The sonorous and powerful words touched everyone's heart.

Men don't shed tears easily, and tears filled the eyes of countless people at this moment.

Luo Bing and Zhu Guodong, the leaders of the Southeast War Zone, also shed tears.

After a short silence, Li Guozhong stood up suddenly, his whole body was shaking, clapping hard and clapping crazily

Followed by countless people standing up and clapping.

The two leaders of the Southeast War Zone also stood up and applauded without any airs.

The applause lasted for 5 minutes.

At Luo Bing's signal, it was suppressed.

Luo Bing exclaimed loudly,

"Well said!"

"Comrade Wang Yixue, you said it well!"

"There is no such thing as a peaceful life, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for us!"

"But please rest assured, and please rest assured, the soldiers, our Southeast Military Region will definitely give Comrade Xu Fan the most generous conditions and the highest praise!"

"Maybe you can tell everyone a little news, the scientific research has already been awarded and appointed, but this is not enough!"

"Our Southeast Military Region will show greater sincerity and will definitely not chill the hearts of any military scientific research workers!"

With Luo Bing's comfort, all the soldiers calmed down their emotions.

Wang Yixue also showed a long-lost smile.

Luo Bing's words just now also became the final summary of the commendation meeting.

The meeting ended successfully.

Everyone went to the restaurant for dinner.

Wang Yixue and Tong Yao were covered with medals.

Li Guozhong secretly told Wang Yixue that in a few days, Xu Fan would definitely have no fewer medals than her.

He would even wear a medal!

When the word "medal" came out, Wang Yixue and Tong Yao were both shocked.

A difference of one word can make a huge difference.

The weight of a medal is dozens of times more than that of a medal!

Only those who have made outstanding contributions to the country are eligible to receive a medal.

For example, Mr. Wang and Mr. Hua are both recipients of the Medal of Defense.

Only then did Wang Yixue understand that the reason why Xu Fan was not honored today was perhaps because some important rewards were on the way.

When Xu Fan was awarded the medal, what a glorious scene it would be.

Thinking of this, Wang Yixue felt a little uneasy again.

The more outstanding Xu Fan was, the more inexplicably restless she felt.

It was as if she was afraid of losing something that originally belonged to her.

Lunch was over.

At the urging of the two leaders, the group came to the multifunctional combat command room.

The relevant personnel were already in place.

There were people operating each instrument.

On the front was a huge display more than two meters high.

On the left and right sides were split screens.

The screen displayed on the front is divided into two.

On the left is the real-time screen of Wang Yixue's holographic helmet, and on the right is the real-time screen of Tong Yao's holographic helmet.

In the lower right corner of each screen is the data panel of each mecha.

The small screen on the side shows the real-time external image of the mecha.

In this way, no matter the inside or outside of the mecha, you can see it clearly.

Seeing that everyone is ready.

Luo Bing glared at Li Guozhong fiercely,

"So you are ready."

"Haha, the old chief wants to review the troops, Guozhong will do his best!"

After saying that, Li Guozhong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Before, these two old bastards didn't believe what he said, today let them open their eyes!

Pick up the microphone,

"Yixue, Tong Yao, the simulation exercise can start."

The two received the order at the same time.

Pull the joystick violently.

The engine roared and spewed out blue flames.

The huge thrust instantly carried the two people and the mecha away from the warehouse.

Friction with the ground, violent sparks burst out.

This "burning tire start" learned from Xu Fan instantly caught the eyes of Luo Bing and Zhu Guodong.

Although they did not believe that the mecha would be as awesome as Li Guozhong said, their love and curiosity were real.

After the two sat down, they quickly picked up the teacup and took two sips.

Even when drinking tea, their eyes were still fixed on the screen, fearing that they would miss any details.

Li Guozhong did not forget to explain beside the two people,

"Commander, this is called a burning tire start, and more exciting things are still to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of air tearing sound again in the screen.

After Jiangtian No. 1 and No. 2 slid out, they stopped suddenly with a sudden brake.

Quickly adjust the posture and face up.

Pull the joystick violently.

"Boom boom--"

Two fierce blue waves of fire exploded on the concrete floor.

At the same time, a

A cone-shaped sound barrier cloud, with the sound of tearing the sky apart, turned into two lines of fire and soared into the sky.

The sudden wild scene instantly shocked the two leaders.


Luo Bing, who had just taken a sip of tea, spit it out violently.

His eyeballs popped out of his eye sockets.

He raised his arm and pointed at the screen,

"Yinyinyin sonic boom!"

Zhu Guodong next to him stood up suddenly, both arms were shaking.

His chin was shaking slightly.

Also "Yinyinyin..."

I thought the excitement was to come, but it gave them a thrill right from the start.

Li Guozhong had a blank expression on his face, and he actually felt a little contempt in his heart.

Look at the mountain artillery entering the city.

You were shocked to cry with just one takeoff, what are you going to do later!

Although thinking this in his heart, Li Guozhong comforted him on the surface,

"Two leaders, please be patient, this is just a small scene, it's just a sonic boom takeoff, it's not a drill project."

Luo Bing's face twitched wildly, and he looked at Li Guozhong with anger.

This kid deserves a beating no matter how you look at him.

Sonic boom takeoff is not a project.

Is it that only a nuclear explosion in your country can be put on the stage?

Bombing the entire Zhonghai with a bang is called a big scene?


Zhu Guodong suddenly reminded with a trembling voice,

"Lao Luo, look at the data panel!"

Luo Bing looked at the panel in the lower right corner of the screen with a puzzled expression.

[Current mode: Master]

[Comprehensive thrust: 2200 kN+, small thrust data ignored]

[Body temperature: 1100℃]

[Speed: 13 Mach]

[Evaluation: Everything is normal! 】

"Oh my god!"

"13 Mach!!!"

Luo Bing's pupils shrank suddenly, almost to the size of a needle tip.

He exclaimed, and his face turned pale.

His gray hair instantly stood up.

His face was full of disbelief.

The fastest fighter in the world is only Mach 3!

You can reach Mach 13 by vertical climbing? ?

"I don't believe it!"

"Absolutely not!!"

"It's impossible!"

Zhu Guodong also shook his head,

"This data is fake!"

Li Guozhong picked up the microphone helplessly,

"The leader said you are too slow, you can go a little faster!"


Wang Yixiu and Tong Yao both smiled at the same time.

The leaders have always forbidden us to drive too fast.

This time we can finally drive faster!

The climb button was pressed down again.

The data panel jumped rapidly.

It was visible to the naked eye that the sound barrier cloud around the mecha body gradually became sparse.

Then it disappeared.

Luo Bing seemed to grab Li Guozhong's pigtail.

While looking at the screen, he laughed,

"Guozhong, now the sound barrier outside the mecha is gone, which means that it has not even reached supersonic speed!"

"The data panel dares to show 24 Mach, your fake is too..."

He didn't finish his words.

The smile on Luo Bing's face froze.

The whole person stood still like a clay sculpture.

The air seemed to stagnate.

As the mecha turned around.

In Luo Bing's pupils, a bright planet with a blue halo was reflected.

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