The whistling sound of breaking through the air came, which shows that the speed and power of this hammer are so great that it is hard to imagine that the slender arms of the girl in front of me will have such a huge power.

   But thinking of the name prefix of the girl's "monster" before, everything became normal again.

   Facing the huge hammer coming from howling, Lin Yunling only had time to scream.

   Then, the hammer paused in the air, as if an invisible force stopped it. However, this can only be stopped for a moment. With a slight sound similar to glass breaking, Lin Yun had two nosebleeds from her nose, and she was about to fall to the ground as soon as she shook her body.

If this fall can avoid the whistling hammer, it would be a good choice, but it is a pity that Lin Yun's body shook first, and this little sway shakes the little pause time that was so hard to win just now. Lost.

   The huge black hammer instantly approached Lin Yun's head, and a strong sense of oppression came directly on her head.

   In the end, he stopped when he was about to touch Lin Yun's head.

   Lin Yunling fell to the ground when the hammer stopped, instinctively hugged his head with both hands, closed his eyes, and waited for a long time before reluctantly opening his eyes.

   She saw Su Mo standing by, stretched out a hand, and caught the huge hammer. There was no expression on her face. She looked at the monster in front of her and seemed to be thinking about something.

   One hit was missed, the monster girl slowly retracted the hammer, her head tilted, and a huge resentment came over her face: "Brother, do you want to protect this bitch?"

   "Brother, don't you like me?"

   "Brother, are you going to abandon me?"

   The black hammer was thrown directly on the ground by her, and she covered it with her hands-no, it's accurate to say that she grabbed the lower half of her face, leaving a trail of blood.

"how come?"

   Su Mo said without sincerity: "I like you the most."

   "Really?" The resentment aura weakened a bit, and the monster girl approached Su Mo, raising her head to ask.


   Su Mo tried his best to keep her eyes from squinting. The movement of her head up accidentally exposed a part of her face.

   "Then brother, let's kill this woman together?" The monster girl pointed to Lin Yun, the unlucky child next to Su Mo and said.

   Lin Yun, who had just recovered from the pain, heard the monster girl's words, and her body trembled slightly, for fear that Su Mo would agree to this request.

   "No, I need a nanny." Su Mo refused.

   "Brother, as long as there is a sister is enough." The monster girl's voice was slightly blurred.

   "I think I have to emphasize two points. First: As a brother and you as a younger sister, it is the basic rule to unconditionally obey whatever your brother says. Second, if you can, I hope you call my dad."

   "...Puff, cough."

   Lin Yun on the ground coughed twice, not knowing what to express.

   What the **** is it to be so obsessed with Dad!

   "Brother..." Of course, the monster girl is a very persistent person, a terrible brother control, not a parent control.

   "Okay, in short, you have to be obedient. Let's lead the way. When you get out of this ruined place, I will take you to eat." Su Mo waved his hand and said.

   "Eat something?"

   The monster girl tilted her head, suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned around and ran, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

   After dozens of seconds, she walked back with a tattered dish with many gaps in her hand. Needless to say, there was a pile of foul-smelling garbage on it.

   I don't know where this guy got it.


When Lin Yun saw this scene, she remembered the previous scene. She crawled to the side with her hands and feet and retched. Her face was extremely pale, and with the blood stains near her mouth, her messy hair was still wet... A good beauty reporter. She suddenly became a mad woman.

   is really pitiful.

   But now Lin Yun doesn't have the time and extra thoughts to care about her appearance. It's already thank God to be able to survive in such a ghostly place.

So after retching a few times, she resolutely chose to shrink to the side without any influence on Su Mo's next actions. She knew very well that if there was a chance of life, this man was right in front of her. Body.

   "Brother, come and eat." The monster girl handed the dish to Su Mo.

   "I'm not hungry." Su Mo refused: "Where did you get these things?"

   "At home, made at home." The monster girl replied.

   "Then take me there to see." Su Mo said.

   The monster girl nodded: "Okay, but my brother will eat these things first."

   "I said I'm not hungry." Of course, it is impossible for Su Mo to lead the way to eat these things for this monster.

   "Brother, don't you like what I made?" The monster girl's voice suddenly became low, and again brought a hint of resentment.

   "I just said that..." Su Mo's eyes narrowed.

   "Brother, don't you really like me?" The monster girl did not know where she took out a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of trash and stuffed it directly towards Su Mo's mouth: "At least give me some food!"

   Su Mo turned slightly, avoiding these terrifying spoons in various senses, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the head of the monster girl.

   As if time paused for a short while, Su Mo's right hand slammed into the air, taking the monster girl's body into the air.


   With a loud noise, the monster girl's head was severely pinched on the wall by Su Mo, cracks spread along the wall, and a shallow pit appeared on the wall.

   "It's so thick." Su Mo secretly said in his heart, letting go of his hand.

The feedback from this sent Su Mo knows that the thickness of this wall is absolutely extraordinary, at least not that he can remove it with bare hands—wait, if you find the right direction and remove it with bare hands, Su Mo can also remove it, anyway. He was too fate to die.

   After thousands of years of dismantling, is it really impossible to dismantle?

   But such an inefficient method, of course it is impossible for Su Mo to use it until the end.

   "It would be fine if there was an excavator." Su Mo secretly said in his heart, letting go of his hand.

After giving him an excavator and the weapon proficient in demonization, he can even dig into the wasteland, just like those petty bourgeoisie, an endless cup of tea, an endless book, you can sit in the wasteland, how good it is .

   As Su Mo released her hand, the monster girl didn't slide directly to the ground, uh-half of her head was embedded in the wall.

   "Did you kill it?" Lin Yun said with a sigh of relief.

   She didn't agree with Su Mo's idea of ​​using this monster to lead the way. It would be a huge torture to walk with this thing. But she also knew that there was no way, and she would not be stupid enough to interfere with Su Mo.

   Now that Su Mo has killed this thing directly, it is undoubtedly the best result for Lin Yun.

   "No, let it lead the way." Su Mo said.

   If you can kill this thing in this way, why would Su Mo lose his energy at first? This blow seemed terrible, but in fact Su Mo had left a lot of power to ensure that this monster girl would not die. Of course, he was not sure whether he could kill these weird things.

   Sure enough, after a while, the monster girl put her hands on the wall and pulled out her head, looking a little funny.

   "Now, do you understand? My words are absolute orders." Su Mo said while standing in the ear of the monster girl.

Monsters like    are not completely incommunicable, they also have their own emotions. They act in accordance with the instincts similar to animals. If you let it feel the emotion of fear, it should not be a problem to lead the way.

The monster girl shook her body twice, and said intermittently: "Know...I know, brother." Just listening to this voice and tone is enough to make a group of sisters howl, wishing to hold her in her arms for a good comfort. .

   "Then lead the way." Su Mo said coldly, he didn't have untimely sympathy and compassion.

   The monster girl shrank twice, obediently walking ahead and leading the way.

   What should I do if my sister is not obedient? Just take a fight, and Su Mo, an old driver for many years, teaches you the correct way to train your sister.

   Su Mo glanced at Lin Yun, Lin Yun understood, and immediately stood up, following the two of them.

   Although there are three people walking, there is only the sound of the footsteps of Su Mo and Lin Yun. The monster girl's bare feet fell on the ground without making a sound.

   The three people walked in silence for about an hour. The monster girl stopped, and pointed to the door that appeared next to me and said, "This is it."

   Su Mo looked at the iron gate. The number on the gate was 1143, which was a little bit different from the gate number of 1158. But they didn't see any iron gates along the way. They could only say that these iron gates appeared randomly, at least not in every time period.

   As for the reason for the appearance, Su Mo is not clear.

   Of course, Su Mo doesn't need to figure it out for the time being, his main purpose now is to find a way to leave this ghost place.

   "How did you come out?" Su Mo asked.

   Although this door is in the shape of an iron door, it does not have any locks. It is obviously in a sealed state. The monster closed inside does not have the power of Su Mo, and can open the iron door with a kick.

   And even if it had, the iron gate would have been broken long ago, but the iron gate in front of me was intact.

   "..." The monster girl stepped back two steps without speaking.

   "Huh?" Su Mo looked at the monster girl.

   "Key...key." The monster girl reluctantly took out a strange-looking key from her clothes.

   This key is silvery white, it looks a bit like the blade of a utility knife, but it does not have such a sharp blade and tip.

   "Give it to me." Su Mo stretched out his hand.

   The strange smell girl stepped back, her body gradually exuding a dangerous and resentful aura: "Even if it's a big brother, this can't be given."

As soon as   's voice fell, its body suddenly misplaced and turned into countless pieces without blood. Those pieces turned into a cloud of black gas and disappeared before falling on the ground, and a small amount of off-white powder was scattered on the ground.

   Su Mo retracted the thin thread that had been turned into a black mist, and walked a few steps forward to pick up the key.

   The moment I picked up the key, a beam of light suddenly appeared on the key!

   The light beam spread out, forming a scanning light curtain like a common sci-fi movie. It scanned Su Mo's body left and right, then up and down, and then left and right, and up and down.

   After scanning back and forth several times, this beam of light was retracted.

   "What happened?" Lin Yun asked.

"How do I know." Su Mo said: "I thought something would happen, but after scanning so many times, there was no response at all." Flicking his fingers, let the weird-looking key between his fingers. Keep jumping.

   "Or try it with you." Su Mo put the key in his palm and stretched it out to Lin Yun.

   "Me?" Lin Yun stretched out her hand, wiped twice on her clothes, and carefully squeezed the key with her two fingers.

   It's not that she disliked Su Mo's touching the monster's hand, but that her own hand was stained with her own blood and...that know.

The moment the key was held in his hand, a beam of light swept back and forth across Lin Yun's body. After a while, the key made a sound of "dididi", which turned into one among Lin Yunling's surprised eyes. The silver-white metal bracelet was put on her wrist.

   Su Mo quietly looked at the bracelet in Lin Yun's hand, without speaking.

   "Hmm--" Lin Yun was about to say something, suddenly groaned, and instinctively held her wrist.

after awhile.

   "I was stabbed." Lin Yun explained.

   "Recognize the master mode?" Su Mo said.

   "I don't know." Lin Yun shook her head, stretched out her hand and rubbed the silver bracelet, a light beam appeared from it, forming something similar to a control panel.

   "What do you mean?" Su Mo asked.

  Although there are words on it, it is obvious that Su Mo has never seen it before and cannot recognize it. On the contrary, the words of these monsters sounded like they came from their mouths, but in fact they acted directly in people's minds, conveying meaning directly, without any language problems, and very convenient.

"it hurts."

   As soon as Su Mo's voice fell, Lin Yun let out another exclaim, which should have been stabbed again.

   This time, the pain was obviously stronger than the last time, and the time was longer than the last time. It took several minutes for Lin Yun to pant and relax. The light screen condensed on the bracelet and suspended in the air also changed a little.

   The series of incomprehensible texts above became familiar to Su Mo.

   "This thing seems to be a pass for this place." Lin Yun said, looking at the picture like a certificate in mid-air, "Now it should belong to me."

   "What materials are there and what are recorded, can you call it up and have a look?" Su Mo asked.

   "I will try." Lin Yun stretched out her hand and rubbed it twice on the bracelet. The picture changed, forming a picture and text, like a slide.

   A few minutes later, Lin Yun let out a long breath, her voice trembling a little: "How could it be in such a place?"

   The place where they are now is a shelter, a shelter built by humans. But it should not be the human beings on the earth-at least as far as the current earth is concerned, technology has not yet reached such a level.

   Although the information just now was a bit incomplete and some of the pictures were blurred and obviously damaged, Su Mo and Lin Yun still got a lot of useful information.

   This shelter was built by humans. Of course, it is not humans that are used to imprison them, but all kinds of monsters like rip girls and monster girls looking for brothers. The purpose is naturally to prevent these monsters from appearing to harm humans.

Judging from the data stored in the bracelet, there are currently a total of 12,785 monsters in the shelter, and apart from the confirmed monsters in the shelter, the bracelet also shows that there are still some monsters still missing. Caught in the shelter, exists outside.

The bracelet in Lin Yun's hand is the “entry certificate” of the staff of the shelter, and has the ability to open some rooms. As for why it is only part of the room, this bracelet itself is not highly authorized, and belongs to the middle and lower-level staff's bracelets. .

   This is the most basic information.

   "Are we in another world?" Lin Yun asked.

   "I don't know." Su Mo shook his head and frowned slightly: "It doesn't seem to be the same. How do I feel that the place mentioned above seems to be the earth."

Some of the places shown in the data screen just now have no difference in style and appearance from the environment on the earth. They may be ancient environments that can give birth to humans or races similar to humans, but the world environment is similar, but he is not sure if it is the earth he is on. .

   "I think so too." Lin Yun nodded and agreed.

   "Forget it, this is not important, now the most important thing is to leave this place first... By the way, can you open this door now?" Su Mo asked Lin Yun.

   "Yes." Lin Yun approached and stretched out her hand to the iron gate beside it. The iron gate sank directly under the eyes of the two people, and disappeared into the ground. And there is no trace on the ground.

   "Black technology." Su Mo said, walking in.

   The room in the room is no different from the room where Su Mo saw the slit girl. The same black hole is empty, and there are also a few corpses with excavated chests, and a few toy dolls scattered around.

  Black blood leaked from the puppet, with a strange breath, Su Mo approached, checked the corpses, and said to Lin Yunling who was standing at the door: "It's not those people."

   Although these are also wearing military uniforms, they are not the soldiers who came in with Su Mo. They should be some other soldiers in the small village. Putting these corpses in the corner of the room, Su Mo turned and walked out of the room.

   "This is..." Lin Yun hesitated to say something.

   "I guess they should have been sent directly to this room, and then someone may have got the bracelet in your hand and accidentally let the monster out." Su Mo said his guess.

   Obviously, it is impossible for this bracelet to be used by monsters. The only explanation is that there was a bracelet in the room, but it was picked up by those people. Later, it was killed by the monster, and the bracelet was restored to the state of no owner, and it was taken by the monster.

   probably instinctively felt that something was more important, and finally Su Mo got it.

   "Let's go, there may be other people, I hope they won't be so unlucky, they will be directly passed into the room." Su Mo and the others should be a group of people with good luck, at least not being passed into the room of the asylum.


   Lin Yun nodded, and reached out and nodded twice on the bracelet.

   The iron gate that had disappeared began to rise slowly. The speed was as slow as an old lady with a cane walking leisurely. When it started to fall, the speed didn't have to be much faster. But because it was a decline, Lin Yun didn't feel slow, and now she had to reclose this dangerous space. The slow speed was staggering.

   "It's so slow, no wonder the monster will run out." Lin Yun muttered.

"It shouldn't have been so slow." Su Mo said, "This shelter has mostly been abandoned for a long time. In addition to the original builders, there should be a second batch of technologically underdeveloped...people entering Go inside." Su Mo pointed to the flickering light bulbs on the top of his head.

   This thing is not on the same level as the technology displayed by the bracelet.

   "That's true too." Lin Yun nodded.

  Of course, this asylum is not that simple, but her bracelet has insufficient authority, so there are so many materials, and a lot of it is damaged. Some important things may never be known by them.

   "Is there a map?" Su Mo asked.

"No." Lin Yun shook her head: "This is also slightly more advanced than the pass." If it is really something very important, even if the shelter is finally abandoned, it will not appear in the room where the monster is held. , Or just throw it on the aisle.

   "It seems that I still have to continue walking until it gets dark."

   The two did not return the same way, and they walked directly in the original direction. As for the cameraman and Shima Xiu, of course Su Mo didn't bother to bother about it. Lin Yun didn't say much either. She would not sneer at the behavior of the two dead daoists but not the poor daoists. It was nothing more than a choice made by an ordinary person in the face of life threats.

   Of course, she doesn't think this is something worth telling. In that case, let this matter pass.

   And Lin Yun felt that Su Mo was far more indifferent than Dao Xiu and others, and such people would definitely not turn back to look for them.

   The two moved forward for fifteen minutes, saw the captain and their bodies, and moved on after setting them up. After another half an hour or so, an iron gate appeared in the wall next to it, with a number on it, probably because of the proximity of the bracelet.

   "We?" Lin Yun paused.

   "What monster is imprisoned here?" Su Mo asked.

   "I don't know." After clicking on the bracelet several times, the image condensed in mid-air continued to change. Lin Yun said: "It seems that the data will only appear until the monster itself is scanned..."

   "Probably the monster's data doesn't exist in the bracelet." Su Mo secretly said in his heart.

   "Forget it." Looking at the number on the door, Su Mo said, "Go out first." Facing the unknown, Su Mo was not conceited enough to overcome everything.

   "Good." Lin Yun nodded.

   The two began to move forward again. This time, after walking for almost five hours, Lin Yun stopped when she was exhausted. As for the room that they passed by on the way, they were temporarily ignored.

   But Su Mo also noticed that not all the rooms are displayed. Although the numbers are getting smaller overall, there are also a lot of confusions, and occasionally the front numbers are mixed in the middle.

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