The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1277: I'm afraid it's not a second fool

   Chapter 1277 Afraid of not being a second fool

  "As far as I know, you are the only child in the Yang family in this life."

  Lu Huaijiang once saw Lulu turning over his life and death.

  At that time, she also paid attention to the Yang family.

  Because Yang Dianfeng was trafficked when he was seven, he should have died at the age of seven. But because of her return to her position, Yang Dianfeng was saved by mistake.

  She discovered that Yang Dianfeng’s name, which had been dilute, regained its color.

  But at that time, the Yang family had only one son.

  The child here is only a few years old, a little younger than Yo Yo.

  "I asked the God of Wealth for this. He went to find Guanyin for sending children." This was also the only time he asked God of Wealth.

  Lu Huaijiang saw that child, and he knew that Yang Dianfeng had an early plan.

  The Yang family, who was originally an only child, has a child again.

   His mother probably felt something, always worrying about gains and losses, and often watching him cry.

   "If you don't see Lulu alive, she will probably not feel at ease in her whole life." Lu Huaijiang whispered and left in a hurry.

  Only Lulu can keep him.

After Lu Huaijiang left the Yang family, Mrs. Zheng sent someone to thank him.

  Many courtiers in the capital are still terrified. In fact, three years ago, everyone set up a burial mound for Lu Huaijiang and Jiang Huailu.

   is now called the first emperor, who knows he is back again.

  As for Dongli and Fusang, before the little emperor succeeded to the throne.

   Master Fang was furious and ran a hundred thousand soldiers, and led the people to directly razed Dongli to the ground. The Ying side concubine who fled back to Dongli was directly beheaded by Master Fang with a sword.

   also tied the head of the king of Dongli and her, and dragged it all the way back to the Great Zhou City Gate.

  If it is not for Fang Daren as a military general, I am afraid that Da Zhou will not be able to settle down quickly.

  But because of the betrayal of the people in Da Zhou, they always have a barrier to the people. Nowadays, if the people don't have a living, they can be regarded as suffering from the consequences.

  At this moment, Lu Huaijiang returned to Jiang’s house, and he saw Lu Youyou sitting in the mansion crying.

  The fingers of his right hand were tied with gauze, crying desperately.

   "What's the matter?" Lu Huaijiang felt very distressed, and walked quickly to his side and hugged his daughter.

  The eldest son, who was next to the court, looked inexplicable. If he looked closely, he also found that he was deeply helpless.

  "My sister just broke her fingers for fun..."

  "The cracking of the fingers..." She thought it was very interesting.

  Lu Huaijiang's forehead went black: "Did you hurt?"

  Lu Yueze shook his head: "That's not the case. Ten fingers rang nine, and the other one didn’t make any noise. The younger sister was stubborn, and she said that he must make it ring when he comes..."

  Lu Huaijiang widened his eyes and looked at the two foolish daughter in his arms.

  Lu Yoyo was a little bit interesting, and buried his head in his father's arms.

   "After breaking for a long time, she did not make a sound, so she squeezed it hard enough. With a click, it sounded, and it broke."


  Lu Huaijiang sighed deeply, but the youngest daughter in her arms refused to look up.

  Although she is only three years old, she knows how to shame.

   "Don't let this happen next time. It's me who hurts." Lu Huaijiang whispered softly to her, and the little girl raised her head pitifully when her father didn't laugh at her.

  The eyes are red from crying.

   is simply annoying and funny.

   "Go, Dad will take you to see your mother." Lu Huaijiang held his daughter in one hand and his son in the other and walked towards the backyard.

   Approaching the backyard, I felt a faint vitality floating in the air.

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes lit up.

  (End of this chapter)

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