Bai Chen couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard 'the future will be indefinite'.

Is it her?

Or is it just a coincidence.

However, this girl named her again and asked him to fire her. Doesn't this mean that she is her?

"Why are there so many people today who like to talk about weird dish names? Huang Lei said with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaochen, do you know what you will do next? This guest asked you to do it by name."

He Jiong looked at Bai Chen and asked

"He will!"Before Bai Chen could answer, the girl on the other side of the phone spoke first.

"By the way, this guest, you used a voice changer for your voice, right?"

"No! I am an uncle!"

"Okay, it seems that this girl is too into the drama, so do you have any other requirements?"

"No, see you tomorrow"

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

He Jiong hung up the phone

"I think this female guest actually knows Xiaochen?"He Jiong looked at Bai Chen and analyzed.

"They must be familiar with each other, otherwise they wouldn’t have called Xiao Chen’s name directly. Huang Lei also nodded in agreement.

At this time, Bai Chen actually knew who it was.

Ding ding ding!

The phone rang again!

"There are people!"He Jiong said in surprise.

He pressed the hands-free button.

The man's vicissitudes of life voice immediately sounded on the phone, and there was also a specially imitated Northeastern slag smell.



Huang Lei felt a little familiar when he heard this voice. At the same time, He Jiong's eyes lit up. Apparently, he also recognized who it was.

"Are you Huang Lei?"The person on the phone asked first

"Um. Who are you and why are you calling?"

"I am a guest, your guest!"The middle-aged male guest said very arrogantly.

"Of course, you can order food by calling! I want to eat braised bamboo shoots……"

"Braised bamboo shoots in oil? So what, are you in good health?"

"Body? OK!"

"That's good, then your body must be very resistant?"

The person on the phone was stunned for two seconds, and then immediately reacted and said in panic:"If you don't resist, don't resist! A thief cannot resist making!"

When the three of them heard each other's voice, they couldn't help but laugh.

Huang Lei said with a smile,"We'll find out tomorrow if we can resist or not."

At this time, the bald man on the other side of the phone looked at his eyes under the light:"……"

After Huang Lei answered the phone, he couldn't help but show the old fox's iconic smile.

"This guest must have made it as soon as he heard the voice. He was so humble."He Jiong said to the camera

"Well, let's share all the heavy work with him tomorrow."The head said.

At the same time, at this time, Zhi Zhi was looking at the bald head, and he couldn't help but look depressed.

He said to the entourage of the program team in front of the car:"What about that, driver, stop the car. I'm afraid I'll have to lie down and go back after recording this show."

"Hahaha~" The entourage nearby were all amused by this sentence.

But at this time, they were at the mushroom house.

Just as Bai Chen and the other three were about to get up, the phone rang again.


"Why are there still guests?"

"Let's all sleep next to the phone tonight"

"Are you, the show crew, taking revenge on us?"

He Jiong and Huang Lei stared at the fat director behind the photographer.

"I deliberately invited so many guests to come here"

"It's okay, maybe it's all free labor"

"Free labor is available."

Huang Lei smiled and nodded.

He Jiong answered the phone again at this time.

"hello? Who-are-you"

"Um? Hello, is this a mushroom house?"A girl's voice rang on the phone again.

"Sorry.can-you-speak-English" He Jiong said in English again

"Did I call the wrong number? Why does it speak English?"

The guest on the other side of the phone said suspiciously.

"YES.YOU-HAVE-WRONG-NUMBER(Yes, you called the wrong number)"

Teacher He said while holding back a smile.

The person on the phone couldn't help but fell silent, seeming to be thinking about life.

But immediately, the girl on the other side of the phone suddenly realized,"That's not right! If you don't know Chinese, how can you understand what I say?""


At this time, the three of them couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, girl, I won’t tease you anymore, are you coming to the Mushroom House as a guest tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'm just saying, how could I have dialed the wrong number? Hello three teachers."

"Well, this guest is quite polite. So what does this guest want to eat?"

"I'm fine with anything, as long as it's not too spicy. I'm sorry for bothering the three teachers."The girl said politely

"Such an easy-to-talk girl makes me feel that what I just did was a bit too much.……"He Jiong said with a smile

"Okay, Bai Bai, we'll see you tomorrow"


Teacher He hung up the phone and said curiously:"Who is this girl? She is so polite."

"Not only was he polite, but he seemed to have a great personality! Huang Lei also said in agreement.

"I can't tell from the voice. It seems like I'm not familiar with it."

"We'll find out when we meet tomorrow."

After answering the call, it was already getting late.

This time, before the three of them got up, they looked at the fat director.

"Fat Director, just tell me if there is anyone else. If there is anyone else, we won’t get up."

Huang Lei looked at the fat director and just finished speaking.

The phone rang again!!

"Director Su, please pay your salary."


There was laughter at the scene

"This is Chi Guoguo’s revenge!"

"Isn’t it because we punished your program team last time? This episode is so ruthless, with so many guests!"

"Teacher Huang, let’s not answer Xiaochen’s call. Let it ring. Let’s go to sleep."

He Jiong said and was about to get up.

But at this time, the phone stopped immediately and stopped ringing.

��Sorry, you three, I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my phone just now and called our Mushroom House number."The fat director said with a mean look on his face.


The program team burst into laughter again, this was the joy after revenge.

At the same time, He Jiong, Huang Lei, and Bai Chen took off their shoes and threw them at the staff behind the camera!

……_To read the novel without underline, please download Feilu

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