The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1213: Peach branches die

   Chapter 1213

  Jiang Huailu can hear the word execution.

   actually laughed lowly.

  On this altar, the laughter was extremely harsh and conspicuous.

   "Execution?" Lulu whispered, smiling and laughing presumptuously.

   smiled and burst into tears.

  Lulu stood up, Lu Huaijiang was inexplicably uneasy, and wanted to reach out to her.

  Lulu's dark eyes shook his head at him: "Jiang Jiang, you are wrong."

   "You said that I was born to be perfect, but now I understand that I am not. I can't repay grievances with virtue." Lulu muttered in a low voice, and inexplicably thought of the criticism in his ear.

  It was a long, long time ago, she was just a few years old, and a fortune-telling blind gave her a comment on the side of the road.

  The dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon.

  It was Ganniang who risked being detected by Heaven to remind her, but she didn't understand it at the time.

  Until this moment, she understood.

   "It's really interesting Jiang Jiang. They were entangled in evil, come to the Hall of Salvation and beg me. I saved them."

  "They have encountered natural disasters, come to me, and I will take care of them with all their belongings."

   "But now, they just want my life, they want my child's life."

   Thinking of Shu'er saving them with blood, it was not worth it.

  The people underneath heard this, their faces turned white and red.

   "You released the evil evil, and it was caused by you closing the gate of the underworld. You should atone for your sins, and you should do it!"

   "Yes, that's all you should do!"

   "If it weren't for you, the mortal world should have been peaceful and peaceful. You are just restoring everything to the original."

  The people below suddenly shouted loudly, they did not want to bear Jiang Huailu's accusations.

  They don’t want to bear ungrateful, unwilling accusations.

  Jiang Huailu looked at them and laughed softly.

  "You would rather listen to his side words than think about what I have done for many years. It is sad and sigh." Lulu's eyes were inexplicable, and his eyes seemed to be blazing with flames.

  At this moment, the heavenly soldiers had been ordered to capture Lu Huaijiang and put on the immortal lock of the gods.

  Taozhi protects the two children in a panic.

  The heavenly soldiers stepped forward to capture the two children and executed them in front of Wanmin. Tao Zhi's expression turned into a gust of wind, with a child on the other hand, and then headed away.

   "Monsters, there are demons!"

   "The maid of the dignified goddess turned out to be an evildoer. It really is not a good thing." The people shouted in panic.

   Emperor Ziwei slapped away, and Tao Zhi spit out a mouthful of blood.

   fell straight down, and finally at the moment when the two children were about to land, the peach branch protected the two children.

  I was pierced by Emperor Ziwei with one palm.

The moment    landed, the two children were safe and sound.

  Taozhi looked at the deer from a distance.

  The blood in his mouth gushed out: ", I deliberately...lied to you."

With just one sentence, it collapsed directly and turned into a dead peach branch.

  This scene happened in an instant, and no one had ever reacted to it.

  Only the baby crying in the audience.

  As soon as the heavenly soldiers beckoned, the two children flew towards the heavenly soldiers.

  Lu Huaijiang fell straight down.

   "Emperor Ziwei, you don't talk about credit! Obviously you said that you want to let go of the deity's wife and children, you don't talk about credit!" Lu Huaijiang's eyes were red, and his whole body trembled violently, and his eyes were filled with blood.

  I could still hear the people's yelling in my ears: "Execute the evil seed, execute the evil seed!"

  "Execute the evil seed, execute the evil seed! Return the world to peace, and return everything in the world!"

  (End of this chapter)

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