Bored, Reba opened the live broadcast channel of Longing for Life, only to find that the live broadcast had already started today.

In the picture, Bai Chen and others seem to be climbing a mountain. At this time, the east side of the mushroom house has already turned white, and the sunrise is not too far away.

"How come there are so many people watching the live broadcast at this time? Reba was confused for a moment, then clicked on the barrage switch and took a casual look.

"Hey, what's the name of the song Bai Xian sang just now? Why does it sound so good?"

"You don’t know this, right? That’s called Red Mountain Fruit!"

"I have to say that Bai Chen really needs a better agent. Such a talent cannot be buried!"

"Yes, yes, I believe that after this period of longing for life is over, many entertainment companies will definitely seek cooperation with Bai Chen. This is simply a golden sign!"

"Come on, as far as I can tell, there is currently no entertainment company that Bai Chen can like in the entertainment industry. I suggest Bai Chen open his own entertainment company!"


After watching the barrage for a while, Reba barely understood what was going on. Seeing how popular Bai Chen was, Reba felt happy for Bai Chen.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Jingle Bell……"

Reba's cell phone was suddenly called, and she saw that it was Yang Mi. He hesitated for a moment and then picked up.

"Hello? Sister Mimi? Is there a problem?"Reba asked

"Reba? have you woken up? It’s like this. Didn’t you have an advertisement today? I’ve already turned it down for you."Yang Mi's lazy voice sounded, as if she was talking about something she didn't care about.

"Oh, that’s it, I know, then I won’t go. Reba nodded and continued to ask:"Does Sister Mimi have anything else to do?" If not, I'll take a nap again, woo woo"

"Sleep, sleep, know how to sleep. Have you forgotten the tasks assigned to you yesterday? Yang Mi said in an educational tone:"You don't have to shoot commercials today, but you have to convince Bai Chen to join our company as soon as possible. Do you understand?""

Hearing this, Reba felt a little unhappy. He knew very well what kind of person Bai Chen was. She didn't even think about how to talk to Bai Chen about this.

"I know Sister Mimi, I will try my best."

Reba hung up the phone after a few perfunctory sentences, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. She couldn't help but think of the madness that night.

Bai Chen is a rare man, and she has already lost him once. No matter what, Reba couldn't lose Bai Chen this time.

Reba felt inexplicably irritated and simply got up to freshen up.


"Wow, I finally climbed the mountain, but I’m exhausted."Xu Zheng called out sadly twice and complained:"It turns out that climbing the mountain is so tiring."

"What are you calling? I've gained weight over the years, so the Xu Zheng from before still looked like a person, didn't he? Several little girls are not tired of shouting, but you started shouting first? Do you want me to call a sedan chair to carry you down later?"

Huang Lei took a breath and couldn't help but complained, causing several little girls to sneer. The sharp-eyed Zhao Liying and Li Muya said in surprise:"Bai Chen, do you think the sun is about to rise? The sky is so red. Bai Chen took a sip of water, nodded and said,"We were lucky enough to catch the sunrise. If it had been a few minutes later, we might not have been able to catch up. Find a place to rest quickly. The sun will rise in a few minutes." It's coming"

"Yeah, yeah, I know."Zhao Liying and several others nodded at the same time and said.

The morning at this time has become brighter, and there is a faint mist covering the top of the mountain.

There is a hazy and beautiful feeling, which makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

In the early morning There is a little dew on the grass, and the sun has not yet risen.

The birds on the mountain have already begun to chirp, as if they are also feeling the new day.

The sound of fluttering wings is recalled in the surroundings, which is very vivid.

The mountain was a bit humid, but Bai Chen carried a mat on his back before going up the mountain in the morning.

The girls were relatively weak, so Bai Chen gave them the mat and asked them to sit together.

"Brother Bai Chen is so considerate. Song

Zuer chuckled, pulled Zhao Liying and Li Muya to sit down, and like magic, took out a few packs of snacks from his small backpack and handed them to Li Muya and Zhao Liying.

"Bai Chen, do you want to eat dried fruit?"Zhao Liying hesitated for a moment and asked Bai Chen

"Thank you, I won't eat it. Bai Chen said with a smile.

He felt a little depressed. Snacks are indeed girls' favorite.

Suddenly he remembered a popular joke on the Internet.

"Why are you talking about a boyfriend? Is it because mobile phones are not fun? Or are the snacks not tasty?"

The three little elf-like girls made Bai Chen's fatigue disappear instantly, and their chirping made the mountain top full of fun.

Indeed, if Bai Chen, Huang Lei, He Jiong, and Xu Zheng came to watch the sunrise together, then How boring it is...

I put the backpacks I brought upside down on the grass, and a few men sat on the backpacks and began to wait for the sunrise.

"Xiaochen. Don't tell me that our program team is really conscientious. It's a conscientious crew. Huang Lei said to Bai Chen:"Look, Director Xu is two points fatter than me. He doesn't even sway at all when sitting on the backpack. The quality of this backpack is good.""

"Yes, the quality of our backpacks is indeed acceptable. Bai Chen also smiled and said:"Director Xu, why don't you ask the fat director to give you two to take home when you go back?""

Xu Zheng waved his hands repeatedly after hearing this and said:"Forget it, I just want to experience life and be self-reliant and get a backpack to go back to for whatever purpose. However, the rice we ate today is quite good. Let's get sponsors later. Send me two boxes.

Bai Chen became happy when he mentioned rice milk, and hurriedly asked Xu Zheng:"Director Xu, didn't you say that Teacher Huang Lei's rice milk formula is poisonous?""

"Alas, it's actually not bad, but Huang Lei added too much salt to me, haha. Xu Zheng laughed and said

"How wonderful, Teacher Huang, look at the crops under this mountain. We are self-reliant, self-sufficient, and can occasionally watch the sunrise. This is the life we yearn for."Bai Chen said.

Among this group of people, Bai Chen actually has the most favorable impression of Huang Lei. He is almost old enough to be his uncle. He usually doesn't act like an elder towards Bai Chen and is approachable.

"That's right, Xiaochen's consciousness has always been the most powerful in our Mushroom House. He spends his free time fishing on the Bixi River, and suddenly goes on a boat to dream about the sun. To be honest, this is the life that everyone yearns for."

Huang Lei said while sighing, and by the way, he also wrote two lines of poetry, which felt a bit like Xian Yun Ye He._

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