The secret war is silent

Chapter 550 There are so many things going on

It’s the end of the year and I’m even busier.

"The latest news is that Fu Shenglan, the commander of the Qingdao Station of our Military Command, became a traitor and surrendered to the Japanese and puppets." Early in the morning, Gong Hui gave him bad news.

After Wang Tianmu was captured and surrendered, the military command agencies and underground intelligence groups in North China were almost wiped out by the Japanese and puppets.

Dai Yunong, who had suffered great losses, cursed the betrayed man at several meetings as shameless, without faith, and a sinner of the nation.

"Where's our classmate?"

"You mean Ding Meizhen, right?" Gong Hui said.

"Well, I don't know. There is no news about her. She probably fell into the water." Gong Hui said. Fu Shenglan came to the temporary training class and gave them lessons. Ding Meizhen is from Shandong and he was about to go to Qingdao at that time, so When he wanted to choose a working wife among the female students, Ding Meizhen fell in love with him and took her away directly.

The military commander selects wives for high-ranking officers in occupied areas, firstly to cover their work, and secondly, because they are afraid that these senior officers will not be able to control their own crotch and cause trouble when they go out.

Dai Yunong knew very well what kind of people these people were, but he had to use them because there was no one available.

We didn't dare to do such ridiculous things on a large scale and could only do it secretly. Many good-looking female students were selected and then no more news was heard from them.

I don't dare to choose those who are too beautiful, and I don't let them choose, because if they are too beautiful, they are more likely to cause trouble, so they are generally of average appearance.

Otherwise, beautiful people like Gong Hui in the temporary training class would have been taken away by these lustful people.

Whether Dai Yunong has other thoughts is unknown to outsiders. Anyway, he has reasons to do so.

"It's a pity. I remember that Ding Meizhen's professional courses were pretty good in your team and ranked among the best." Luo Yao recalled.

"Yes, it's too dangerous to work in occupied areas. The Qingdao station was almost wiped out. Mr. Dai must have a headache." Gong Hui sighed.

"What happened to Wen Zishan's Daya Study case?" Luo Yao asked.

"I haven't heard him say it. It should be still under investigation. After we have repeatedly attacked this mountain city spy, there should not be many left. They are acting more cautiously. Judging from their contact with Takahashi Ryoko this time, Judging from the techniques, it's not that easy to catch them," Gong Hui explained.

"Well, our opponents are also improving. They are hiding deeper and are harder to find. Therefore, we must also change, use our brains and think more, so that we can find out the enemies hidden around us." Luo Yaodao.

"Yes, I understand, I will supervise."

Dong Dong...


"Director Luo, is Station Chief Gong here too?" Chi An came in with a stack of documents. He saw Gong Hui sitting across from Luo Yao's desk and greeted her hurriedly.

"Brother Yao, Director Chi, you guys talk, I'm going out first." Gong Hui stood up quickly and handed the chair to Chi An.

"Lao Chi, sit down quickly."

"Director Luo, Yang Si and I discussed it and came over to report an idea to you." Chi An sat down and said.

"Lao Chi, if you have any ideas, just say it directly, and we won't have anything to hide."

"Yang Sisi and I used long waves to intercept the Japanese Navy's secret communications..." Chi An handed a report to Luo Yao.

Long-wave communication is generally very stable and has strong penetrating power. It can penetrate tens of meters of water. Communication between the navy and the base is basically long-wave communication, as well as across seas and oceans.

There are no obstacles on the sea, and the attenuation of radio waves is minimal, so long-wave communication is the most advantageous.

The navies of various countries around the world generally use long wave communication, and the Japanese Navy is no exception. Of course, the Japanese Navy does not all use long wave. They also use short wave. After all, short wave is more convenient and faster than long wave for communication between warships. many.

Long-wave communications are generally used by fleets to communicate with bases or domestic communications after they go to sea. The communication content here is more valuable, because the information here is basically at the strategic level.

The disadvantage is that the equipment is bulky.

Once deciphered, it means mastering the specific movements of a country's navy. If this is used in actual combat, it means that every move of the enemy is under one's control.

This is on the vast ocean. Once we have such an initiative, what will happen?

In addition to ciphering their own messages, the Japanese also use secret words. Sometimes the secret words are not necessarily easier to decipher than the secret code.

This is why "language experts" are needed to decipher secret codes. Communication security is a comprehensive subject, and technical means are only one aspect of it.

You also need to master the other party's secret words, passwords, etc., otherwise you will not be able to decipher a complete telegram.

"You need equipment, personnel, and funds. Make a list and I'll find a way." Of course Luo Yao understood what Lao Chi was thinking.

"Director Luo, I know it's too embarrassing for you to bring this up now. The Encryption Interpretation Room is about to be merged with several other institutions. If you purchase additional equipment now, you may be able to make wedding dresses for others, so..." Chi Ann felt very uncomfortable.

"The matter you mentioned should be done sooner rather than later. I am not so narrow-minded and regard the secret interpretation room as my own private property. As long as it can be beneficial to the fight against Japan, I don't have to worry about my personal interests." Luo Yao said.

"Thank you, Director Luo. Then I'll discuss it with Yang Si and the others, and I'll come back to you later."

"Okay, that's it."

It didn't take long after Lao Chi left.

The phone on the table rang suddenly. It was not a confidential line, but an outside call. Luo Yao picked it up and said, "Hello, Veterinary Station No. 84."

"Director, it's me, Qi Zhibin, reporting something to you..."

Luo Yao sneered after hearing this: "That's weird, it seems like I begged them to interview me. If it weren't for Mr. Dai's arrangement, I wouldn't have time to talk to them. Lao Qi, you are right. This kind of reporter We can't get used to it and use the little power we have in our hands to do whatever we want to be the 'uncrowned king'. Does their behavior have any sense of fairness and justice as a journalist?"

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter for you in principle and won't cause you any trouble." Qi Zhibin promised on the phone.

"Okay, please remember. We are a confidential unit. Unlike other party-state organizations, if the other party does not accept our conditions, the interview will be cancelled. There will also be travel expenses and so on. There will be no cents. The most we can provide is a working meal. ." Luo Yao said.

"Understood, then if they contact me again, I will reply to them accordingly." Qi Zhibin replied.

Fu Shenglan's rebellion brought a devastating blow to the Qingdao station of the military command, and the atmosphere in the bureau's headquarters seemed a bit depressing.

At this time, no one dared to touch Boss Dai’s brow.

Such a loss is already very painful for the military commander. You must know that Fu Shenglan is not an ordinary military commander.

That was a person that Boss Dai was very fond of. He had served as the secretary-general at the bureau headquarters. He was a senior intelligence agent.

Such people were eventually dragged into the trap by No. 76. The anger and hatred in Boss Dai's heart was so great.

It was shown that Zhao Gangyi of the Jinan Station of the Military Command, and later Fu Shenglan of the Qingdao Station. The latent force of the Military Command in Shandong was mainly based on these two stations, and they are now useless.

Qingdao is one of the important cities in the north and one of the important sources for military commanders to obtain intelligence about the Japanese army in North China.

How could he not be anxious when there was a vacuum in this place? Not to mention, because of this, the old man called him over and scolded him severely.

Several candidates were submitted below, but they were all rejected by him. In Qingdao's situation, in addition to needing someone to clean up the mess, this person also needs to have considerable integration capabilities and can quickly stabilize people's hearts and restore confidence.

"Boss Dai, Director Wei wants to see you." Dai Yunong frowned slightly, but still ordered, "Invite him in."

"Brother Yunong."

"Brother Wei, please sit down." Wei Daming is not one of those junior agents. If he wants to treat Wei Daming as a subordinate who can call him around at will, how can the military commander gather so many people?

"Brother Yunong, I know everything about Qingdao. The old man knows me. I didn't expect that he would betray the military commander and the party and the country. He deserves to die!" As soon as Wei Daming sat down, he scolded Fu Shenglan angrily.

"Brother Wei, let's not talk about this matter. Come see me. Do you have anything?" Dai Yunong waved his hand gently and dismissed the topic.

"Brother Yunong, there is actually a person who is suitable to go to Qingdao to clean up the mess, but I'm afraid you won't agree." Wei Daming did not give up, but continued.

Dai Yunong's eyes flickered. With his intelligence, how could he not understand what Wei Daming said?

"Brother Wei, since you think I won't agree, it's better not to say anything." Dai Yunong was a little unhappy.

Wei Daming's face instantly became embarrassed.

"Brother Yunong, I also hope that the work of the Qingdao station can be resumed as soon as possible. After all, it is one of our important intelligence stations in North China. If it cannot be restored within a short time, it will have a huge impact on our next work." Wei Daming said.

"Okay, I already have the candidates. You should do your job well and don't always focus on competing with Luo Youning!" Dai Yunong said seriously, "When have you ever seen him? I said your 'No' word?"

Wei Daming suddenly blushed. Indeed, he had never heard Luo Yao say anything bad about him in front of Dai Yunong.

"I know you want to prove your abilities, but You Ning was once your student and he also received your teachings. Don't you feel proud to have such a student?" Dai Yunong continued to question his soul.

Wei Daming's face turned red and a little dark. He had only taught Luo Yao so many things, and what he had taught him could be regarded as popular science at best.

Speaking of teachers, is he qualified to teach Luo Yao? He was skeptical.

"Brother Yunong, I'm the one who got caught."

"Well, I also hope that when the new organization is merged, the two of you can unite sincerely and make greater contributions to the party and the country." Dai Yunong said.

"Yes, Brother Yunong, I will definitely remember your teachings." Wei Daming looked stern and agreed against his will.

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