The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 136 Ch135 Time flies

Chapter 136 Ch.135 Time flies

The wilderness is full of spring green.

Blue and mist embrace the man, leaving shadows that intersect with the sunlight.

He was wearing a top hat, with a cane under one arm, and stretched out his other hand to build a pergola over his brow.

The scattered ancient oriental buildings are like nuts buried in green soft cakes, with occasional smoke curling up.

Some of the mossy stones were carved into the shape of frogs.

A wisp of dirt road winds into the distance.

The man took off his deerskin gloves and grasped them several times in mid-air.

‘This dream… is too powerful to suppress the mystery. ’

he murmured.

But that "coordinate", he bought it from a second-ring ritualist at a huge price - a humanoid white paper, said to be sandwiched in a book.

A new dream.

The stronger the suppression of "mystery" in a dream, it means that there is something more valuable hidden here.

Such as secret transmission.

Or, xenomorph.

"Let me see what I can get..."

He raised his head and looked at the direction of the sun, suddenly feeling confused.


Where is the position of the sun?

A shadow fell over the wilderness.

The sunlight was slanted and half obscured by clouds.

"Time out of, not sure yet."

He admired the scenery flawlessly, quickened his pace, and crossed the wilderness before sunset.

Crossing the stone path that may have once been a river is now dry.

The first stone platform is right in front of you.

Still covered with slippery moss.

He smelled the fragrance.


he said to himself.

"The possibility of alien species appearing has increased."

The man kept thinking while thinking.

After climbing up the stairs, it turned out to be a 'strange' city - but he was not surprised.

For dream explorers, they have seen too many wonders.

He has seen the upside-down world, the forest where time lasts, and the island inhabited by ghouls.

This place was nothing to him.

Even speaking from his rich experience, as long as there are intelligent creatures in this dream, as long as they can communicate, then he can easily survive.

Because even though the mystery was suppressed, his brain was still spinning rapidly.

This is what makes humans superior to the rest of living things.

"Maybe it's time for me to get lucky."

He leaned on a cane and walked on a road made of moss-covered stones.

The place was full of odd-style ‘shops’—some of which he knew, from a distant or recent era. Some of them he didn't recognize, so he cautiously stayed away from them.

"The dreamland of the East..."

The aroma of sizzling barbecue.

The man swallowed subconsciously, but he bent his feet and used a very wide arc to bypass this store that had no waiters but displayed steaming steaks.

Explorer Code:

Don't touch the food, drinking water, and anything you can't guarantee is safe in the dream.

Who knows if eating this stuff will turn you into a frog?

"The sky..."

He forgot how long he had been wandering around the market.

The sun is going to disappear.

As the sky gradually darkened, the entire long street became brighter.

A bright red lantern was lit, and the lights were brilliant.

Some black, upright walking shadows appeared on the streets and in the shops. They turned a blind eye to the man and passed through him, swarming in droves.

"The world at night is different from the world during the day."

The man narrowed his eyes and followed carefully.

At the end of the long street.

A huge wooden arch bridge.

It is also the destination for many dark figures.

"Perhaps the location of certain events."

He did not venture onto the bridge, but stopped for a moment behind the thatched house wall on the side of the bridge pillar: observing these 'visitors' and their destination——

The red walls have green tiles, and purple sandman hangs down.

Through a window, the ancient building located in the dark is brightly lit.

Huge, illegible characters are stamped on the entrance doorplate.

This is like a glorious palace at night.

"It seems that my luck lies in it."

With the experience of an explorer, he still did not choose to step onto the bridge with those shadows - he would leave an "anchor" here to facilitate subsequent entry.

This is a long-term and extremely cautious exploration.

‘You can try catching a ‘shadow’ first. ’

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a gaze from behind him like fire.

The man turned around warily.

Not far from the weeds.



He has semi-long hair, shorts and shorts, and has sharp eyes.

"Hello, little sir." The man quickly smiled and bowed slightly: "I am a traveler who entered this place by mistake. May I ask——"

"You shouldn't be here, living person."

A crisp voice interrupted him.


"I said." The boy's face had a maturity that didn't match his appearance, "You shouldn't be here."

"The living."

The living…

This sentence made the man react immediately.

here it is…

The land of the dead?

"The land of the dead..."

Of course he had been to similar dreams.

Not uncommon.

"So, please tell me, how should I leave?"

The man thought for a moment.

The first goal is to ensure that there is no conflict with these monsters. Afterwards, consider how to catch one for torture...

"Trust me, I mean no harm."

His words received no response.

The boy just looked at him with a complicated expression.

For a long while.

"It's too late."

He whispered, with a guilty look on his face.

"What?" The man leaned forward and listened, "You said--"

He caught a glimpse of his hand from the corner of his eye.

That palm had become somewhat transparent.




The sound of the ancient bell echoed in his ears.

Some women's humming intertwined with the bell.

The long tune was strange and strange, and it floated softly into his ears.

This made him stunned for a moment, ignoring the gradually fading body, and concentrating on listening to these calls that might come from another world.

'Wait. '

He raised his palm to the child beside him.

This voice...

seemed to tell him something.

He listened attentively, and he fell into concentration.

The whole world seemed to be left with only the sound of the bell and the woman's chanting.

'The gods are bitter...'

'Time waits for no one. '

They sang.

‘A wild dog with no distractions…’

‘Bloody flesh gushing out.’

‘Soul rotten.’

Sing and sing.

They are like the endless cycle of the four seasons, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched. Sometimes they are as sensitive and charming as women, and sometimes they are as rough and fierce as men.

The ballad is so elegant and exquisite, and the composer must not be a mediocre person who follows the rules.

He is an absolute artist.

‘Time waits for no one…’

They sing.

This also tempts, or invites other creatures, inviting them to join in the chanting.

‘Time waits for no one…’

The man’s eyes are out of focus, and he hums softly.

His body is almost completely integrated into the night, like an indistinguishable ghost, as if it is so weak that it can be blown away by a gust of wind.

‘Time flies…’

‘Time waits for no one…’

The night is as dark as water, and behind him, the lights are brilliant.

A toad wearing a tall hat jumped behind the boy at some point.

"Mr. Bai."


"The children are a little worried. It is said that a human has sneaked in."

The boy called 'Bai' shook his head, and before turning around, he hid the guilt and sadness on his face.

He looked at the toad that was not even as high as his waist with a blank expression.

"It has been solved."

He said.

A circle of invisible ripples spread out, leaving no trace behind him.

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