Huang Lei didn't need to say more, Bai Chen almost guessed what he meant, it was just some articles or poems.

Bai Chen is very good at this thing. After all, the only one in this world who can have a system is Bai Chen. No matter what the lyrics or poems are, Bai Chen feels that he is not a problem.

"Well, let’s not test you alone. How about each of us writes two lines of poetry, using the sunrise as the theme? Huang Lei laughed and said, looking a little eager to try.

"This is good, Teacher Huang, I agree! He Jiong was the first to say:"Don't be nervous, everyone. This is actually very simple. It's a limerick, just for fun.""

Although He Jiong said this, Xu Zheng and Song Zuer's faces suddenly turned pale. Song Zuer was actually fine, but Xu Zheng was not. It's fine if you ask him to say two classic lines and write poems. Wouldn't that cost him his life? Everyone knew that this was a live broadcast, and there was basically no possibility of rejection. For the sake of his own image and the smooth live broadcast of the show, Xu Zheng had to hold back a poem no matter what.

I didn't want this the most, so I tried my best to come up with a poem, but Huang Lei asked Director Xu Zheng to come first by name, which made Xu Zheng a little embarrassed.

"Haha, come on, Director Xu, don't be shy."He Jiong smiled and said

"Yes, yes, Director Xu, please read a few sentences quickly and let’s listen."Song Zuer, who was watching the excitement, didn't mind that it was a big deal and casually agreed.

Xu Zheng had no choice but to suppress his blush and recite a few sentences.

"It's such a big ball. It slowly gets up. It looks like the sun from a distance, but it's blinding when you look up close."


"Literary genius!!"

"This made me laugh so hard. Director Xu, I’m afraid you went to tutor in secret. Why are you so good?"He Jiong was the first one who couldn't help laughing.

"Ahem, that, isn’t it just a poem? Why can’t I count it as a poem?"Xu Zheng gave himself a forced explanation, but the audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help but complain.

"Director Xu is indeed the biggest writer in our entertainment industry. This limerick, tsk tsk tsk, I’ll go to the toilet to vomit first.……"

"By the way, Xu Zheng’s poem is quite interesting. From a distance, it looks like the sun, but up close? If you look at the sun up close, isn't it blinding you?"


"Ahem, what, let’s do it one by one, don’t mind, no matter the quality of the poem is good or not, it’s just for fun."Huang Lei laughed and composed a poem of his own. Although it was not very good, it was much better than Director Xu Zheng's poem.

Everyone composed poems one after another, which were not very good, mainly for fun. But after all the calculations, the poem by director Xu Zheng was the funniest.

In a blink of an eye, it was the turn of the last person, Bai Chen. Li Muya knew that Bai Chen's novel was called"Norwegian Wood", so she had high hopes for Bai Chen. I wonder if Bai Chen can compose poetry?

Bai Chen is usually gentle and elegant in conversation, so Huang Lei and He Jiong are more optimistic about Bai Chen and put Bai Chen at the end. Wouldn't it be wrong if Bai Chen was like them and composed a random poem? Are you going to make the audience laugh to death?

People will also say that the three people in Mushroom House look very handsome, but in fact they are all bad, and they can't even write a poem.

For the sake of Mushroom House's appearance and appearance, Of course, Bai Chen couldn't just pass it by.

After thinking about it, under the gaze of everyone and the audience, Bai Chen slowly stood up and took a look at the farmland at the foot of the mountain. There were already many local people in the farmland. After finishing his work, Bai Chen looked up at the sun that had climbed up, and finally spoke.

"The willows are green and the river is level, and I hear the sound of people stepping on the Langjiang River.

The sun rises in the east and rains in the west. There is no sunshine but there is sunshine."


Seeing the dumbfounded looks of the others, Bai Chen scratched his head, coughed twice, and couldn't help but ask:"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, what's the matter? Am I not good at this poem?"

Huang Lei looked at it with a look of disbelief. Looking like a ghost, he stood up and pulled Bai Chen around twice. He looked at Bai Chen carefully for a few times, which made Bai Chen feel scared. Then he heard Huang Lei said in surprise.

"high! It’s really high! Xiaochen, are you possessed by Shixian?

Bai Chen laughed and said,"Teacher Huang, are you kidding me? We are in a modern society and we are still so superstitious?" I just said it casually, but I didn’t expect it to be quite good."

"It's more than good. Xiaochen, your poem is simply the sound of heaven! He Jiong also shook his head and said to Bai Chen:"As expected, people are more irritating than others. Director Xu Zheng, what do you think?"

Xu Zheng:"I...what do I think?" What the hell, this Bai Chen is simply a monster. He opened his mouth to write a poem with such neat contrasts. It’s unscientific, so unscientific!"

Li Muya, on the other hand, had full confidence in Bai Chen and couldn't help but complain about Xu Zheng and said:"Director Xu Zheng, you can do it, I think little brother Bai Chen is very powerful, you are just trying to excuse yourself, hehe, you still It looks like the sun from a distance, but it blinds you when you look up close, hahaha……"

Xu Zheng:"……"

"No, I have to write down your poem quickly. No, Xiaochen, I have to write it down after I go back, and then you have to sign it for me!"Xu Zheng touched his bald head and finally knew what he should say.

"Yes, yes, I want to sign too!"Li Muya said quickly, lest Xu Zheng get it alone.

"Although I don’t know much about poetry, this poem by Bai Chen is can dominate the literary world. Zhao Liying also said:"When I go back, I can share it with my little sisters. Hehe, the great writer Bai Chen, I love you to death!""

"No hurry, no hurry, Xiaochen, does your poem have a name?"Huang Lei was more rational and asked Bai Chen quickly. It is estimated that many audience members are also waiting for Bai Chen's answer.

Bai Chen pondered for a moment, nodded and said to Huang Lei:"Actually, I haven't thought of a name yet. But our main task today is to dig bamboo shoots and catch fish. We happen to be on this mountain, so let’s call it Zhuzhici. What do you think?"

"Zhuzhici, Zhuzhici, good name……"Huang Lei said silently

"The sun is rising in the east, and work has begun in the farmland at the foot of the mountain in the west. The paddy fields are not as busy as rain."He Jiong analyzed it and said

"Yes, yes, there is sunshine but there is no sunshine... Wonderful, this last sentence is simply the finishing touch!"Huang Lei couldn't help but sigh.

Even the sailors who always liked to complain about Bai Chen suddenly became silent in the barrage. Before, they were still madly complaining about silence, but at this time, they couldn't say a word. Come out.

At this level, no matter where he goes or where he works, he is not comparable to keyboard warriors like them.

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