"Wow, this uncle is too cute.……"

"Brother Bai Chen is really popular. If I were asked to borrow a car, I would definitely not be able to borrow it."

"Do you think the fat director deliberately wanted to trick a few people in the Mushroom House?"


After successfully borrowing the car, Bai Chen and He Jiong returned to the mailroom excitedly. They moved three large items to the electric car together, and then returned to the mushroom house happily.

Huang Lei had nothing to do and was chatting with the fat director. Anyway, the camera was not on him at the moment.

However, the topic of negotiation is still about the kitchen or other infrastructure issues.

"Fat Director, the bed in my room seems to be broken. How about you find someone to fix it for me?"

"Fat Director, you see, I have used this earthen stove for two periods. My friends in Raccoon City must be tired of seeing it. What do you mean by wanting to use a cook but not equipping the cook?"

"Then I don't care, you must solve this Tuzao matter as soon as possible."

Huang Leizheng and the fat director were chattering, and He Jiong from a distance shouted into the mushroom house:"Teacher Huang, come out quickly, look at what we brought back."

"That's right, Teacher Huang, come to the door and take a look, there is really a surprise!"Bai Chen opened the door, let He Jiong walk in, and said to Huang Lei

"surprise? Don't be frightened."Huang Lei muttered, and walked to the door. He saw Bai Chen and Huang Lei unloading the things from the car. Bai Chen patted the box and asked Huang Lei

"Teacher Huang, guess what’s inside? Ha ha"

"what? Xiaochen, please stop being so pretentious and talk to me carefully."Huang Lei cracked the melon seeds and said to Bai Chen. He stepped on the box with his feet and found that it was quite thick. He didn't know what was in it.

"This won't work, Teacher Huang. If you crush it, your hopes for the past two days will be gone. Bai Chen smiled and said to Huang Lei:"Our mushroom house has to go back to the era of slash-and-burn farming, haha.""

"Isn't it a gas stove?"Huang Lei thought for a while and asked Bai Chen.

Seeing Bai Chen nodded, Huang Lei laughed and asked Bai Chen and He Jiong to unpack the packaging quickly. He quickly ran over and took the fat director's hand. greeting

"Teacher Huang is finally liberated."He Jiong unpacked the package and said to Bai Chen:"Xiaochen, you are now also Chef Bai, and you are also going to be liberated."

"Of course, the most important thing about this is that we don’t have to chop wood anymore. Bai Chen said with a smile, and he and Huang Lei, who were overly excited, lifted the gas stove to the table, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Lei kept thinking about where to install the gas stove, while Bai Chen and He Jiong Also helped Huang Lei come up with ideas

"Today is probably Mr. Huang's last day on the show. As a cook, the kitchen is his battlefield. Well, now the earth stove has been changed to a gas stove, which is much more convenient," Bai Chen said to Huang Lei

"Yes, yes, the program team is so considerate"

"No, Teacher Huang, it seems that we have all overlooked a problem! What should we do with this gas tank? Bai Chen suddenly said:"Teacher Huang, how do you fix this gas problem?""

Huang Lei slapped his forehead. After Bai Chen reminded him, he immediately felt that he had been tricked by the fat director. He hurriedly walked down from the pavilion and shouted to the fat director.

"Fatty, what do you think of fixing this gas tank? Is it provided for free?"

"impossible."The fat director said without fear. When he saw that He Jiong and Huang Lei were about to take off their shoes, he did not breathe a sigh of relief. After shaking his head, he stretched out four fingers and said to Huang Lei and Bai Chen:" 400 per can!"

"Damn it, are you robbing me?"

"This fat director is too dark, haha, but Teacher Huang, Bai Xian and Teacher He Jiong have even darker faces.……"

"Teacher Huang, please take off your shoes and beat him, it’s too much!"

The audience who were watching the live broadcast, just to watch the fun, didn't mind the matter. They started to make Huang Lei and Bai Chen have a fight with the director team, and they were furiously posting comments.

When they saw Huang Lei and Bai Chen, they After using Mushroom's unique martial arts and throwing his slippers, the barrage burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"666, Bai Xian’s throw was so accurate, haha……"

After beating up the fat director, Bai Chen and the three of them got into trouble again. The three of them lay in the pavilion to discuss countermeasures.

"Teacher Huang, 400 for this jar is too expensive. Based on the total quantity at our level, one jar won’t last long."He Jiong said helplessly to Huang Lei

"What can I do? I can only make money. Huang Lei patted his belly and said helplessly:"These days are becoming more and more difficult."

Bai Chen shrugged his shoulders and said to Huang Lei,"How about I go out and paint for others again?"

Before Huang Lei could speak, Teacher He Jiong spoke first:"Xiao Chen, don't say that. This is a matter between the three of us. It's not good for you to go out and make money all the time."

Huang Lei also nodded after hearing this, then patted Bai Chen on the shoulder and said:"Since we are experiencing life, let's just be simple. Anyway, there should be a guest again tomorrow. Let's go outside in the afternoon." See if there are any good ways to make money."

Bai Chen saw that Huang Lei was tired. Although his mental state was not bad, he was getting old after all, so he said

"Teacher Huang, why don't you install a gas stove at home? Teacher He and I went out to see if there was a market on the street today, and how about trying to earn money for a tank of gas today?"

Huang Lei saw what Bai Chen said and knew Bai Chen's character after getting along with him for so long. He simply nodded and said,"Okay, I'll be responsible for looking after the house. I'll chop some more firewood when I have time.

He Jiong glanced at Huang Lei and said angrily:"Teacher Huang, we all have gas stoves, so we don't need to chop wood, right?" Bai Chen smiled slightly, shook his head, and said,"Teacher He, cutting firewood is not necessary now, but it has become an activity in our mushroom house. Besides, in winter, you can also light a fire. If the gas stove is not enough, If you use it, you can also make a fire.

He Jiong shook his head speechlessly and sighed:"Xiao Chen thought it through, why didn't I think of it?""

"Okay, okay, let's work, Teacher He. Let's help Teacher Huang move the things over, and then go to the market."Bai Chen stood up and said

"Okay, listen to Xiaochen."

He Jiong and Bai Chen quickly started working together.

After moving the gas stove, and then unpacking and folding the packing boxes, Bai Chen packed up into a room with sundries. Huang Lei couldn't help but admired when he saw it.

"At first glance, Xiaochen seems to be someone who knows how to live a good life. This cardboard box will be good for lighting fires in the future."_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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