The secret war is silent

Chapter 581 The coordination meeting broke up unhappy

The fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, and the temperature in the room was not low, but Lin Weiwen felt a chill on his back.

The coordination meeting was quarreling until the end, and it was obvious that it could not continue, so the meeting could only be adjourned temporarily.

Lin Weiwen quickly gave the old man a report on the meeting. There were some things that he couldn't decide.

After hearing the report, the old man had an ugly expression. He decided to merge just to better coordinate manpower and material resources, decipher the secret communications of Japan and foreign hostile forces, and thus take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, before the merger, the four families started to quarrel among themselves, and the conflict reached such a great level.

This made him angry.

"Weiwen, what exactly is the conflict between you and the others?"

"Commissioner, after listening to their speeches, my subordinates did not feel that there was much conflict between them on personal grievances, but on ideological differences." Lin Weiwen said after thinking about it.


"Dr. Wen and Brother Zong Xiang tend to follow the mature setup of the Secret Inspection Institute and improve it to adapt to the changes in the new organization. They are more conservative and conservative, while Director Luo Youning tends to build a brand new organization, and everything is based on efficiency. The assessment standards seem to be too radical, and the two parties are still arguing and it is difficult to reach an agreement." Lin Weiwen explained.

"So what do you think, who is more reasonable?"

Lin Weiwen was silent for a while and then said: "Commissioner, although my subordinates also think that there is nothing wrong with seeking stability, but if there is no results after the establishment of the new organization, then what is the point of the merger?"

The old man nodded. Lin Weiwen had no interest in the new organization, and his views were more objective.

If you look at the problem outside the framework of new institutional interests, you can see the essence of the problem.

What is the purpose of merging the four major secret code deciphering agencies? Is it not to improve efficiency, concentrate manpower and material resources, decipher more Japanese military messages, and master more intelligence about the enemy?

In the past, it was too scattered and it was impossible to integrate resources. The Secret Inspection Office might have been okay in the past, but now, it has obviously been overtaken by the Secret Interpretation Room.

If there is a set that is more efficient, instead of using one set that is more efficient, use the set that is less efficient?

"Then you should support Luo Youning at the meeting?"

"Commissioner, in that situation, I can only advise everyone to calm down first and then discuss the problem. If my subordinates support someone clearly, I am afraid the result will be worse." Lin Weiwen explained.

The old man nodded. He could also understand Lin Weiwen's difficulties. Wen Yuqing was a doctor studying in the United States and had made a lot of contributions to the party and the country. Mao Zongxiang was the director of the Confidential Office of the Attendant and his relative.

It would be nice if he could not favor these two people and put pressure on Luo Yao. If he stood up to support them again, what would that mean?

The old man Wen Yuqing also knew that he was talented and a bit aloof, but the problem was that he was too sensitive and a bit petty.

Mao Zongxiang is a member of his own family, so it’s okay to say a few words.

"Weiwen, what do you think next?" the old man asked.

"Both parties don't want to give in now. Only by asking them to take a step back can we sit down and continue talking. On Luo Youning's side, it should be useful to ask Brother Yunong to persuade him, and on Dr. Wen's side, it can be Madam, please come forward..."

"Well, as for Yunong, you talk to him and listen to his opinion." The old man nodded, "As for Madam, I'll go and talk."

"Yes, commission."

"Hahaha, brother Luo, look at Wen Yuqing's appearance today, it's really fun!" Coming out of Shangqing Temple.

Wang Jinglu took Luo Yao's arm and laughed happily.

"Wang Tai and Dr. Wen also have a feud?"

"It's not a festival, I just can't stand his condescending look. He thinks that after drinking foreign ink for several years, he looks down on us Qiu Ba who are soldiers!" Wang Jinglu said.

Luo Yao nodded. Civilization and military affairs have always been in harmony with each other. This has always existed in China for thousands of years. Wen Yuqing is a doctor who studied in the United States and is an intellectual. Naturally, he looks down on military bosses like Wang Jinglu.

"I just had an argument with him and I'm already hungry. It's time for dinner. Let's go, Lao Wang invites you to dinner." Wang Jinglu said.

"Wangtai, it's rude to come and go without reciprocating. It was your treat last night, so I have to treat you to this meal today!"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, hahaha."

"Change into casual clothes. It's too ostentatious to go out to eat like this." Luo Yao said.

"Well, it's up to you." Wang Jinglu looked at his major general uniform and nodded obediently.

"Boss Niu, congratulations on getting rich!"

"Oh, Mr. Qin is here, please, please, please come to the box inside." When the boss Niu Er saw Luo Yao, the smile on his face blossomed into a flower.

"Brother You Ning, are you a regular customer?" Wang Jinglu asked in surprise. He had never been to such a small restaurant.

"Well, this fish shop does a good job. I have time to come over for a toothpaste." Luo Yao explained with a smile, "But the boss doesn't know who I am, but he knows that I am from the military command."

"Is the food in this small restaurant delicious?"

"Wangtai, you will know after you taste it. The owner of this restaurant is very good at craftsmanship and very hygienic. Look, the table and tableware were scalded with boiling water before they were served. You haven't seen this in big hotels. Have you passed?" Luo Yao said.

"That's true. This small shop looks neat and clean." Wang Jinglu looked around at the box. As Luo Yao said, it was very clean. They didn't notify it in advance. It has obviously always been like this.

"There are two of us. You can cook us a fish and boil a pot of rice wine. You can arrange the rest of the dishes." Luo Yao ordered and then asked Wang Jinglu, "Wang Tai, what are your taboos?" Of?"

"No, I don't have any taboos." Wang Jinglu shook his head.

A plate of peanuts, a plate of beef with soy sauce, and two other small cold dishes. The cooked rice wine was served first.

The fish is freshly killed and it takes time to prepare it, but the guests can't just wait, so they have to get some side dishes to eat and drink first!

"Come, Wangtai, I'll give you a drink!"


"Well, this wine is good, the taste is very good." Wang Jinglu drank a glass and said in surprise.

"Didn't I lie to you?"

"Brother, you are still amazing. You can find such a delicious restaurant." Wang Jinglu gave a thumbs up.

"The military commander is well-informed. It's not difficult to do something as trivial as eating and drinking. It's rare to catch a Japanese spy." Luo Yao chuckled, picked up a peanut with his chopsticks, threw it into his mouth, and started chewing.

"The Japanese spies are pervasive in the mountain city. Even our Military and Political Department cannot say that there are no Japanese spies in it. Now the confidentiality measures are strict enough, but news still leaks from time to time. Alas!" Speaking of this, Wang Jinglu was helpless. sighed.

"Japan's desire to destroy us is not dead. They are now unable to eat us in one bite, so they use political inducement to surrender. If they had the ability, they would never give us a chance to breathe. It can be seen from Konoe's three conversations. Their ambitions towards China are over, but some of us still imagine that we can exchange for peace with a moment of forbearance, which is basically ruining the cultural heritage of our country for thousands of years!" Luo Yaodao.

"My brother has a profound understanding. Unfortunately, many people don't think so. They only think about their own glory, wealth and power."

"Haha, if you don't have the ability, your wealth will be used as a wedding dress for others in an instant. Fools understand this. What others give you can take it back at any time. Only what you earn by yourself is your own. , at least when others want to take it away, you still have the ability to fight to the death!" Luo Yaodao said, "Otherwise, you are just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered."

"My brother has seen clearly. You gave those two people a heavy blow in today's coordination meeting. If they want to join forces to bully you again, they will have to think carefully." Wang Jinglu laughed.

"Although the merger is not what I want, it is the general trend. I personally cannot stop it, but it is impossible for everyone to slaughter me."

"Brother is right, we don't bully others, but we can't let others bully us either. Don't worry, brother, I support you!"

"Thank you Wangtai!"

"You're welcome. Brother, the pressure is much greater than mine now. I don't know what your boss Dai will do to you when you go back. Have you thought about what to say?"

"What else can I say? To be honest, Mr. Dai doesn't want those of us who have made great contributions to military unification to be bullied, right?"

"That's true. Boss Dai is a well-known protector of shortcomings. He will definitely not let you suffer." Wang Jinglu chuckled.

"The fish is here, please use it slowly!" The boss Niu Er personally walked in from the outside carrying the prepared fish.

"It smells so good. You can tell it's delicious just by smelling it..." Wang Jinglu praised it when he smelled the fragrance.

"Wangtai please!"

"Okay." Wang Jinglu couldn't wait to pick up a piece of fish fillet and put it into his mouth. He felt it slipping in his mouth and it went down his throat before he noticed the taste.

Fresh, tender and smooth!

"Brother, the introduction was correct. This fish is really delicious." After Wang Jinglu ate it, he was full of praise.

After having lunch with Wang Jinglu and finalizing the details of the in-depth cooperation between the two companies, Luo Yao drove to the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau No. 19 in Luojiawan.

He originally wanted to report to Dai Yunong on the situation of the coordination meeting, but Mao Qiwu told him that Dai Yunong was called by Lin Weiwen.

Lin Weiwen is the official director of the Military Command Bureau. He invited Dai Yunong to come over. How could Dai Yunong refuse to go?

Luo Yao waited for half an hour and saw no sign of Dai Yunong coming back. He told Mao Qiwu about the situation of the coordination meeting and asked him to report it on his behalf. Anyway, it was estimated that Lin Weiwen would also tell Dai Yunong.

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and Luo Yao could only drive back first. If he didn't go back, if he returned to the code interpretation room, he would be done with work for the day.

In fact, as soon as Luo Yao left, Dai Yunong's special car returned to Luojiawan No. 19. It was just a few minutes away, and the two of them missed each other so perfectly.

"Mr. Dai, Luo Youning just left..." Mao Qiwu reported.

"This brat has become more capable. He actually quarreled with Dr. Wen at the coordination meeting. Now Dr. Wen has a lung disease and is admitted to the hospital!" Dai Yunong cursed, but he could not suppress the smile on his lips.

"Mr. Dai, is it serious?"

"It seems to be quite serious, but he probably won't die." Dai Yunong snorted, "Prepare a gift and let me take a look at the hospital this afternoon."


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