
Bai Chen still doesn't know who the person who called is.

"Who are you?"

"Yang Mi."

Yang Mi's voice is still recognizable to a certain extent, but how can Bai Chen, a person who has never seen her, recognize it?

"Oh~ missing."Bai Chen said lightly.

When Yang Mi heard this answer, she couldn't help but be stunned.


What's going on with this person?

Yang Mi thinks she is a first-line star, and she wanted to date you, a fifth-line star, but she was rejected instantly. ?! What's going on?

"What did you say?"Yang Mi asked again

"not see. Bai Chen repeated again, and then continued:"I know you are Reba's boss and a popular actress, but I don't think we need to meet now. If you have anything to say, just say it on the phone.""

"If you are afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi, don’t worry at all. Someone will pick you up later."After Yang Mi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Bai Chen looked at the phone and couldn't help but shook his head.

After a while, the sound of a car horn sounded downstairs.

Bai Chen put on a shirt casually and went downstairs.

At this time, there was an ordinary car with a price of more than 100,000 yuan parked downstairs. The driver in the car was a middle-aged man. He smiled and waved to Bai Chen.

This man should be the person sent by Yang Mi.

"Brother Bai, get in the car."The middle-aged driver had a natural expression, as if the two of them had known each other for a long time.

Bai Chen opened the car door and got in.

At this time, as soon as the car left the gate of the community, he could see paparazzi wearing cameras on the side of the road.

It seemed that These people stayed away all day and night because of Bai Chen.

Sitting in the car, Bai Chen could feel that the driver was driving a little too fast. He must have stopped after half an hour to avoid being followed by the paparazzi. At the back door of a private club, there was no need to worry about being secretly photographed. As soon as Bai Chen got out of the car, a tall waitress in a professional skirt came over.

"Sir, please come with me."

The waitress smiled politely at Bai Chen. She looked sweet, and it was obvious that every move she made had gone through rigorous training.

The waitress led Bai Chen through the luxurious but elegant corridor. , and then got on the elevator.

She led Bai Chen to a room door, opened the door, and said softly:"Sir, please come in.""

Bai Chen walked into the room and saw a woman with a hot figure sitting by the window.

She was wearing a black slim-fitting long trousers on her lower body, and only a white waisted women's shirt on her upper body.

This outfit made her Sexy and beautiful.

Yang Mi is currently one of the hottest actresses in China. Her rating is exactly the same as Reba's, a first-tier seven star! And she has been a top seven star for a long time.

Because of this, the star rating will drop significantly.

Yang Mi heard the footsteps and looked up at Bai Chen coming from the door.

The moment Yang Mi saw Bai Chen, she was slightly stunned. She had seen Bai Chen's photo, but when she saw him in person, her heartbeat inexplicably accelerated!

Yang Mi had to admit that this man was more attractive in person than on the screen, especially with his natural cold and forbidden temperament! , will make women unconsciously want to conquer him!

This is a special case that Yang Mi has never seen in the entertainment industry.

If Reba and Bai Chen hadn't made such a big fuss this time, Yang Mi would have thought. Directly recruiting Bai Chen into her company, in her opinion, with a little support, Bai Chen will definitely be able to reach at least the level of a second-tier star in the future, and even the first-tier star will not be a big problem.

But unfortunately, now...

Yang Mi can't help but feel relieved. Sighing, she looked at Bai Chen and said,"Sit down."

Bai Chen was not polite and sat directly opposite Yang Mi.

"You must also know why I came to you, right?"

Yang Mi said straight to the point.

"What happened between you and Reba……"

Yang Mi looked directly at Bai Chen and continued:"I hope you can give up!"

Bai Chen, who heard this, looked calm to Yang Mi's surprise.

"You should understand the gap between you and her, right? The reason why you broke up before...can't you learn a lesson?"Yang Mi seems to have grasped the important information between Bai Chen and Reba.

Bai Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at this time.

It seems that Yang Mi came prepared.

"If you invite me here this time just to tell me to give up, then you don’t need to say anything. Bai

Chen said calmly

"You...I am doing this for the sake of you two!"

"I know that the relationship between you and Reba is like a biological sister, but the things between Reba and me are not as you understand."

"Not as I understand it? So, why are you guys not going to separate this time?"

Bai Chen didn't reply, but the look in his eyes made Yang Mi see the same firm look when she was talking to Reba before.

"Okay... I don't have to stop you, but you need to promise me one thing. This is my bottom line! It is also a requirement of the pure sisterly love between Reba and me!"Yang Mi finally decided to implement her last worst plan.

"Please say. Bai

Chen looked at Yang Mi and said

"Within a month, he became a third-tier artist, within two months he became a second-tier artist, and within half a year, he became a first-tier artist!"Yang Mi and Bai Chen looked at each other and said, she seemed to want to see through all Bai Chen's thoughts at this time.

"I have no other intention, I just want to see if you are worthy of Reba."

Bai Chen couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"how? Think you can't do it? Yang Mi raised her chin and said,"Then give up as soon as possible. Don't waste your mutual time. This is a very real world!"

Bai Chen looked directly at Yang Mi and said,"Although I don't want to agree to your request at all, I even feel a little bored.""

"Well, let's bet on some jackpots and have some fun, right?"

"bet? What are you betting on?

Bai Chen raised the corners of his lips slightly and said,"If I fail, I will automatically disappear in front of Reba. However, if I succeed in meeting the requirements you mentioned, then you...be my female assistant, Duan." The kind that delivers tea and water!"


Yang Mi almost went berserk when she heard about this lucky draw, but she still believed that it was impossible for Bai Chen to become a front-line player in just six months!

This has never happened in the entertainment industry!!

"Just bet! I hope you keep your word!"

"Of course, I hope, Miss Yang, you can keep your promise when the time comes!"

After Bai Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left neatly!

Looking at Bai Chen's back, Yang Mi couldn't help but frown.

She didn't know why, but she had a strong sense of foreboding!^

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