The Secret Code of Monsters

Chapter 473 Ch472 Crazy Heart and Strange Bug

Chapter 473 Ch.472 Crazy Heart and Strange Insects

"How could I be rescued by you?"

Xander held him calmly, letting the blade-like storm pass over the body and wreak havoc in her flesh through the dagger.

"I never thought that Ms. Eve's universal ritual would come in handy one day..."

The room began to decay under her gaze.

The expressionless 'Xander Kratof' were revealed on the ruins - they were crawled all over by those wriggling black insects, long, thick, or as thin as curly hair.

Plush and dense.

Regardless of form, they are as smooth and dark as gemstones.

They all looked at the woman in the center, as if they were soulless dolls.

"You're almost losing."

They said stiffly.

"It's just 'soon'." Xander wiped his hands on his skirt, found a chair, raised his chin, and said with an innocent look on his face: "He will definitely come to save me."

The 'Xanders' stared at her.

They all took a step forward.

"You belong to us," they said. "We can feel that you are a natural..."

Xander blinked: "Bad seed?"

The girl shook her legs, and two thin gray stockings shone in the dark.

"I have no interest in hanging around bugs. Although I don't know what you are...Sorry, I hate bugs."

The 'Xanders' didn't understand. They followed the body's own habits and tilted their heads uniformly: "Worms are just external manifestations, humans. If you want, we can also be cakes."

"Unfortunately, I also hate cake."

The ‘Xanders’ were silent.

They don't understand what this woman who killed several women who fell into danger to save herself is thinking about. They have extraordinary abilities and are even natural enemies of all things, but they can't figure out the thoughts of these creatures.

They are always strange, cowardly, irritable, and greedy.

But at critical moments, he can step forward.

A creature of contradictions.

"We control this dream."

'The Xanders' said.

"We can read shallow memories."

they said.

"Few creatures can break free."

They whisper.

"Hand over your body and the world will wake up when you wake up. We will give you power comparable to the gods."

Cinderella laughed crisply: "You also said it was 'almost'."

Xander Kratof.

Immediately after falling asleep, this female human showed qualities that were far beyond ordinary people: she noticed the problem almost in the next second, and was vigilant not to eat or drink anything suspicious——

She was allowed to leave.

If she sensed danger, she should have left early.

But she didn't.

She just waited quietly for the dreams to save her one after another, and then.

Look at them.

Indulging in dreams one after another, being parasitized by them.

As a maid, as a mother, as a murderer or a business partner, she observes the lives of these people in various capacities.

A life imagined in dreams.

They draw joy from it.

So does she.

at last.

In a happy ending.

Kill them with your own hands.

Use the 'ritual' that the worms hate - a universal ritual from Eve:

Breath of the Storm.

Any ritualist who pays enough money can use the ritual: a sharp weapon prepared in advance, and a spirit that will withstand the ravages of the strong wind.

-The ritual destroys the bugs in their pores.

The crushable insects also melted the spirits of these parasitized people in their dreams.

Death is not departure.

They will never wake up.

"I do not understand."

The ‘Xanders’ didn’t seem to have much hostility towards Xander, as if they were like studious students, asking the same questions with the same expression.

These voices are stacked together, accompanied by the stiff face and the corrupt world around them, making people shudder.

"They are acquainted with you. Those two women call you...sir."

'The Xanders' said.

The girl yawned: "I don't want to be rescued by these people." She said, "I want to wait for my savior."

The ‘Xanders’ were even more confused.

"He will save me every time, and every time he will make me fall in love with him again..." The gray-haired girl smiled foolishly, not caring about the gray cracks that gradually spread on her skin - that was evidence that her spirit could not withstand the torture of the ritual.

As a universal ritual, Breath of Storm has not been widely used and spread, so it certainly has its reasons.

This ritual is very dangerous.

It wants too much.

"He will come to save me, and only he can save me."

The ‘Xanders’ were puzzled: “You can leave… right now.”

"How about that?" Xander frowned: "This is a good opportunity."


"An opportunity to deepen the relationship between us." Xander stood up, spread his arms, tapped his toes, and turned a few times.

The torn hem of her skirt blended easily into the withered and decayed world around her.

"He saved the vulnerable girl like a hero——"

Xander's smile was a little distorted, and his voice was like a tree marked by the cold winter. Although it was vigorous, it knew the fate of withering.


"Look. The ritualists who came one after another tried to save me, but they all failed...Only him! My savior, the fire of my soul came from the darkness to drive away the cold for me...It's so wonderful..."

The ‘Xanders’ all tilted their heads to the other side: “Isn’t the reason why they failed just because of you?”

The girl whose skin was ragged and incomparable with her surroundings paused, then raised a finger to her lips:

"Shhh... sooner or later he will want to save the relics of his loved ones, so keep me well..."

She is kind and genuine.

Talk to them like you're looking in a mirror.

"We will survive every danger together..."

The ‘Xanders’ were silent.

It's not like they haven't seen such people before.

On the contrary, among countless moments, there are always those that are particularly crazy and outstanding.

And each one of them will cause huge trouble - for them, yes.

Humans with such characteristics mean obstacles and troubles.

They are unwilling to let go of such a precious opportunity and waste it on this outstanding but useless human being.

She knew them and had no use for them.

"You can leave."

"Oh, as he said—'I don't, sir, ma'am, wheels and screws."

Xander's smile finally showed malice:

"Of course I don't, little buggers."

she said.

Library lady.

Books for kids.

Former saint candidate.

This girl who was born in hell and is as noble as a king, possesses great skills, and the knowledge she studies tirelessly day and night, helps her find the key to repel the enemy in every danger.

for example.

What are these bugs.

as well as.

What are they afraid of?

She couldn't believe that such a thing would appear in a dream, but since she encountered it...

"You see, you kill two birds with one stone."

Xander is obviously very satisfied with what he did.

The face that makes people love and love no matter how long they look at it, although it is now full of cracks, still chatters its happiness to all directions.

She hid her excitement in the gaps, endured it, and accumulated it.

When the man felt comfortable, he lay down on his chest and whispered softly:

'You have the plague. ’

Then she watched him jump up from the rough sheets in shock, yelling at the gods for blessing, and beating her to make her take back the curse.

At that time, she would shake his hand sincerely and tell him:

'You really have the plague, really. ’

She just waited for the man to ask, and asked her in surprise why she said that and when.

She was willing to answer and pointed at herself.

'Just now, sir. ’

And let out a sharp and scary laugh like a demon bird.

This is her happiness.

I watched the man scratch himself like crazy, rub the thing to bleed, drink milk to himself, and then vomit and have diarrhea. In the end, he still had a fever, vomited blood and phlegm, and was covered in ulcers, wailing.

Only then did she lower her head and cry, saying, Sir, I am not sick, but the brush you use to brush yourself, the brush in the corner of my room, is not mine.

Interesting world.


Xander held back his scattered gray hair, and his azure eyes were like two pure and flawless gems - gems in the monster's stomach, glued together by malice.

"You got into their bodies and asked them to use the rules to 'fall' and wake up in the waking world..."

"You little things want to cause chaos in the waking world, don't you?"

"You are interested in human beings. You are parasitic on human flesh and soul, and you whisper in the gaps of their souls..."

"You think so, don't you?"

The ‘Xanders’ nodded honestly.

"This dream is going to be destroyed. Human, we need you, or other visitors. Don't use that ritual, let us leave smoothly before destruction - we will give you what you want..."

The girl was silent for a moment: "Do you really want to leave?"

They all said yes.

Xander grinned and his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets.

She smiled so hard that every fiber of her skin became uncomfortable, as if several invisible hands were pulling her face from all directions.

"How about that?"

When she saw those who were silent and choked, a burst of joy came to her heart.

"How can that be done?"

She waited happily for her Savior to bring disillusionment, love, and the physical pain of longing for her day and night.

"Your friends will not come." The 'Xanders' said firmly, and continued to threaten and lure the only human beings in this dreamland who still had a chance to leave: "Your spirit will soon be unable to withstand the power of the ritual. Now...if you can-"

"He will come." The girl clasped the back of her hand, where the cracks secreted the discolored substance: "He can't bear to leave people like me."

"He'll be like the first five..."

"Maybe?" Xander tilted his head: "Then, we will be torn apart together with this dream..."

she said with a smile.

"I want to die with him..." The voice sounded more yearning: "I have never seen a dream completely collapse. Do we have time to do more things?"

Faced with such 'outstanding' human beings, the 'Xanders' finally understood that all words were useless...

Xander tore off the fallen skin on his arm and frowned slightly.

This self-inflicted pain could no longer bring her any more divine tremors.

Come quickly.

I killed a lot of people who got in the way.


Come quickly.

Only you are qualified to save me...

Or die with me.


I’m waiting for you.

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