Wang Zitao's attitude of not knowing what to do and not wanting to do that has brought everyone's impression of him to a freezing point.

Reality shows are, to a certain extent, the easiest programs to see the personality of a star

"That way, you pick one and you can do it."He Jiong finally chose to give Wang Zitao a step down for the sake of the show.

"Let me... collect honey!"Zizitao chose what Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong wanted to do.

Teacher He and Huang Lei couldn't help but smile and shake their heads when they heard this answer.

They turned to ask the two girls:"Xiaoxiao, Jieqiong, That you?"


The two girls, Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong, nodded obediently.

"Teacher He, should I go collecting honey alone?"After Wang Zitao finished speaking, he looked at the girls.

"So who wants to go collecting honey with Wang Zitao?"Teacher He asked.

But the four girls turned their faces and pretended not to see him.

This scene was really a little embarrassing.

No one in the audience wanted to

"Ahem... Then I'll go collecting honey with Wang Zitao."He Jiong said to smooth things over.

Huang Lei looked at Wang Zitao's performance and thought to himself, if this is his own child, he must be beaten to death!

"Xiaoxiao and Jieqiong, you choose the remaining things, including fishing and transplanting rice seedlings, which one do you want to do?"

He Jiong then asked

"Let's do this. In the end, only Xiaoxiao Jieqiong and Xiaochen are left. You can complete the next two things together. Then, if Reba and the others finish it first, they will come to help you. How about that? Huang Lei suggested

"Well, this idea works!"He Jiong agreed.

"Yeah."Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong also nodded with joy.

Then, they secretly looked at Bai Chen's expression.

Bai Chen felt the eyes of the two girls, but thought that these two girls had just been raped by Wang Zitao. He took the easy task and behaved quite well, so he didn't object.

"Xiaochen, take good care of the two girls."Huang Lei said from the side.

It seems that Huang Lei has a good impression of Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong.

Reba looked at Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong with happy faces, and then looked at Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong who calmly accepted the company of beautiful women. Bai Chen couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy in his heart.

"Master, we will come and help you after we catch the loaches!"

Ouyang Nana looked at Bai Chen with an attentive look and said.

Bai Chen glanced at Ouyang Nana. Although she didn't speak, Ouyang Nana saw the words 'dislike' in Bai Chen's eyes. Character

"Okay, everyone, get ready and let’s go!"

Ouyang Nana looked at Bai Chen's back as he turned away, and couldn't help but secretly said:"Just wait, Bai Chen, I will conquer you sooner or later!!"

At this time, Reba was also looking at Bai Chen's back, and then at the other three girls, and couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.


When everyone is ready, start taking action.

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong who were with Bai Chen were fully armed, but Bai Chen didn't change anything.

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong looked at Bai Chen and hesitated to speak.

It can be seen that the two of them are still a little cold to Bai Chen's iceberg-like temperament in the morning.

Especially Chen Xiao, who had been full of thoughts about Bai Chen before because of Zhou Jieqiong's joke about"You don't dare to go to jail even if you have a face, but you dare to say you love him".

But since I accidentally broke into Bai Chen's room in the morning and suffered Bai Chen's 'iceberg attack', I have lost confidence.

"Well, Brother Bai Chen, don't you change into protective clothing?"

Finally, Chen Xiao mustered up the courage to ask.

"No."Bai Chen replied.

After hearing Bai Chen's answer, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up. She didn't expect that Bai Chen would reply to her, and his tone seemed to be very gentle...

Does this mean that her opportunity has come? ?

Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile sweetly when he thought of this.

"Don't be silly, people are gone."Zhou Jieqiong pushed Chen Xiao aside and said.

After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately followed Bai Chen.

The field where Reba and Ouyang Nana caught loaches was right next to Bai Chen's rice field.


As soon as Bai Chen arrived, Ouyang Nana immediately launched a sweet attack.

Bai Chen seemed not to have heard anything and walked over.

Ouyang Nana couldn't help but pout her little face, and complained to Reba beside her:"Sister Reba, tell me, does my master not like women?"……"


Reba almost choked when she heard this.

Then, as if she thought of something, her eyes lit up and she nodded slightly.

"ah? ? No……"

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast also exploded.

"This is not true, is it? ?!!"

"I don’t believe it, why can’t my husband like women?!"

"If you don’t like women, shouldn’t everyone be happy? In this way, Fairy Bai will not have a girlfriend!!"

"That’s right!! My Bai Xian is indeed a person who does not eat fireworks from the world!!"



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