bat, the island turned into a shadow and gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, Nobunaga had to mark this sea area on the chart first, and then returned to the former desert island.

After setting up the tent, Nobunaga and the elves rested for the day.

When the sun was about to go down, Nobunaga came to the sea again on the dragon that he had transformed into, waiting for the appearance of the nameless island.

As the sun slowly sank into the sea, the phantom of the unnamed island gradually became more substantial, and Nobunaga asked the bat to investigate.

After the cross-shaped bat flew over, it landed on the island and released ultrasonic waves, and began to explore the entire island.

Suddenly, the bat's body shook, as if feeling something terrifying, and hurriedly flew out of the island, and fled back to Nobunaga's side in a panic.

Holding the letter, he said, "Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Seeing this, Nobunaga hurriedly calmed the bat, and after the bat calmed down, he began to show Nobunaga what he found on the island.

After Nobunaga read it twice, he probably understood the meaning of the bat's movements.

"You mean you sensed a very powerful elf on the island with ultrasound? Even stronger than Dr. Ogi's fire-breathing dragon?"

When the bat heard Nobunaga understood what he meant, he kept nodding his head.

Nobunaga also had a headache when he found out. He didn't know whether he should go to the island or not.

After hesitating for a while, Nobunaga asked the crosshaired bat again, "Where is the elf on the island?"

After hearing Nobunaga's question, the cross-shaped bat hurriedly gestured with its wings.

It means that the elf is by the beach on the west side of the island, and there are many elf of average strength gathered around it.

After thinking about it again, Nobunaga decided to land on the island from the east, and flew all the way to the open space on the east side of the island on a cross-hatched bat and slowly landed.

Nobunaga took the bat on the island and waited for a while, but seeing that the powerful elf did not expel them, Nobunaga asked the bat to use the ultrasonic wave again.

Then, under the ultrasonic perception of the cross bat, Nobunaga found a group of people dressed like prehistoric tribes.

They were all dark skinned, wearing grass skirts, feathers on their heads, and strange patterns painted on their faces.

This group of people also looked strange after seeing Nobunaga. One of the young people wearing a mask asked Nobunaga, "Where are you from?"

Nobunaga thought he was hallucinating when he heard it. The Mandarin of this group of people was so standard!

Then he quickly replied: "I found out in the book that there is such an island in the Orange Islands, and I found it."

The masked youth did not inquire further, but invited Nobunaga to visit their tribe.

After hearing the invitation of the masked youth, Nobunaga readily accepted, and then followed the crowd to the center of the island.

The masked youth led Nobunaga into the village, then arranged for Nobunaga to sit down in a rattan house, and then explained to the two young people to chat with him, and then he left.

Although Nobunaga had some guesses in his heart, he still sat here and chatted calmly with the two young people in front of him.

The young man with the orange pattern on his face said to Nobunaga, "Apart from all kinds of poisonous weeds and insects, we can only eat fish in the sea. What do you eat there?"

Nobunaga heard the young man answer his question and even asked him about and said, "On the mainland you can eat everything, cattle, sheep, pigs, everything."

Although Nobunaga answered his question, the young man still asked inexplicably, "What is a cow? What is a sheep? Is a pig different from the fish we usually eat?"

Nobunaga, who heard the youth dialect, became more and more puzzled about this place. Why didn't the people here know that the mandarin of cattle, sheep and pigs was so standard?

Also, this place still belongs to the Orange Islands, why didn't Nobunaga see a grass-type elf on the island?

What made Nobunaga even more puzzled was that none of the people here had spirits.

After Nobunaga chatted with the two for a while, the masked youth came back and said to Nobunaga, "The Chief wants to see you."

After hearing what the masked youth said, Nobunaga got up and followed him to the largest rattan house in this tribe.

As soon as he entered the door, Nobunaga saw the chief sitting on the high platform meditating.

Nobunaga didn't dare to bother when he saw this. After waiting for a while, the chief opened his eyes and asked Nobunaga, "What did you want to get when you came to this island?"

Nobunaga looked at the bright eyes of the chief and decided to tell the truth to the wise old man in front of him.

"I saw in a book that there is a method of using poison here, so I found this place and wanted to learn this method."

After Nobunaga finished speaking, the chief showed a smile and said to Nobunaga, "Son, I'm glad you didn't lie to me."

Then he said to the masked youth: "You arrange for him to live in the tribe, and he can also learn poison skills at will."

After the masked youth responded, the chief entered the state of meditation again.

When Nobunaga saw the chief closed his eyes, he followed the masked youth out of the chief's rattan house.

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