The secret war is silent

Chapter 59 River God Special Group

"I asked you to graduate early and confer the title because you have an important task to complete." After the conferment, Yu Jie kept the five of them.

"You are all among the best students in the temporary training class. I hope you will unite sincerely in your future work and battles and make repeated military exploits for the party and the country!"

"Teacher Xie (Deputy Director Yu)." The five people said in unison.

Yu Jie nodded: "I will leave time for you now. In the evening, I will treat you to dinner at Deyue Tower and practice it for you."


"Lao Luo, are we graduating now?" Liu Jinbao couldn't believe it. He was in the third team, belonging to the operations department. The day before yesterday, their squadron leader came to him and said that he had a mission and he might have to graduate early.

He never thought that this matter would be related to Luo Yao.

It's a good thing to be able to graduate early. The special training base has too many rules and is too unfree. Basically, everything that can be taught is taught, and the rest is practical experience. Many people want to leave earlier.

However, the special training base is not something you can leave just because you want to. Graduation assignments must follow the arrangements made above.

And if you fail to meet the graduation standards, you may be repeated. This is not a joke. If you really want to be a repeater, it will become a joke.

Fortunately, Liu Jinbao's grades were pretty good. Although he had partial subjects, he was able to pass the test. He was still several months away from his official graduation.

It's absolutely no problem to survive until you graduate, and you can even become an outstanding graduate.

But now that he can graduate early, it doesn't matter whether he is an excellent graduate or not. He is much better than many others. At least his starting point is much higher than others.

Gong Hui is much calmer. She has decided that she will follow Luo Yao from now on and no one can stop her.

Yan Ming and Xiao Dongbei were very excited. They were both members of Luo Yao's team. After receiving Luo Yao's notice, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep well for two nights.

Of course, everyone else in the team is envious, but it is the captain's right to choose people. Luo Yao wants whoever he wants. Who will let others fall under the captain's radar?

This is the consensus of the second team to follow the Luo team and not suffer a loss.

"Gong Hui knows something about our mission this time. We are going to Jiangcheng to capture a group of espionage teams who are lurking in Jiangcheng and stealing our intelligence." Luo Yao formally introduced, "This espionage team has been around for at least three years. , what does this mean?”

"It shows that little Japan has long coveted China!"

"Xiao Dongbei is right. Little Japan's ambition for our country is by no means a matter of a day or two. They have been planning for this for many years. They have sent countless such spy teams on our land, and our mission is, Discover one, eliminate the other, and make sure they never come back!" Luo Yao said seriously, "Do you understand?"


"I have another hope, that is, if the five of us go, all five of us will be fine, and no one will be missing. Therefore, I would like to remind everyone that when doing things and actions, you must obey orders, you must think carefully before doing things, and you must not act recklessly and impulsively."

"Brother Yao, we listen to you." Yan Ming had long since fallen in love with Luo Yao. If it weren't for Luo Yao, he would have died long ago.

"There are five of us, each of us has his or her own specialties, so the division of labor in the group is also different." Luo Yao continued, "I will not be as modest as everyone else about the position of team leader. I will be the deputy. I think Lao Liu is more suitable as the team leader."

Liu Jinbao was surprised. He had never thought that he would be the deputy team leader and thought that this position belonged to Gong Hui. "

"Old Liu used to be a member of the Special Agent Brigade of Xiakou Police Station and is familiar with the local situation in Jiangcheng. He serves as the deputy team leader to facilitate our work in Jiangcheng." Luo Yao explained.

"I'm just a local coward, and I'm far inferior to Gong Hui in terms of ability. Should I let Gong Hui be the deputy team leader?" Liu Jinbao declined modestly.

"If you are asked to be the leader, you will be the deputy leader. There is no need to push him around." Gong Hui glanced at Liu Jinbao. She was really not interested in such a false reputation.

The key is that if Luo Yao is the team leader, anything will be fine, but that may not be the case for others.

"The superiors have approved our funding of 500 yuan. I will give the money to Gong Hui for safekeeping. All future expenses will come from here. If you want to use the money, you can also apply directly to Gong Hui. As for your division of labor, we will wait. Let’s talk about it when we get to Jiangcheng.” Luo Yao ended his speech, “Does anyone want to add something or ask a question?”

"Brother Yao, do we each have to have a codename?" Xiao Dongbei asked.

"Xiao Dongbei has a good suggestion." Liu Jinbao agreed, "Lao Luo, we are operating in Jiangcheng. Although we are in our own territory, we still need to hide our identities to avoid being exposed to spies and suffering retaliation in the future. .”

"Not only do we need a code name, we also need a pseudonym. The code name can ensure that our communication is intercepted by the other party in time, and it is not easy to know our true identity. The pseudonym is a means for us to cover and protect ourselves during our activities. These The instructors have all taught this in the secret agent knowledge class." Gong Hui nodded.

"Then when we were in class, didn't the instructor let us all have a code name?" Yan Ming said, "Can't we just use that code name?"

"No, the code name given in class is too arbitrary, and many people know that it must not be used again." Luo Yao rejected it directly, "I have to think of a different one that can represent myself. As our group in the future, contact code, and from now on we will try not to call each other by our real names, but by pseudonyms or code names."

"I agree." Gong Hui said directly.

"I've liked catching loaches in mud ponds since I was a child. My codename is Loach," Liu Jinbao said.

"Loach, Deputy Liu, your code name is so tacky." Yan Ming chuckled, "I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and my family has a family tradition of branch wrapping, so why not just call me Zhe Mei?"

"It's so poetic to fold plum blossoms, but it sounds like a woman." Liu Jinbao returned it not to be outdone.

"I think your skin is darker, why not just call her briquettes?" Gong Hui suggested.

When Yan Ming heard this, he felt bad instantly. His skin was a little darker, but it was still far from the blackness of "briquettes".

If this were codenamed "Coal Balls", other students would probably find out and laugh to death.

"The briquettes are very good, very good..." Liu Jinbao covered his mouth and laughed out loud.

Even Luo Yao wanted to laugh when he heard this code name. He believed that Gong Hui never meant to "insult" Yan Ming. The code name was not only easy to remember, but also meant to make it unpredictable for the opponent.

Yan Ming is a bit dark, but calling him "briquettes" is a bit too much: "The coal briquettes don't sound very nice, why not call them cuttlefish?"


It’s not a black word yet.

Yan Ming was discouraged. Luo Yao, his respected commander and savior, had spoken. What else could he say? At least cuttlefish sounded much better than briquettes.

Later, he changed "cuttlefish" into wooden fish, which got rid of the word "black".

"Xiao Dongbei, what about you?" Yan Ming's code name was decided, and when it was Xiao Dongbei's turn, Luo Yao cast his gaze over and asked.

"Captain Luo, why don't you help me think of one?" Xiao Dongbei said shyly.

"I see that you are agile and as light as a swallow, so why not just call yourself a tabby cat."

"Hua Mao, this is a good name. I will call him Hua Mao." Xiao Dongbei was very happy. He likes small animals, kittens, puppies and so on. There are many wild cats and wild dogs near the special training base, and he often eats them. Feeding them the remaining food, he really couldn't bear to leave these little guys this time.

Only Gong Hui and Luo Yao themselves were left.

Luo Yao had actually thought of his own codename a long time ago, but as the team leader, he naturally had to wait for the last one to be announced.

"I have already thought of my code name." Gong Hui cleared her voice and said, "You all listen carefully, just call me Yasha from now on."



If you add another word in front, it won't be "domina". Doesn't this make people think a lot?

Caiyuanzi Luo Yao?

Except for Gong Hui, Liu Jinbao all looked at Luo Yao with strange eyes. Have you two agreed to open a mom-and-pop shop?

"Gong Hui, the word "Yaksha" is so inconsistent with your image. Although the Japanese will definitely be frightened when they hear it, if we call it ourselves, we really can't say it out loud." Luo Yao stretched out his hand and touched it. Nose, I thought for a moment in my mind, "I think how about changing the code name to Rakshasa?"

"It's not the same. Changing the soup does not change the medicine." Gong Hui said with disdain, but still agreed. "Rakshasa" at least has the word "Luo" in it, which is the same surname as Luo Yao.

As for Luo Yao, his code name is "River God".

What they went to Jiangcheng this time to arrest was a spy team codenamed "Kappa". Kappa is a water ghost, and he is the river god, and it is these water ghosts they are catching!

Generally, the names of action groups are named after the codename of the group leader.

This group also has a name: Heshen Special Operations Group.

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