The secret war is silent

Chapter 521 Catch together

As for Luo Yao's arrival, Hou Dajiang, the deputy director of the factory, obviously got the news first, but he didn't know when Luo Yao would arrive.

Probably within a day or two.

Luo Yao actually traveled day and night along the way, so he had an extra night and arrived at Zunyi in advance.

At normal speed, he should arrive in Zunyi at noon or afternoon today.

Hou Dajiang thought he had enough time to arrange all this.

Luo Yaolai's identity in Zunyi is the inspector general of the Southwest Transportation Division of the Military Command Headquarters. He came here specifically to investigate cases of misappropriation of public funds and corruption and fraud committed by Yu Jie, the director of the refinery. He has the power of life and death.

"Quick, quick, hang up that welcome banner..."

"Deputy Factory Director Hou, what are you doing? I'm here to investigate the case. I don't know but you thought I was here for inspection. Take the banner away quickly!" Luo Yao almost ran away when he saw the banner. I originally wanted to keep a low profile.

The deputy director named Hou was deliberately trying to embarrass him!

Hou Dajiang was confused. Don't all the people above like this tune? Why doesn't the inspector like it?

Commissioner Luo looks young, could it be that he is thin-skinned, has never seen such a situation, and can't bear it?

This is not impossible. Young people still have some so-called political ideals and ambitions. In his opinion, they are all hypocritical. How can money and beauty be real in this world?

"Commissioner Luo, you don't know, we, Deputy Factory Director Hou, are so happy to know that you are coming. Now that you are here, someone will make the decision for us..." A young man, who looked a bit heavily made up, The woman actually lowered her head and sobbed in front of Luo Yao, and burst into tears.

Luo Yao is also in shock. He has seen a lot of people in his life. Is this the first time he has seen such a person and cried so directly in front of his face?

You cry so fake!

Who is this acting for?

"Okay, Deputy Director Hou, where are you, Director Yu Jie, why haven't I seen anyone since I've been here for so long?" Luo Yao snorted coldly, and the woman was so frightened that she immediately stopped crying.

"Maybe Factory Director Yu hasn't come to work yet. Should I send someone to his office to have a look?" Hou Dajiang smiled coquettishly.

"Really, what time is it now, and your factory manager Yu hasn't come to work yet. Isn't this dereliction of duty?"

"What you said is true, otherwise, we wouldn't be so expecting you to uphold justice for us!" Hou Dajiang followed the stick like a snake, with a shameless look, and completely wrote all the despicableness of human nature on his face. That face.

For such a person to be able to reach the position of deputy factory director, it is probably not based on any real ability. This level of flattery is only at the initial stage.

"Okay, I'm here this time just for your real-name report materials. I think you know the contents well." Luo Yao glanced at Hou Dajiang and said, "But, we still have to handle the case. If you want to pay attention to evidence, you can’t just listen to your words. Do you understand what I mean?”

"Yes, Commissioner Luo is right." Hou Dajiang quickly nodded and bowed with a smile.

"Take me to see your factory director Yu."


Yu Jie was in the office, already prepared. Today was probably the most difficult day in his life, but he had to endure it.

He knew very well that he could not embarrass Luo Yao.

Yu Jie was locked up. The refinery had a security department, so naturally there was a solitary room for confinement. After Yu Jie was suspended from his position as factory director.

Another deputy director was temporarily acting as the director, and this deputy director was not Hou Dajiang.

Hou Dajiang is a real-name whistleblower. Even if he has merit in reporting Yu Jie, there must be no fabricated facts in the materials he reports?

Even if it's all true, it's impossible for him to take over immediately now, and it's impossible for Luo Yao to let him have this opportunity.

Only then did Hou Dajiang understand what the young Commissioner Luo meant by "handling things impartially".

That's true.

Check the accounts!

This is easy to check. The Juntong Plant Oil Refinery that Yu Jie transferred to Zunyi has only been around for three months. The incoming and outgoing accounts of the factory for three months are easy to check.

It's not that Luo Yao couldn't check the previous accounts, but he didn't have that much time, so he only needed to check those for the past three months.

The accountant was brought in by Yu Jie.

This is why Yu Jie was able to embezzle public funds to do business. The person in charge of the money was not one of his own, how could he do this?

"Accountant Liu, do you know who I am?"

"Director Yu mentioned to me..." Accountant Liu said cautiously. He was still a little scared, even though Yu Jie had already told him in advance that he didn't have to be afraid. Just say whatever you want and there won't be much trouble. This time the boss is Coming for him.

"How many times in total?"

"A total of five times before and after."

"When was the last time and how much did it cost?"

"On December 13, 65,000 yuan in legal currency was spent, but it was returned to the account ten days later. It did not affect the factory's purchase of raw materials and production." Accountant Liu explained.

"How much profit did you make, how much did you take, how many people took money from this?" Luo Yao asked.

"Well, I don't know. I'm just a money manager. Every time something is over, Director Yu sends me a red envelope, worth two hundred yuan at a time."

"I know, you go down first. Don't run around these two days. Be there when you are called. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Don't do stupid things, otherwise no one can save you." Luo Yao waved his hand, "Call down." One person comes in."

"Do you know why I asked you to come here to talk?" Luo Yao asked the person who came in without raising his eyes.

"have no idea."

"Did you take these photos?" Luo Yao threw over a few photos. They showed Yu Jie meeting with several businessmen to discuss cooperation.

"Yes, I took the photo, Commissioner Luo."

"Where are the negatives?"


"You took photos, so there are no negatives. Do you want me to send someone to your house to search?" Luo Yao's words were cold.

"No, the film is not in my hands, but in the hands of Deputy Director Hou." The visitor was sweating profusely and did not dare to look directly at the film, as he explained.

"So, Deputy Director Hou asked you to take these photos?"

"No, I accidentally discovered, photographed, photographed..." The visitor stammered, his nervous hands having nowhere to rest.

"Okay, sign and stamp, you can go out and call the next one in."

"Thank you, Commissioner Luo."

"What's your relationship with Deputy Factory Director Hou Dajianghou?" The one who came in was the eldest sister who initially cried when she was acting in front of Luo Yao. At this moment, the word "guilty" was clearly written on her face.

This unconventional "Commissioner Luo" didn't seem to be an easy person to deal with. He was called over for questioning one by one, and when they came out, they all looked bad. How could she not feel uneasy?

"I'm just a quality inspector in the factory, and Deputy Factory Director Hou is my immediate boss." The woman said with a delicate look.

"Really? Do you like to report work in bed with your immediate boss?"

"Commissioner Luo, what do you mean? You can't taint someone's innocence for no reason!" When the woman heard this, her face instantly turned pale, but she still refuted it.

Luo Yao sneered: "Why, do you dare to do it but not say it?"

"Commissioner Luo, you are so shameless in casually slandering a woman's innocence." The woman still denied it stubbornly, "Do you have any evidence for what you say?"

"You want evidence?" Luo Yao chuckled, "Director Mou from the security department of your factory has always been interested in you, right?"

"Commissioner Luo, what do you mean? There is a man who likes me. Is it my fault?"

"It's true that a man likes you, but Director Mou is very interested in your whereabouts, so he has followed you more than once..."

The woman's face finally fell.

"Do you want me to call someone over to confront you?" Luo Yao snorted and asked.

"No, I admit that I do have that kind of relationship with Deputy Factory Director Hou, but so what? What's the big deal about such trivial things between men and women?"

"Shameless, you can say such things!" Luo Yao cursed, "Deputy Factory Director Hou's monthly salary is only so much, but he can actually go to a place like Liuxiang Tower for entertainment, and he can also give you money every month It’s a big expense, can you tell me about it?”

"I have no idea."

"Xue Meili, please think carefully. Although Hou Dajiang has merit in reporting Director Yu, his own ass is not clean. The superiors sent me here not only to investigate Director Yu, but also the refinery has bigger problems. , the raw materials and output are seriously inconsistent, and where did the missing part go? I believe you, the quality inspector, know better than me, right?" Luo Yao asked calmly.

Xue Meili was stunned. She never expected that Commissioner Luo was here to check on Yu Jie. Why did he check on her?

Hou Dajiang vowed that Yu Jie was finished this time, and he would have the final say in the refinery from now on, and he had already taken care of the top.

As soon as Yu Jie falls, he will be the director of the factory. Now it seems that it is not the same thing at all?

Although Luo Yao was forced to investigate Yu Jie this time, he also knew that the person who reported him was dirty.

Since you are not clean, you will be blamed for his fair and just revenge.

"You don't have to say it. When the time comes, you can take a look. Will Hou Dajiang put all the blame on you guys?" Luo Yao smiled slightly and said, "Next."

"No, Commissioner Luo, I said, I said..." Xue Meili was frightened. She knew who Hou Dajiang was.

When this was really investigated, Hou Dajiang pinned the blame on a few of them, and they really couldn't explain it clearly.

The problem is simple. They are the ones doing everything, but Hou Dajiang is directing in secret and never comes forward.

Moreover, Hou Dajiang took the bulk of the crime. In this way, if Hou Dajiang really wanted to pick him out and blame them all, they would really have no way to defend themselves.

Even if they testify against Hou Dajiang together, but Hou Dajiang has the merit of reporting Yu Jie, whose words will the superiors believe?

When the time comes, they will definitely become scapegoats in a daze.

The next performance was quite jaw-dropping. Luo Yao actually called Hou Dajiang in, and then discussed with him how to pin the crime of stealing refinery products on "Yu Jie", and induced Hou Dajiang to kill Xue Meili and other subordinates. Betrayed.

Hou Dajiang has become the director of the factory, and if he secretly sells the products of his own factory, once the superiors investigate, the secret will definitely be exposed, so he has to stop.

But what should people like Xue Meili do? They know the secret of his past, so how can they solve it once and for all?

It is naturally the easiest thing to label them as the "Yu Jie" gang. When the time comes, they will be imprisoned in the military commander's prison, where they will not be able to survive or die.

When Hou Dajiang was happily preparing to have his sweet dream of being a "factory director", as soon as he turned around, the people under him sold him out immediately.

The reporter and the person being reported were arrested at the same time and thrown into jail!

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